Add the front-end of the page
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,11 +10,16 @@ RewriteRule ^ - [L]
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
# RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L,E=END:1]
# RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L,E=END:1]
# Redirection des fichiers static pour
# Redirection des fichiers static pour
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static%{REQUEST_URI} -f
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static%{REQUEST_URI} -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ static/$1 [L,E=END:1]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ static/$1 [L,E=END:1]
# Redirection des fichiers static pour fitness.sanchez-mathieu.test
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^fitness.sanchez-mathieu.test$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static%{REQUEST_URI} -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ static/$1 [L,E=END:1]
# RewriteRule ^haute-garonne/toulouse/installation-entretien-climatisation /haute-garonne/toulouse/climatisation.php [L]
# RewriteRule ^haute-garonne/toulouse/installation-entretien-climatisation /haute-garonne/toulouse/climatisation.php [L]
# Redirection de toutes les requêtes vers Index.php
# Redirection de toutes les requêtes vers Index.php
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ setlocale( LC_TIME, "fr_FR.UTF-8" );
error_reporting( E_ALL );
error_reporting( E_ALL );
require( 'src/Lib/functions.php' );
require( 'src/Lib/functions.php' );
require( 'src/config.php' );
require( 'src/Config.php' );
require 'src/Autoloader.php';
require 'src/Autoloader.php';
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if ( count( $pages ) > 1 && $pages[ count( $pages ) - 1 ] == '' ) {
if ( $pages[ 0 ] == 'api' && isset( $pages[ 1 ] ) && preg_match( '#^([a-z]+)$#', $pages[ 1 ], $api1 ) && isset( $pages[ 2 ] ) && preg_match( '#^([a-z-]+)$#', $pages[ 2 ], $api2 ) ) {
if ( $pages[ 0 ] == 'api' && isset( $pages[ 1 ] ) && preg_match( '#^([a-z]+)$#', $pages[ 1 ], $api1 ) && isset( $pages[ 2 ] ) && preg_match( '#^([a-z-]+)$#', $pages[ 2 ], $api2 ) ) {
new APIRouter( $api1[ 0 ], $api2[ 0 ] );
new APIRouter( $api1[ 0 ], $api2[ 0 ] );
} else if ( preg_match( '#^test\.dev$#', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) ) {
} else if ( preg_match( '#^fitness.sanchez-mathieu\.test$#', $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ] ) || preg_match( '#^fitness.sanchez-mathieu\.fr$#', $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ] ) ) {
new SiteRouter( $pages );
new SiteRouter( $pages );
} else {
} else {
new Error( 404 );
new Error( 404 );
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ class APIError extends Controller {
* @param string $publicMessage
* @param string $publicMessage
* @param string $code
* @param string $code
public function __construct( int $ErrCode = 500, string $devMessage = 'Erreur inconnue', string $publicMessage = 'Une erreur inconnue s\'est produite', string $code = '' ) {
public function __construct( int $ErrCode = 500, string $devMessage = 'Erreur inconnue',
string $publicMessage = 'Une erreur inconnue s\'est produite', string $code = '' ) {
$tabCode = [
$tabCode = [
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ class Config {
const SITE_JS_VERSION = '1.00';
const SITE_JS_VERSION = '1.00';
const SITE_CSS_VERSION = '1.00';
const SITE_CSS_VERSION = '1.00';
const TITLE_HEADER = 'Mon titre de site';
const TITLE_HEADER = 'Fitness';
const DESCRIPTION_HEADER = 'Ma description pour les robots';
const DESCRIPTION_HEADER = 'Site for find all the fitness exercise you need';
const NAMESPACE = 'WebProjectFitness';
const NAMESPACE = 'WebProjectFitness';
const FAVICON_PATH = '/img/favicon.png';
const FAVICON_PATH = '/img/favicon.ico';
@ -964,6 +964,106 @@ class PHPMailer {
return $addresses;
return $addresses;
* Check that a string looks like an email address.
* @param string $address The email address to check
* @param string $patternselect A selector for the validation pattern to use :
* * `auto` Pick best pattern automatically;
* * `pcre8` Use the pattern, requires PCRE > 8.0, PHP >= 5.3.2, 5.2.14;
* * `pcre` Use old PCRE implementation;
* * `php` Use PHP built-in FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL;
* * `html5` Use the pattern given by the HTML5 spec for 'email' type form input elements.
* * `noregex` Don't use a regex: super fast, really dumb.
* @return boolean
* @static
* @access public
public static function validateAddress( $address, $patternselect = 'auto' ) {
//Reject line breaks in addresses; it's valid RFC5322, but not RFC5321
if ( strpos( $address, "\n" ) !== false or strpos( $address, "\r" ) !== false ) {
return false;
if ( !$patternselect or $patternselect == 'auto' ) {
//Check this constant first so it works when extension_loaded() is disabled by safe mode
//Constant was added in PHP 5.2.4
if ( defined( 'PCRE_VERSION' ) ) {
//This pattern can get stuck in a recursive loop in PCRE <= 8.0.2
if ( version_compare( PCRE_VERSION, '8.0.3' ) >= 0 ) {
$patternselect = 'pcre8';
} else {
$patternselect = 'pcre';
} elseif ( function_exists( 'extension_loaded' ) and extension_loaded( 'pcre' ) ) {
//Fall back to older PCRE
$patternselect = 'pcre';
} else {
//Filter_var appeared in PHP 5.2.0 and does not require the PCRE extension
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0' ) >= 0 ) {
$patternselect = 'php';
} else {
$patternselect = 'noregex';
switch ( $patternselect ) {
case 'pcre8':
* Uses the same RFC5322 regex on which FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL is based, but allows dotless domains.
* @link
* @copyright 2009-2010 Michael Rushton
* Feel free to use and redistribute this code. But please keep this copyright notice.
return (boolean)preg_match(
'/^(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){255,})(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){65,}@)' .
'((?>(?>(?>((?>(?>(?>\x0D\x0A)?[\t ])+|(?>[\t ]*\x0D\x0A)?[\t ]+)?)(\((?>(?2)' .
'(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\'*-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\x7F]|(?3)))*(?2)\)))+(?2))|(?2))?)' .
'([!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?2)(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\x7F]))*' .
'(?2)")(?>(?1)\.(?1)(?4))*(?1)@(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?>([a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)' .
'(?>(?1)\.(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?5)){0,126}|\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>([a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:(?6)){7}' .
'|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\]]){8,})((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,6})?::(?7)?))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>(?6)(?>:(?6)){5}:' .
'|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){6,})(?8)?::(?>((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,4}):)?))?(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}' .
case 'pcre':
//An older regex that doesn't need a recent PCRE
return (boolean)preg_match(
'/^(?!(?>"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?){255,})(?!(?>"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?){65,}@)(?>' .
'[!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\xFF]))*")' .
'(?>\.(?>[!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\xFF]))*"))*' .
'@(?>(?![a-z0-9-]{64,})(?>[a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)(?>\.(?![a-z0-9-]{64,})' .
'(?>[a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)){0,126}|\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:' .
'[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7}|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\]]){8,})(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,6})?' .
'::(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,6})?))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:' .
'[a-f0-9]{1,4}){5}:|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){6,})(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,4})?' .
'::(?>(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,4}):)?))?(?>25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}' .
case 'html5':
* This is the pattern used in the HTML5 spec for validation of 'email' type form input elements.
* @link
return (boolean)preg_match(
'/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}' .
case 'noregex':
//No PCRE! Do something _very_ approximate!
//Check the address is 3 chars or longer and contains an @ that's not the first or last char
return ( strlen( $address ) >= 3
and strpos( $address, '@' ) >= 1
and strpos( $address, '@' ) != strlen( $address ) - 1 );
case 'php':
return (boolean)filter_var( $address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL );
* Set the From and FromName properties.
* Set the From and FromName properties.
@ -1536,6 +1636,176 @@ class PHPMailer {
* Word-wrap message.
* For use with mailers that do not automatically perform wrapping
* and for quoted-printable encoded messages.
* Original written by philippe.
* @param string $message The message to wrap
* @param integer $length The line length to wrap to
* @param boolean $qp_mode Whether to run in Quoted-Printable mode
* @access public
* @return string
public function wrapText( $message, $length, $qp_mode = false ) {
if ( $qp_mode ) {
$soft_break = sprintf( ' =%s', $this->LE );
} else {
$soft_break = $this->LE;
// If utf-8 encoding is used, we will need to make sure we don't
// split multibyte characters when we wrap
$is_utf8 = ( strtolower( $this->CharSet ) == 'utf-8' );
$lelen = strlen( $this->LE );
$crlflen = strlen( self::CRLF );
$message = $this->fixEOL( $message );
//Remove a trailing line break
if ( substr( $message, -$lelen ) == $this->LE ) {
$message = substr( $message, 0, -$lelen );
//Split message into lines
$lines = explode( $this->LE, $message );
//Message will be rebuilt in here
$message = '';
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
$words = explode( ' ', $line );
$buf = '';
$firstword = true;
foreach ( $words as $word ) {
if ( $qp_mode and ( strlen( $word ) > $length ) ) {
$space_left = $length - strlen( $buf ) - $crlflen;
if ( !$firstword ) {
if ( $space_left > 20 ) {
$len = $space_left;
if ( $is_utf8 ) {
$len = $this->utf8CharBoundary( $word, $len );
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 1, 1 ) == '=' ) {
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 2, 1 ) == '=' ) {
$len -= 2;
$part = substr( $word, 0, $len );
$word = substr( $word, $len );
$buf .= ' ' . $part;
$message .= $buf . sprintf( '=%s', self::CRLF );
} else {
$message .= $buf . $soft_break;
$buf = '';
while ( strlen( $word ) > 0 ) {
if ( $length <= 0 ) {
$len = $length;
if ( $is_utf8 ) {
$len = $this->utf8CharBoundary( $word, $len );
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 1, 1 ) == '=' ) {
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 2, 1 ) == '=' ) {
$len -= 2;
$part = substr( $word, 0, $len );
$word = substr( $word, $len );
if ( strlen( $word ) > 0 ) {
$message .= $part . sprintf( '=%s', self::CRLF );
} else {
$buf = $part;
} else {
$buf_o = $buf;
if ( !$firstword ) {
$buf .= ' ';
$buf .= $word;
if ( strlen( $buf ) > $length and $buf_o != '' ) {
$message .= $buf_o . $soft_break;
$buf = $word;
$firstword = false;
$message .= $buf . self::CRLF;
return $message;
* Ensure consistent line endings in a string.
* Changes every end of line from CRLF, CR or LF to $this->LE.
* @access public
* @param string $str String to fixEOL
* @return string
public function fixEOL( $str ) {
// Normalise to \n
$nstr = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $str );
// Now convert LE as needed
if ( $this->LE !== "\n" ) {
$nstr = str_replace( "\n", $this->LE, $nstr );
return $nstr;
* Find the last character boundary prior to $maxLength in a utf-8
* quoted-printable encoded string.
* Original written by Colin Brown.
* @access public
* @param string $encodedText utf-8 QP text
* @param integer $maxLength Find the last character boundary prior to this length
* @return integer
public function utf8CharBoundary( $encodedText, $maxLength ) {
$foundSplitPos = false;
$lookBack = 3;
while ( !$foundSplitPos ) {
$lastChunk = substr( $encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack, $lookBack );
$encodedCharPos = strpos( $lastChunk, '=' );
if ( false !== $encodedCharPos ) {
// Found start of encoded character byte within $lookBack block.
// Check the encoded byte value (the 2 chars after the '=')
$hex = substr( $encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack + $encodedCharPos + 1, 2 );
$dec = hexdec( $hex );
if ( $dec < 128 ) {
// Single byte character.
// If the encoded char was found at pos 0, it will fit
// otherwise reduce maxLength to start of the encoded char
if ( $encodedCharPos > 0 ) {
$maxLength = $maxLength - ( $lookBack - $encodedCharPos );
$foundSplitPos = true;
} elseif ( $dec >= 192 ) {
// First byte of a multi byte character
// Reduce maxLength to split at start of character
$maxLength = $maxLength - ( $lookBack - $encodedCharPos );
$foundSplitPos = true;
} elseif ( $dec < 192 ) {
// Middle byte of a multi byte character, look further back
$lookBack += 3;
} else {
// No encoded character found
$foundSplitPos = true;
return $maxLength;
* Detect if a string contains a line longer than the maximum line length allowed.
* Detect if a string contains a line longer than the maximum line length allowed.
@ -1772,6 +2042,196 @@ class PHPMailer {
return implode( '', $mime );
return implode( '', $mime );
* Encode a header string optimally.
* Picks shortest of Q, B, quoted-printable or none.
* @access public
* @param string $str
* @param string $position
* @return string
public function encodeHeader( $str, $position = 'text' ) {
$matchcount = 0;
switch ( strtolower( $position ) ) {
case 'phrase':
if ( !preg_match( '/[\200-\377]/', $str ) ) {
// Can't use addslashes as we don't know the value of magic_quotes_sybase
$encoded = addcslashes( $str, "\0..\37\177\\\"" );
if ( ( $str == $encoded ) && !preg_match( '/[^A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~ -]/', $str ) ) {
return ( $encoded );
} else {
return ( "\"$encoded\"" );
$matchcount = preg_match_all( '/[^\040\041\043-\133\135-\176]/', $str, $matches );
/** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
case 'comment':
$matchcount = preg_match_all( '/[()"]/', $str, $matches );
// Intentional fall-through
case 'text':
$matchcount += preg_match_all( '/[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\177-\377]/', $str, $matches );
//There are no chars that need encoding
if ( $matchcount == 0 ) {
return ( $str );
$maxlen = 75 - 7 - strlen( $this->CharSet );
// Try to select the encoding which should produce the shortest output
if ( $matchcount > strlen( $str ) / 3 ) {
// More than a third of the content will need encoding, so B encoding will be most efficient
$encoding = 'B';
if ( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) && $this->hasMultiBytes( $str ) ) {
// Use a custom function which correctly encodes and wraps long
// multibyte strings without breaking lines within a character
$encoded = $this->base64EncodeWrapMB( $str, "\n" );
} else {
$encoded = base64_encode( $str );
$maxlen -= $maxlen % 4;
$encoded = trim( chunk_split( $encoded, $maxlen, "\n" ) );
} else {
$encoding = 'Q';
$encoded = $this->encodeQ( $str, $position );
$encoded = $this->wrapText( $encoded, $maxlen, true );
$encoded = str_replace( '=' . self::CRLF, "\n", trim( $encoded ) );
$encoded = preg_replace( '/^(.*)$/m', ' =?' . $this->CharSet . "?$encoding?\\1?=", $encoded );
$encoded = trim( str_replace( "\n", $this->LE, $encoded ) );
return $encoded;
* Check if a string contains multi-byte characters.
* @access public
* @param string $str multi-byte text to wrap encode
* @return boolean
public function hasMultiBytes( $str ) {
if ( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) ) {
return ( strlen( $str ) > mb_strlen( $str, $this->CharSet ) );
} else { // Assume no multibytes (we can't handle without mbstring functions anyway)
return false;
* Encode and wrap long multibyte strings for mail headers
* without breaking lines within a character.
* Adapted from a function by paravoid
* @link
* @access public
* @param string $str multi-byte text to wrap encode
* @param string $linebreak string to use as linefeed/end-of-line
* @return string
public function base64EncodeWrapMB( $str, $linebreak = null ) {
$start = '=?' . $this->CharSet . '?B?';
$end = '?=';
$encoded = '';
if ( $linebreak === null ) {
$linebreak = $this->LE;
$mb_length = mb_strlen( $str, $this->CharSet );
// Each line must have length <= 75, including $start and $end
$length = 75 - strlen( $start ) - strlen( $end );
// Average multi-byte ratio
$ratio = $mb_length / strlen( $str );
// Base64 has a 4:3 ratio
$avgLength = floor( $length * $ratio * .75 );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $mb_length; $i += $offset ) {
$lookBack = 0;
do {
$offset = $avgLength - $lookBack;
$chunk = mb_substr( $str, $i, $offset, $this->CharSet );
$chunk = base64_encode( $chunk );
} while ( strlen( $chunk ) > $length );
$encoded .= $chunk . $linebreak;
// Chomp the last linefeed
$encoded = substr( $encoded, 0, -strlen( $linebreak ) );
return $encoded;
* Encode a string using Q encoding.
* @link
* @param string $str the text to encode
* @param string $position Where the text is going to be used, see the RFC for what that means
* @access public
* @return string
public function encodeQ( $str, $position = 'text' ) {
// There should not be any EOL in the string
$pattern = '';
$encoded = str_replace( array( "\r", "\n" ), '', $str );
switch ( strtolower( $position ) ) {
case 'phrase':
// RFC 2047 section 5.3
$pattern = '^A-Za-z0-9!*+\/ -';
/** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
case 'comment':
// RFC 2047 section 5.2
$pattern = '\(\)"';
// intentional fall-through
// for this reason we build the $pattern without including delimiters and []
case 'text':
// RFC 2047 section 5.1
// Replace every high ascii, control, =, ? and _ characters
$pattern = '\000-\011\013\014\016-\037\075\077\137\177-\377' . $pattern;
$matches = array();
if ( preg_match_all( "/[{$pattern}]/", $encoded, $matches ) ) {
// If the string contains an '=', make sure it's the first thing we replace
// so as to avoid double-encoding
$eqkey = array_search( '=', $matches[ 0 ] );
if ( false !== $eqkey ) {
unset( $matches[ 0 ][ $eqkey ] );
array_unshift( $matches[ 0 ], '=' );
foreach ( array_unique( $matches[ 0 ] ) as $char ) {
$encoded = str_replace( $char, '=' . sprintf( '%02X', ord( $char ) ), $encoded );
// Replace every spaces to _ (more readable than =20)
return str_replace( ' ', '_', $encoded );
* Strip newlines to prevent header injection.
* @access public
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function secureHeader( $str ) {
return trim( str_replace( array( "\r", "\n" ), '', $str ) );
* Check if an error occurred.
* Check if an error occurred.
* @access public
* @access public
@ -2595,366 +3055,6 @@ class PHPMailer {
return $result;
return $result;
* Strip newlines to prevent header injection.
* @access public
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function secureHeader( $str ) {
return trim( str_replace( array( "\r", "\n" ), '', $str ) );
* Encode a header string optimally.
* Picks shortest of Q, B, quoted-printable or none.
* @access public
* @param string $str
* @param string $position
* @return string
public function encodeHeader( $str, $position = 'text' ) {
$matchcount = 0;
switch ( strtolower( $position ) ) {
case 'phrase':
if ( ! preg_match( '/[\200-\377]/', $str ) ) {
// Can't use addslashes as we don't know the value of magic_quotes_sybase
$encoded = addcslashes( $str, "\0..\37\177\\\"" );
if ( ( $str == $encoded ) && ! preg_match( '/[^A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~ -]/', $str ) ) {
return ( $encoded );
} else {
return ( "\"$encoded\"" );
$matchcount = preg_match_all( '/[^\040\041\043-\133\135-\176]/', $str, $matches );
/** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
case 'comment':
$matchcount = preg_match_all( '/[()"]/', $str, $matches );
// Intentional fall-through
case 'text':
$matchcount += preg_match_all( '/[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\177-\377]/', $str, $matches );
//There are no chars that need encoding
if ( $matchcount == 0 ) {
return ( $str );
$maxlen = 75 - 7 - strlen( $this->CharSet );
// Try to select the encoding which should produce the shortest output
if ( $matchcount > strlen( $str ) / 3 ) {
// More than a third of the content will need encoding, so B encoding will be most efficient
$encoding = 'B';
if ( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) && $this->hasMultiBytes( $str ) ) {
// Use a custom function which correctly encodes and wraps long
// multibyte strings without breaking lines within a character
$encoded = $this->base64EncodeWrapMB( $str, "\n" );
} else {
$encoded = base64_encode( $str );
$maxlen -= $maxlen % 4;
$encoded = trim( chunk_split( $encoded, $maxlen, "\n" ) );
} else {
$encoding = 'Q';
$encoded = $this->encodeQ( $str, $position );
$encoded = $this->wrapText( $encoded, $maxlen, true );
$encoded = str_replace( '=' . self::CRLF, "\n", trim( $encoded ) );
$encoded = preg_replace( '/^(.*)$/m', ' =?' . $this->CharSet . "?$encoding?\\1?=", $encoded );
$encoded = trim( str_replace( "\n", $this->LE, $encoded ) );
return $encoded;
* Check if a string contains multi-byte characters.
* @access public
* @param string $str multi-byte text to wrap encode
* @return boolean
public function hasMultiBytes( $str ) {
if ( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) ) {
return ( strlen( $str ) > mb_strlen( $str, $this->CharSet ) );
} else { // Assume no multibytes (we can't handle without mbstring functions anyway)
return false;
* Encode and wrap long multibyte strings for mail headers
* without breaking lines within a character.
* Adapted from a function by paravoid
* @link
* @access public
* @param string $str multi-byte text to wrap encode
* @param string $linebreak string to use as linefeed/end-of-line
* @return string
public function base64EncodeWrapMB( $str, $linebreak = null ) {
$start = '=?' . $this->CharSet . '?B?';
$end = '?=';
$encoded = '';
if ( $linebreak === null ) {
$linebreak = $this->LE;
$mb_length = mb_strlen( $str, $this->CharSet );
// Each line must have length <= 75, including $start and $end
$length = 75 - strlen( $start ) - strlen( $end );
// Average multi-byte ratio
$ratio = $mb_length / strlen( $str );
// Base64 has a 4:3 ratio
$avgLength = floor( $length * $ratio * .75 );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $mb_length; $i += $offset ) {
$lookBack = 0;
do {
$offset = $avgLength - $lookBack;
$chunk = mb_substr( $str, $i, $offset, $this->CharSet );
$chunk = base64_encode( $chunk );
$lookBack ++;
} while ( strlen( $chunk ) > $length );
$encoded .= $chunk . $linebreak;
// Chomp the last linefeed
$encoded = substr( $encoded, 0, - strlen( $linebreak ) );
return $encoded;
* Encode a string using Q encoding.
* @link
* @param string $str the text to encode
* @param string $position Where the text is going to be used, see the RFC for what that means
* @access public
* @return string
public function encodeQ( $str, $position = 'text' ) {
// There should not be any EOL in the string
$pattern = '';
$encoded = str_replace( array( "\r", "\n" ), '', $str );
switch ( strtolower( $position ) ) {
case 'phrase':
// RFC 2047 section 5.3
$pattern = '^A-Za-z0-9!*+\/ -';
/** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
case 'comment':
// RFC 2047 section 5.2
$pattern = '\(\)"';
// intentional fall-through
// for this reason we build the $pattern without including delimiters and []
case 'text':
// RFC 2047 section 5.1
// Replace every high ascii, control, =, ? and _ characters
$pattern = '\000-\011\013\014\016-\037\075\077\137\177-\377' . $pattern;
$matches = array();
if ( preg_match_all( "/[{$pattern}]/", $encoded, $matches ) ) {
// If the string contains an '=', make sure it's the first thing we replace
// so as to avoid double-encoding
$eqkey = array_search( '=', $matches[0] );
if ( false !== $eqkey ) {
unset( $matches[0][ $eqkey ] );
array_unshift( $matches[0], '=' );
foreach ( array_unique( $matches[0] ) as $char ) {
$encoded = str_replace( $char, '=' . sprintf( '%02X', ord( $char ) ), $encoded );
// Replace every spaces to _ (more readable than =20)
return str_replace( ' ', '_', $encoded );
* Word-wrap message.
* For use with mailers that do not automatically perform wrapping
* and for quoted-printable encoded messages.
* Original written by philippe.
* @param string $message The message to wrap
* @param integer $length The line length to wrap to
* @param boolean $qp_mode Whether to run in Quoted-Printable mode
* @access public
* @return string
public function wrapText( $message, $length, $qp_mode = false ) {
if ( $qp_mode ) {
$soft_break = sprintf( ' =%s', $this->LE );
} else {
$soft_break = $this->LE;
// If utf-8 encoding is used, we will need to make sure we don't
// split multibyte characters when we wrap
$is_utf8 = ( strtolower( $this->CharSet ) == 'utf-8' );
$lelen = strlen( $this->LE );
$crlflen = strlen( self::CRLF );
$message = $this->fixEOL( $message );
//Remove a trailing line break
if ( substr( $message, - $lelen ) == $this->LE ) {
$message = substr( $message, 0, - $lelen );
//Split message into lines
$lines = explode( $this->LE, $message );
//Message will be rebuilt in here
$message = '';
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
$words = explode( ' ', $line );
$buf = '';
$firstword = true;
foreach ( $words as $word ) {
if ( $qp_mode and ( strlen( $word ) > $length ) ) {
$space_left = $length - strlen( $buf ) - $crlflen;
if ( ! $firstword ) {
if ( $space_left > 20 ) {
$len = $space_left;
if ( $is_utf8 ) {
$len = $this->utf8CharBoundary( $word, $len );
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 1, 1 ) == '=' ) {
$len --;
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 2, 1 ) == '=' ) {
$len -= 2;
$part = substr( $word, 0, $len );
$word = substr( $word, $len );
$buf .= ' ' . $part;
$message .= $buf . sprintf( '=%s', self::CRLF );
} else {
$message .= $buf . $soft_break;
$buf = '';
while ( strlen( $word ) > 0 ) {
if ( $length <= 0 ) {
$len = $length;
if ( $is_utf8 ) {
$len = $this->utf8CharBoundary( $word, $len );
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 1, 1 ) == '=' ) {
$len --;
} elseif ( substr( $word, $len - 2, 1 ) == '=' ) {
$len -= 2;
$part = substr( $word, 0, $len );
$word = substr( $word, $len );
if ( strlen( $word ) > 0 ) {
$message .= $part . sprintf( '=%s', self::CRLF );
} else {
$buf = $part;
} else {
$buf_o = $buf;
if ( ! $firstword ) {
$buf .= ' ';
$buf .= $word;
if ( strlen( $buf ) > $length and $buf_o != '' ) {
$message .= $buf_o . $soft_break;
$buf = $word;
$firstword = false;
$message .= $buf . self::CRLF;
return $message;
* Ensure consistent line endings in a string.
* Changes every end of line from CRLF, CR or LF to $this->LE.
* @access public
* @param string $str String to fixEOL
* @return string
public function fixEOL( $str ) {
// Normalise to \n
$nstr = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $str );
// Now convert LE as needed
if ( $this->LE !== "\n" ) {
$nstr = str_replace( "\n", $this->LE, $nstr );
return $nstr;
* Find the last character boundary prior to $maxLength in a utf-8
* quoted-printable encoded string.
* Original written by Colin Brown.
* @access public
* @param string $encodedText utf-8 QP text
* @param integer $maxLength Find the last character boundary prior to this length
* @return integer
public function utf8CharBoundary( $encodedText, $maxLength ) {
$foundSplitPos = false;
$lookBack = 3;
while ( ! $foundSplitPos ) {
$lastChunk = substr( $encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack, $lookBack );
$encodedCharPos = strpos( $lastChunk, '=' );
if ( false !== $encodedCharPos ) {
// Found start of encoded character byte within $lookBack block.
// Check the encoded byte value (the 2 chars after the '=')
$hex = substr( $encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack + $encodedCharPos + 1, 2 );
$dec = hexdec( $hex );
if ( $dec < 128 ) {
// Single byte character.
// If the encoded char was found at pos 0, it will fit
// otherwise reduce maxLength to start of the encoded char
if ( $encodedCharPos > 0 ) {
$maxLength = $maxLength - ( $lookBack - $encodedCharPos );
$foundSplitPos = true;
} elseif ( $dec >= 192 ) {
// First byte of a multi byte character
// Reduce maxLength to split at start of character
$maxLength = $maxLength - ( $lookBack - $encodedCharPos );
$foundSplitPos = true;
} elseif ( $dec < 192 ) {
// Middle byte of a multi byte character, look further back
$lookBack += 3;
} else {
// No encoded character found
$foundSplitPos = true;
return $maxLength;
* Get the array of strings for the current language.
* Get the array of strings for the current language.
* @return array
* @return array
@ -3537,7 +3637,8 @@ class PHPMailer {
* @return boolean True on successfully adding an attachment
* @return boolean True on successfully adding an attachment
public function addEmbeddedImage( $path, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = '', $disposition = 'inline' ) {
public function addEmbeddedImage( $path, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = '',
$disposition = 'inline' ) {
if ( !@is_file( $path ) ) {
if ( !@is_file( $path ) ) {
$this->setError( $this->lang( 'file_access' ) . $path );
$this->setError( $this->lang( 'file_access' ) . $path );
@ -3777,106 +3878,6 @@ class PHPMailer {
return false;
return false;
* Check that a string looks like an email address.
* @param string $address The email address to check
* @param string $patternselect A selector for the validation pattern to use :
* * `auto` Pick best pattern automatically;
* * `pcre8` Use the pattern, requires PCRE > 8.0, PHP >= 5.3.2, 5.2.14;
* * `pcre` Use old PCRE implementation;
* * `php` Use PHP built-in FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL;
* * `html5` Use the pattern given by the HTML5 spec for 'email' type form input elements.
* * `noregex` Don't use a regex: super fast, really dumb.
* @return boolean
* @static
* @access public
public static function validateAddress( $address, $patternselect = 'auto' ) {
//Reject line breaks in addresses; it's valid RFC5322, but not RFC5321
if ( strpos( $address, "\n" ) !== false or strpos( $address, "\r" ) !== false ) {
return false;
if ( ! $patternselect or $patternselect == 'auto' ) {
//Check this constant first so it works when extension_loaded() is disabled by safe mode
//Constant was added in PHP 5.2.4
if ( defined( 'PCRE_VERSION' ) ) {
//This pattern can get stuck in a recursive loop in PCRE <= 8.0.2
if ( version_compare( PCRE_VERSION, '8.0.3' ) >= 0 ) {
$patternselect = 'pcre8';
} else {
$patternselect = 'pcre';
} elseif ( function_exists( 'extension_loaded' ) and extension_loaded( 'pcre' ) ) {
//Fall back to older PCRE
$patternselect = 'pcre';
} else {
//Filter_var appeared in PHP 5.2.0 and does not require the PCRE extension
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0' ) >= 0 ) {
$patternselect = 'php';
} else {
$patternselect = 'noregex';
switch ( $patternselect ) {
case 'pcre8':
* Uses the same RFC5322 regex on which FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL is based, but allows dotless domains.
* @link
* @copyright 2009-2010 Michael Rushton
* Feel free to use and redistribute this code. But please keep this copyright notice.
return (boolean) preg_match(
'/^(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){255,})(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){65,}@)' .
'((?>(?>(?>((?>(?>(?>\x0D\x0A)?[\t ])+|(?>[\t ]*\x0D\x0A)?[\t ]+)?)(\((?>(?2)' .
'(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\'*-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\x7F]|(?3)))*(?2)\)))+(?2))|(?2))?)' .
'([!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?2)(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\x7F]))*' .
'(?2)")(?>(?1)\.(?1)(?4))*(?1)@(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?>([a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)' .
'(?>(?1)\.(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?5)){0,126}|\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>([a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:(?6)){7}' .
'|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\]]){8,})((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,6})?::(?7)?))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>(?6)(?>:(?6)){5}:' .
'|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){6,})(?8)?::(?>((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,4}):)?))?(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}' .
case 'pcre':
//An older regex that doesn't need a recent PCRE
return (boolean) preg_match(
'/^(?!(?>"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?){255,})(?!(?>"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?){65,}@)(?>' .
'[!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\xFF]))*")' .
'(?>\.(?>[!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\xFF]))*"))*' .
'@(?>(?![a-z0-9-]{64,})(?>[a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)(?>\.(?![a-z0-9-]{64,})' .
'(?>[a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)){0,126}|\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:' .
'[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7}|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\]]){8,})(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,6})?' .
'::(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,6})?))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:' .
'[a-f0-9]{1,4}){5}:|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){6,})(?>[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,4})?' .
'::(?>(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?>:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){0,4}):)?))?(?>25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}' .
case 'html5':
* This is the pattern used in the HTML5 spec for validation of 'email' type form input elements.
* @link
return (boolean) preg_match(
'/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}' .
case 'noregex':
//No PCRE! Do something _very_ approximate!
//Check the address is 3 chars or longer and contains an @ that's not the first or last char
return ( strlen( $address ) >= 3
and strpos( $address, '@' ) >= 1
and strpos( $address, '@' ) != strlen( $address ) - 1 );
case 'php':
return (boolean) filter_var( $address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL );
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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@ -6,10 +6,15 @@ use Exception;
use PDO;
use PDO;
class BDD {
class BDD {
const SQL_SERVER = ''; // BDD Server
// const SQL_SERVER = ''; // BDD Server
const SQL_LOGIN = 'why7n0_fitness'; // BDD Login
// const SQL_LOGIN = 'why7n0_fitness'; // BDD Login
const SQL_PASSWORD = 'KpB728zu'; // BDD Password
// const SQL_PASSWORD = 'KpB728zu'; // BDD Password
const SQL_DB = 'why7n0_fitness'; // BDD Name
// const SQL_DB = 'why7n0_fitness'; // BDD Name
const SQL_SERVER = 'localhost'; // BDD Server
const SQL_LOGIN = 'root'; // BDD Login
const SQL_PASSWORD = ''; // BDD Password
const SQL_DB = 'fitness'; // BDD Name
private static $bdd;
private static $bdd;
@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ class Logs {
* @param string|null $line
* @param string|null $line
* @param string|null $date
* @param string|null $date
public function __construct( int $id = null, string $level = null, string $message = null, string $file = null, string $line = null, string $date = null ) {
public function __construct( int $id = null, string $level = null, string $message = null, string $file = null,
string $line = null, string $date = null ) {
if ( $id === null ) {
if ( $id === null ) {
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ class Logs {
public static function getLastLogs( int $limit ) {
public static function getLastLogs( int $limit ) {
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( 'SELECT *
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( 'SELECT *
FROM ' . BDTables::LOGS . '
FROM ' . BDTables::LOGS . '
LIMIT :limit' );
LIMIT :limit' );
$req->bindValue( 'limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT );
$req->bindValue( 'limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT );
@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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Normal file
Normal file
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