Add a lot

This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Sanchez 2018-11-27 13:59:21 +09:00
parent d9e043c468
commit 561bfbf475
37 changed files with 8589 additions and 7952 deletions

View File

@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ RewriteRule ^ - [L]
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
# RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L,E=END:1]
# Redirection des fichiers static pour
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
# Redirection des fichiers static pour contact.sanchez-mathieu.test
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^contact.sanchez-mathieu.test
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static%{REQUEST_URI} -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ static/$1 [L,E=END:1]
# RewriteRule ^haute-garonne/toulouse/installation-entretien-climatisation /haute-garonne/toulouse/climatisation.php [L]
# Redirection des fichiers static pour
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static%{REQUEST_URI} -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ static/$1 [L,E=END:1]
# Redirection de toutes les requêtes vers Index.php
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L,E=END:1]

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if ( count( $pages ) > 1 && $pages[ count( $pages ) - 1 ] == '' ) {
if ( $pages[0] == 'api' && isset( $pages[1] ) && preg_match( '#^([a-z]+)$#', $pages[1], $api1 ) && isset( $pages[2] ) && preg_match( '#^([a-z-]+)$#', $pages[2], $api2 ) ) {
new APIRouter( $api1[0], $api2[0] );
} else if ( preg_match( '#^test\.dev$#', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) ) {
} else if ( preg_match( '#^contact.sanchez-mathieu\.test$#', $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ] ) || preg_match( '#^contact.sanchez-mathieu\.fr#', $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_NAME' ] ) ) {
new SiteRouter( $pages );
} else {
new Error( 404 );

View File

@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ use CAUProject3Contact\Controller\Controller;
class API extends Controller {
private $declaredFunctions = [];
private $declaredFunctions = [];
* API constructor.
* @param array $declaredFunctions
public function __construct( array $declaredFunctions ) {
$this->declaredFunctions = $declaredFunctions;
* API constructor.
* @param array $declaredFunctions
public function __construct( array $declaredFunctions ) {
$this->declaredFunctions = $declaredFunctions;
* @return array
public function getDeclaredFunctions() {
return $this->declaredFunctions;
* @return array
public function getDeclaredFunctions() {
return $this->declaredFunctions;

src/API/APIContact.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
namespace CAUProject3Contact\API;
use CAUProject3Contact\Model\Contact;
class APIContact extends API {
private $declaredFunctions = [
'insert' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'params' => [
'firstName' => [
'required' => true,
'type' => 'string'
'lastName' => [
'required' => true,
'type' => 'string'
'surname' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'email' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'address' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'phoneNumber' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'birthday' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'delete' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'params' => [
'id' => [
'required' => true,
'type' => 'int'
'get-contacts' => [
'method' => 'GET',
'params' => []
'update' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'params' => [
'id' => [
'required' => true,
'type' => 'int'
'firstName' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'lastName' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'surname' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'email' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'address' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'phoneNumber' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'birthday' => [
'required' => false,
'type' => 'string'
'search' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'params' => [
'query' => [
'required' => true,
'type' => 'string'
* APIContact constructor.
* @param array $declaredFunctions
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct( $this->declaredFunctions );
* @return array
public function getDeclaredFunctions() {
return $this->declaredFunctions;
public function insert( array $data ) {
$id = Contact::insertNewContact( $data[ "firstName" ], $data[ "lastName" ], $data[ "surname" ],
$data[ "email" ], $data[ "address" ], $data[ "phoneNumber" ], $data[ "birthday" ] );
$this->returnJson( json_encode( [
"status" => "success",
"data" => [
"id" => $id
] ) );
public function delete( array $data ) {
Contact::deleteContact( $data[ "id" ] );
public function getContacts() {
$this->returnJson( json_encode( [
"contacts" => Contact::getAllContact()
] ) );
public function update( array $data ) {
$contact = Contact::getById( $data[ "id" ] );
$newData = [];
if ( $data[ "firstName" ] !== null && $data[ "firstName" ] !== "" ) {
$newData[ "first_name" ] = $data[ "firstName" ];
if ( $data[ "lastName" ] !== null && $data[ "lastName" ] !== "" ) {
$newData[ "last_name" ] = $data[ "lastName" ];
if ( $data[ "surname" ] !== null && $data[ "surname" ] !== "" ) {
$newData[ "surname" ] = $data[ "surname" ];
if ( $data[ "email" ] !== null && $data[ "email" ] !== "" ) {
$newData[ "email" ] = $data[ "email" ];
if ( $data[ "address" ] !== null && $data[ "address" ] !== "" ) {
$newData[ "address" ] = $data[ "address" ];
if ( $data[ "phoneNumber" ] !== null && $data[ "phoneNumber" ] !== "" ) {
$newData[ "phone_number" ] = $data[ "phoneNumber" ];
if ( $data[ "birthday" ] !== null && $data[ "birthday" ] !== "" ) {
$newData[ "birthday" ] = date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( $data[ "birthday" ] ) );
$contact->updateContact( $newData );
$this->returnJson( json_encode( $contact ) );
public function search( array $data ) {
if ( count_chars( $data[ "query" ] ) >= 3 ) {
$result = Contact::search( $data[ "query" ] );
if ( $result !== null ) {
$this->returnJson( [
"status" => "success",
"code" => 200,
"result" => $result,
] );
} else {
$this->returnJson( [
"status" => "error",
"code" => 404,
"message" => "Nothing find",
] );
} else {
$this->returnJson( [
"status" => "error",
"code" => 400,
"message" => "Need at least 3 chars",
] );

View File

@ -6,87 +6,88 @@ use CAUProject3Contact\Controller\Controller;
class APIError extends Controller {
* APIError constructor.
* @param int $ErrCode
* @param string $devMessage
* @param string $publicMessage
* @param string $code
public function __construct( int $ErrCode = 500, string $devMessage = 'Erreur inconnue', string $publicMessage = 'Une erreur inconnue s\'est produite', string $code = '' ) {
* APIError constructor.
* @param int $ErrCode
* @param string $devMessage
* @param string $publicMessage
* @param string $code
public function __construct( int $ErrCode = 500, string $devMessage = 'Erreur inconnue',
string $publicMessage = 'Une erreur inconnue s\'est produite', string $code = '' ) {
$tabCode = [
//Informational 1xx
100 => [ 'label' => '100 Continue', 'msg' => '100 Continue' ],
101 => [ 'label' => '101 Switching Protocols', 'msg' => '101 Switching Protocols' ],
//Successful 2xx
200 => [ 'label' => '200 OK', 'msg' => '200 OK' ],
201 => [ 'label' => '201 Created', 'msg' => '201 Created' ],
202 => [ 'label' => '202 Accepted', 'msg' => '202 Accepted' ],
203 => [ 'label' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information', 'msg' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information' ],
204 => [ 'label' => '204 No Content', 'msg' => '204 No Content' ],
205 => [ 'label' => '205 Reset Content', 'msg' => '205 Reset Content' ],
206 => [ 'label' => '206 Partial Content', 'msg' => '206 Partial Content' ],
226 => [ 'label' => '226 IM Used', 'msg' => '226 IM Used' ],
//Redirection 3xx
300 => [ 'label' => '300 Multiple Choices', 'msg' => '300 Multiple Choices' ],
301 => [ 'label' => '301 Moved Permanently', 'msg' => '301 Moved Permanently' ],
302 => [ 'label' => '302 Found', 'msg' => '302 Found' ],
303 => [ 'label' => '303 See Other', 'msg' => '303 See Other' ],
304 => [ 'label' => '304 Not Modified', 'msg' => '304 Not Modified' ],
305 => [ 'label' => '305 Use Proxy', 'msg' => '305 Use Proxy' ],
306 => [ 'label' => '306 (Unused)', 'msg' => '306 (Unused)' ],
307 => [ 'label' => '307 Temporary Redirect', 'msg' => '307 Temporary Redirect' ],
//Client Error 4xx
400 => [ 'label' => '400 Bad Request', 'msg' => '400 Bad Request' ],
401 => [ 'label' => '401 Unauthorized', 'msg' => 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page' ],
402 => [ 'label' => '402 Payment Required', 'msg' => '402 Payment Required' ],
403 => [ 'label' => '403 Forbidden', 'msg' => '403 Forbidden' ],
404 => [ 'label' => '404 Not Found', 'msg' => 'Page non trouvée' ],
405 => [ 'label' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'msg' => '405 Method Not Allowed' ],
406 => [ 'label' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'msg' => '406 Not Acceptable' ],
407 => [ 'label' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'msg' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required' ],
408 => [ 'label' => '408 Request Timeout', 'msg' => '408 Request Timeout' ],
409 => [ 'label' => '409 Conflict', 'msg' => '409 Conflict' ],
410 => [ 'label' => '410 Gone', 'msg' => '410 Gone' ],
411 => [ 'label' => '411 Length Required', 'msg' => '411 Length Required' ],
412 => [ 'label' => '412 Precondition Failed', 'msg' => '412 Precondition Failed' ],
413 => [ 'label' => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 'msg' => '413 Request Entity Too Large' ],
414 => [ 'label' => '414 Request-URI Too Long', 'msg' => '414 Request-URI Too Long' ],
415 => [ 'label' => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 'msg' => '415 Unsupported Media Type' ],
416 => [ 'label' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'msg' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable' ],
417 => [ 'label' => '417 Expectation Failed', 'msg' => '417 Expectation Failed' ],
418 => [ 'label' => '418 I\'m a teapot', 'msg' => '418 I\'m a teapot' ],
422 => [ 'label' => '422 Unprocessable Entity', 'msg' => '422 Unprocessable Entity' ],
423 => [ 'label' => '423 Locked', 'msg' => '423 Locked' ],
426 => [ 'label' => '426 Upgrade Required', 'msg' => '426 Upgrade Required' ],
428 => [ 'label' => '428 Precondition Required', 'msg' => '428 Precondition Required' ],
429 => [ 'label' => '429 Too Many Requests', 'msg' => '429 Too Many Requests' ],
431 => [ 'label' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 'msg' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large' ],
//Server Error 5xx
500 => [ 'label' => '500 Internal Server Error', 'msg' => 'Une erreur est survenue' ],
501 => [ 'label' => '501 Not Implemented', 'msg' => '501 Not Implemented' ],
502 => [ 'label' => '502 Bad Gateway', 'msg' => '502 Bad Gateway' ],
503 => [ 'label' => '503 Service Unavailable', 'msg' => '503 Service Unavailable' ],
504 => [ 'label' => '504 Gateway Timeout', 'msg' => '504 Gateway Timeout' ],
505 => [ 'label' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 'msg' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported' ],
506 => [ 'label' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates', 'msg' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates' ],
510 => [ 'label' => '510 Not Extended', 'msg' => '510 Not Extended' ],
511 => [ 'label' => '511 Network Authentication Required', 'msg' => '511 Network Authentication Required' ]
$tabCode = [
//Informational 1xx
100 => [ 'label' => '100 Continue', 'msg' => '100 Continue' ],
101 => [ 'label' => '101 Switching Protocols', 'msg' => '101 Switching Protocols' ],
//Successful 2xx
200 => [ 'label' => '200 OK', 'msg' => '200 OK' ],
201 => [ 'label' => '201 Created', 'msg' => '201 Created' ],
202 => [ 'label' => '202 Accepted', 'msg' => '202 Accepted' ],
203 => [ 'label' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information', 'msg' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information' ],
204 => [ 'label' => '204 No Content', 'msg' => '204 No Content' ],
205 => [ 'label' => '205 Reset Content', 'msg' => '205 Reset Content' ],
206 => [ 'label' => '206 Partial Content', 'msg' => '206 Partial Content' ],
226 => [ 'label' => '226 IM Used', 'msg' => '226 IM Used' ],
//Redirection 3xx
300 => [ 'label' => '300 Multiple Choices', 'msg' => '300 Multiple Choices' ],
301 => [ 'label' => '301 Moved Permanently', 'msg' => '301 Moved Permanently' ],
302 => [ 'label' => '302 Found', 'msg' => '302 Found' ],
303 => [ 'label' => '303 See Other', 'msg' => '303 See Other' ],
304 => [ 'label' => '304 Not Modified', 'msg' => '304 Not Modified' ],
305 => [ 'label' => '305 Use Proxy', 'msg' => '305 Use Proxy' ],
306 => [ 'label' => '306 (Unused)', 'msg' => '306 (Unused)' ],
307 => [ 'label' => '307 Temporary Redirect', 'msg' => '307 Temporary Redirect' ],
//Client Error 4xx
400 => [ 'label' => '400 Bad Request', 'msg' => '400 Bad Request' ],
401 => [ 'label' => '401 Unauthorized', 'msg' => 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page' ],
402 => [ 'label' => '402 Payment Required', 'msg' => '402 Payment Required' ],
403 => [ 'label' => '403 Forbidden', 'msg' => '403 Forbidden' ],
404 => [ 'label' => '404 Not Found', 'msg' => 'Page non trouvée' ],
405 => [ 'label' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'msg' => '405 Method Not Allowed' ],
406 => [ 'label' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'msg' => '406 Not Acceptable' ],
407 => [ 'label' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'msg' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required' ],
408 => [ 'label' => '408 Request Timeout', 'msg' => '408 Request Timeout' ],
409 => [ 'label' => '409 Conflict', 'msg' => '409 Conflict' ],
410 => [ 'label' => '410 Gone', 'msg' => '410 Gone' ],
411 => [ 'label' => '411 Length Required', 'msg' => '411 Length Required' ],
412 => [ 'label' => '412 Precondition Failed', 'msg' => '412 Precondition Failed' ],
413 => [ 'label' => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 'msg' => '413 Request Entity Too Large' ],
414 => [ 'label' => '414 Request-URI Too Long', 'msg' => '414 Request-URI Too Long' ],
415 => [ 'label' => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 'msg' => '415 Unsupported Media Type' ],
416 => [ 'label' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'msg' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable' ],
417 => [ 'label' => '417 Expectation Failed', 'msg' => '417 Expectation Failed' ],
418 => [ 'label' => '418 I\'m a teapot', 'msg' => '418 I\'m a teapot' ],
422 => [ 'label' => '422 Unprocessable Entity', 'msg' => '422 Unprocessable Entity' ],
423 => [ 'label' => '423 Locked', 'msg' => '423 Locked' ],
426 => [ 'label' => '426 Upgrade Required', 'msg' => '426 Upgrade Required' ],
428 => [ 'label' => '428 Precondition Required', 'msg' => '428 Precondition Required' ],
429 => [ 'label' => '429 Too Many Requests', 'msg' => '429 Too Many Requests' ],
431 => [ 'label' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 'msg' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large' ],
//Server Error 5xx
500 => [ 'label' => '500 Internal Server Error', 'msg' => 'Une erreur est survenue' ],
501 => [ 'label' => '501 Not Implemented', 'msg' => '501 Not Implemented' ],
502 => [ 'label' => '502 Bad Gateway', 'msg' => '502 Bad Gateway' ],
503 => [ 'label' => '503 Service Unavailable', 'msg' => '503 Service Unavailable' ],
504 => [ 'label' => '504 Gateway Timeout', 'msg' => '504 Gateway Timeout' ],
505 => [ 'label' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 'msg' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported' ],
506 => [ 'label' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates', 'msg' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates' ],
510 => [ 'label' => '510 Not Extended', 'msg' => '510 Not Extended' ],
511 => [ 'label' => '511 Network Authentication Required', 'msg' => '511 Network Authentication Required' ]
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
header( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ]['label'] );
echo json_encode( [
'status' => 'echec',
'msg' => $publicMessage,
'devMsg' => $devMessage,
'code' => $code
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ][ 'label' ] );
echo json_encode( [
'status' => 'echec',
'msg' => $publicMessage,
'devMsg' => $devMessage,
'code' => $code

View File

@ -6,127 +6,127 @@ use CAUProject3Contact\Config;
class APIRouter {
//Les méthodes HTTP gérée par l'API
const HTTP_METHODS = [ 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT' ];
//Les méthodes HTTP gérée par l'API
const HTTP_METHODS = [ 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT' ];
* APIRouter constructor.
* @param string $file
* @param string $action
public function __construct( string $file, string $action ) {
* APIRouter constructor.
* @param string $file
* @param string $action
public function __construct( string $file, string $action ) {
//On vérifie que les paramètres ne sont pas vides
if ( empty( $file ) || empty( $action ) ) {
new APIError();
//On vérifie que les paramètres ne sont pas vides
if ( empty( $file ) || empty( $action ) ) {
new APIError();
//On vérifie que la classe appelée existe
$fileName = 'API' . ucfirst( $file );
if ( ! file_exists( 'src/API/' . $fileName . '.php' ) ) {
new APIError( 404 );
//On vérifie que la classe appelée existe
$fileName = 'API' . ucfirst( $file );
if ( !file_exists( 'src/API/' . $fileName . '.php' ) ) {
new APIError( 404 );
//On instancie la classe.
$class = '\\' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\API\\' . $fileName;
$class = new $class( $action );
//On instancie la classe.
$class = '\\' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\API\\' . $fileName;
$class = new $class( $action );
//On vérifie que l'action demandé est déclarée
if ( ! array_key_exists( $action, $class->getDeclaredFunctions() ) ) {
new APIError( 404 );
//On vérifie que l'action demandé est déclarée
if ( !array_key_exists( $action, $class->getDeclaredFunctions() ) ) {
new APIError( 404 );
//On reconstruit le nom de la fonction
$array = explode( '-', $action );
foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
if ( $key == 0 ) {
$array[ $key ] = $value;
} else {
$array[ $key ] = ucfirst( $value );
$function = implode( '', $array ); //le nom de la fonction
//On reconstruit le nom de la fonction
$array = explode( '-', $action );
foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
if ( $key == 0 ) {
$array[ $key ] = $value;
} else {
$array[ $key ] = ucfirst( $value );
$function = implode( '', $array ); //le nom de la fonction
//On vérifie que la fonction existe dans la classe
if ( ! method_exists( $class, $function ) ) {
new APIError( 500, 'La fonction ' . $function . ' n\'existe pas dans la classe ' . get_class( $class ) );
//On vérifie que la fonction existe dans la classe
if ( !method_exists( $class, $function ) ) {
new APIError( 500, 'La fonction ' . $function . ' n\'existe pas dans la classe ' . get_class( $class ) );
//On vérifie que la méthode d'envoie est référencée
$method = $class->getDeclaredFunctions()[ $action ]['method'];
if ( ! in_array( $method, self::HTTP_METHODS ) ) {
new APIError( 500, 'méthode http inconnue' );
//On vérifie que la méthode d'envoie est référencée
$method = $class->getDeclaredFunctions()[ $action ][ 'method' ];
if ( !in_array( $method, self::HTTP_METHODS ) ) {
new APIError( 500, 'méthode http inconnue' );
//On vérifie que la méthode requise et la mathode obtenue sont les même
if ( $method != $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) {
new APIError( 400, 'La méthode HTTP ne correspond pas à la méthode prévue' );
//On vérifie que la méthode requise et la mathode obtenue sont les même
if ( $method != $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] ) {
new APIError( 400, 'La méthode HTTP ne correspond pas à la méthode prévue' );
//On met les paramètres dans le tableau $data
$params = $class->getDeclaredFunctions()[ $action ]['params'];
$data = [];
if ( ! empty( $params ) ) {
if ( $method == 'DELETE' || $method == 'PUT' ) {
parse_str( file_get_contents( 'php://input' ), $data );
} else if ( $method == 'POST' ) {
$data = $_POST;
} else if ( $method == 'GET' ) {
$data = $_GET;
//On met les paramètres dans le tableau $data
$params = $class->getDeclaredFunctions()[ $action ][ 'params' ];
$data = [];
if ( !empty( $params ) ) {
if ( $method == 'DELETE' || $method == 'PUT' ) {
parse_str( file_get_contents( 'php://input' ), $data );
} else if ( $method == 'POST' ) {
$data = $_POST;
} else if ( $method == 'GET' ) {
$data = $_GET;
//On boucle sur les paramètres de la doc de la fonction
foreach ( $params as $p => $options ) {
if ( ! isset( $options['required'] ) ) {
$options['required'] = false;
//Si le paramètre est obligatoire et qu'il est vide ou non fourni on lève une erreur 400 BAD REQUEST
if ( $options['required'] && ( ! array_key_exists( $p, $data ) || ( empty( $data[ $p ] ) && $data[ $p ] != '0' ) ) ) {
$devMsg = 'Paramètre ' . $p . ' manquant';
if ( isset( $options['devMsg'] ) ) {
$devMsg = $options['devMsg'];
$publicMsg = 'Des paramètres obligatoires ne sont pas envoyés ou sont vides';
if ( isset( $options['publicMsg'] ) ) {
$publicMsg = $options['publicMsg'];
$code = '';
if ( isset( $options['code'] ) ) {
$code = $options['code'];
new APIError( 400, $devMsg, $publicMsg, $code );
//On boucle sur les paramètres de la doc de la fonction
foreach ( $params as $p => $options ) {
if ( !isset( $options[ 'required' ] ) ) {
$options[ 'required' ] = false;
//Si le paramètre est obligatoire et qu'il est vide ou non fourni on lève une erreur 400 BAD REQUEST
if ( $options[ 'required' ] && ( !array_key_exists( $p, $data ) || ( empty( $data[ $p ] ) && $data[ $p ] != '0' ) ) ) {
$devMsg = 'Paramètre ' . $p . ' manquant';
if ( isset( $options[ 'devMsg' ] ) ) {
$devMsg = $options[ 'devMsg' ];
$publicMsg = 'Des paramètres obligatoires ne sont pas envoyés ou sont vides';
if ( isset( $options[ 'publicMsg' ] ) ) {
$publicMsg = $options[ 'publicMsg' ];
$code = '';
if ( isset( $options[ 'code' ] ) ) {
$code = $options[ 'code' ];
new APIError( 400, $devMsg, $publicMsg, $code );
//On vérifie que le type donné correspond au typage requis
if ( isset( $options['type'] ) ) {
if ( $options['type'] == 'int' ) {
if ( ctype_digit( $data[ $p ] ) ) {
$data[ $p ] = (int) $data[ $p ];
} else {
new APIError( 400, 'Le type donné ne correspond pas au type demandé pour le paramètre ' . $p . ' : string donné, ' . $options['type'] . ' requis' );
} else if ( $options['type'] == 'bool' ) {
if ( $data[ $p ] == 'true' || $data[ $p ] == '1' ) {
$data[ $p ] = true;
} else if ( $data[ $p ] == 'false' || $data[ $p ] == '0' ) {
$data[ $p ] = false;
} else {
new APIError( 400, 'Le type donné ne correspond pas au type demandé pour le paramètre ' . $p . ' : string donné, ' . $options['type'] . ' requis' );
//On vérifie que le type donné correspond au typage requis
if ( isset( $options[ 'type' ] ) ) {
if ( $options[ 'type' ] == 'int' ) {
if ( ctype_digit( $data[ $p ] ) ) {
$data[ $p ] = (int)$data[ $p ];
} else {
new APIError( 400, 'Le type donné ne correspond pas au type demandé pour le paramètre ' . $p . ' : string donné, ' . $options[ 'type' ] . ' requis' );
} else if ( $options[ 'type' ] == 'bool' ) {
if ( $data[ $p ] == 'true' || $data[ $p ] == '1' ) {
$data[ $p ] = true;
} else if ( $data[ $p ] == 'false' || $data[ $p ] == '0' ) {
$data[ $p ] = false;
} else {
new APIError( 400, 'Le type donné ne correspond pas au type demandé pour le paramètre ' . $p . ' : string donné, ' . $options[ 'type' ] . ' requis' );
//Si un paramètre non obligatoire n'est pas donné par l'utilisateur on lui donne la valeur par défaut d'une chaine vide
if ( ! array_key_exists( $p, $data ) ) {
$data[ $p ] = '';
//Si un paramètre non obligatoire n'est pas donné par l'utilisateur on lui donne la valeur par défaut d'une chaine vide
if ( !array_key_exists( $p, $data ) ) {
$data[ $p ] = '';
//On appelle la fonction correspondante pour le traitement
$class->$function( $data );
//On appelle la fonction correspondante pour le traitement
$class->$function( $data );

View File

@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ namespace CAUProject3Contact;
class Autoloader {
* Enregistre notre autoloader
static function register() {
spl_autoload_register( array( __CLASS__, 'autoload' ) );
* Enregistre notre autoloader
static function register() {
spl_autoload_register( array( __CLASS__, 'autoload' ) );
* Inclue le fichier correspondant à notre classe
* @param $class string Le nom de la classe à charger
static function autoload( $class ) {
if ( preg_match( '#^' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\\(.+)$#', $class, $matches ) ) {
require 'src/' . str_replace( '\\', '/', $matches[1] ) . '.php';
* Inclue le fichier correspondant à notre classe
* @param $class string Le nom de la classe à charger
static function autoload( $class ) {
if ( preg_match( '#^' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\\(.+)$#', $class, $matches ) ) {
require 'src/' . str_replace( '\\', '/', $matches[ 1 ] ) . '.php';

View File

@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
namespace CAUProject3Contact;
class Config {
const SITE_JS_VERSION = '1.00';
const SITE_CSS_VERSION = '1.00';
const SITE_JS_VERSION = '0.01';
const SITE_CSS_VERSION = '0.01';
const TITLE_HEADER = 'Your contact';
const DESCRIPTION_HEADER = 'Manage your contact easly';
const NAMESPACE = 'CAUProject3Contact';
const TITLE_HEADER = 'Your contact';
const DESCRIPTION_HEADER = 'Manage your contact easly';
const NAMESPACE = 'CAUProject3Contact';
const FAVICON_PATH = '/img/favicon.png';
const FAVICON_PATH = '/img/favicon.ico';

View File

@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ use CAUProject3Contact\Config;
class Controller {
private $data;
private $data;
public function __construct() {
$this->data = [];
public function __construct() {
$this->data = [];
protected function view() {
extract( $this->data );
require 'src/View/' . str_replace( '\\', '/', preg_replace( '#^' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\\Controller\\\#', '', get_class( $this ) ) ) . '.php';
protected function view() {
extract( $this->data );
require 'src/View/' . str_replace( '\\', '/', preg_replace( '#^' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\\Controller\\\#', '', get_class( $this ) ) ) . '.php';
protected function addData( $data ) {
$this->data += $data;
protected function addData( $data ) {
$this->data += $data;
protected function returnJson( $data ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( $data );
protected function returnJson( $data ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( $data );
protected function throwError( $msg, $code = '' ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( [ 'status' => 'echec', 'msg' => $msg, 'code' => $code ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );
protected function throwError( $msg, $code = '' ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( [ 'status' => 'echec', 'msg' => $msg, 'code' => $code ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );

View File

@ -6,67 +6,67 @@ use CAUProject3Contact\Config;
class ControllerSite {
private $data;
private $head;
private $footer;
private $data;
private $head;
private $footer;
public function __construct() {
$this->data = [];
$this->head = [];
$this->footer = [];
public function __construct() {
$this->data = [];
$this->head = [];
$this->footer = [];
protected function view( $header = true, $footer = true ) {
extract( $this->data );
protected function view( $header = true, $footer = true ) {
extract( $this->data );
if ( empty( $this->head['title'] ) ) {
$this->head['title'] = Config::TITLE_HEADER;
if ( empty( $this->head['description'] ) ) {
$this->head['description'] = Config::DESCRIPTION_HEADER;
if ( $header ) {
require 'src/View/Site/tpl/head.php';
if ( empty( $this->head[ 'title' ] ) ) {
$this->head[ 'title' ] = Config::TITLE_HEADER;
if ( empty( $this->head[ 'description' ] ) ) {
$this->head[ 'description' ] = Config::DESCRIPTION_HEADER;
if ( $header ) {
require 'src/View/Site/tpl/head.php';
require 'src/View/' . str_replace( '\\', '/', preg_replace( '#^' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\\Controller\\\#', '', get_class( $this ) ) ) . '.php';
require 'src/View/' . str_replace( '\\', '/', preg_replace( '#^' . Config::NAMESPACE . '\\\Controller\\\#', '', get_class( $this ) ) ) . '.php';
if ( $footer ) {
require 'src/View/Site/tpl/footer.php';
if ( $footer ) {
require 'src/View/Site/tpl/footer.php';
protected function addHead( $head ) {
$this->head += $head;
protected function addHead( $head ) {
$this->head += $head;
protected function addData( $data ) {
$this->data += $data;
protected function addData( $data ) {
$this->data += $data;
protected function addFooter( $footer ) {
$this->footer += $footer;
protected function addFooter( $footer ) {
$this->footer += $footer;
* @param $data
protected function returnJson( $data ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( $data );
* @param $data
protected function returnJson( $data ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( $data );
protected function throwError( $msg, $code = '' ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( [ 'status' => 'echec', 'msg' => $msg, 'code' => $code ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );
protected function throwError( $msg, $code = '' ) {
header( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
echo json_encode( [ 'status' => 'echec', 'msg' => $msg, 'code' => $code ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );

View File

@ -4,96 +4,96 @@ namespace CAUProject3Contact\Controller;
class Error extends Controller {
* Error constructor.
* @param int $ErrCode
* @param string $message
public function __construct( $ErrCode = 500, $message = '' ) {
* Error constructor.
* @param int $ErrCode
* @param string $message
public function __construct( $ErrCode = 500, $message = '' ) {
$tabCode = [
//Informational 1xx
100 => [ 'label' => '100 Continue', 'msg' => '100 Continue' ],
101 => [ 'label' => '101 Switching Protocols', 'msg' => '101 Switching Protocols' ],
//Successful 2xx
200 => [ 'label' => '200 OK', 'msg' => '200 OK' ],
201 => [ 'label' => '201 Created', 'msg' => '201 Created' ],
202 => [ 'label' => '202 Accepted', 'msg' => '202 Accepted' ],
203 => [ 'label' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information', 'msg' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information' ],
204 => [ 'label' => '204 No Content', 'msg' => '204 No Content' ],
205 => [ 'label' => '205 Reset Content', 'msg' => '205 Reset Content' ],
206 => [ 'label' => '206 Partial Content', 'msg' => '206 Partial Content' ],
226 => [ 'label' => '226 IM Used', 'msg' => '226 IM Used' ],
//Redirection 3xx
300 => [ 'label' => '300 Multiple Choices', 'msg' => '300 Multiple Choices' ],
301 => [ 'label' => '301 Moved Permanently', 'msg' => '301 Moved Permanently' ],
302 => [ 'label' => '302 Found', 'msg' => '302 Found' ],
303 => [ 'label' => '303 See Other', 'msg' => '303 See Other' ],
304 => [ 'label' => '304 Not Modified', 'msg' => '304 Not Modified' ],
305 => [ 'label' => '305 Use Proxy', 'msg' => '305 Use Proxy' ],
306 => [ 'label' => '306 (Unused)', 'msg' => '306 (Unused)' ],
307 => [ 'label' => '307 Temporary Redirect', 'msg' => '307 Temporary Redirect' ],
//Client Error 4xx
400 => [ 'label' => '400 Bad Request', 'msg' => '400 Bad Request' ],
401 => [ 'label' => '401 Unauthorized', 'msg' => 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page' ],
402 => [ 'label' => '402 Payment Required', 'msg' => '402 Payment Required' ],
403 => [ 'label' => '403 Forbidden', 'msg' => '403 Forbidden' ],
404 => [ 'label' => '404 Not Found', 'msg' => 'Page non trouvée' ],
405 => [ 'label' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'msg' => '405 Method Not Allowed' ],
406 => [ 'label' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'msg' => '406 Not Acceptable' ],
407 => [ 'label' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'msg' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required' ],
408 => [ 'label' => '408 Request Timeout', 'msg' => '408 Request Timeout' ],
409 => [ 'label' => '409 Conflict', 'msg' => '409 Conflict' ],
410 => [ 'label' => '410 Gone', 'msg' => '410 Gone' ],
411 => [ 'label' => '411 Length Required', 'msg' => '411 Length Required' ],
412 => [ 'label' => '412 Precondition Failed', 'msg' => '412 Precondition Failed' ],
413 => [ 'label' => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 'msg' => '413 Request Entity Too Large' ],
414 => [ 'label' => '414 Request-URI Too Long', 'msg' => '414 Request-URI Too Long' ],
415 => [ 'label' => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 'msg' => '415 Unsupported Media Type' ],
416 => [ 'label' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'msg' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable' ],
417 => [ 'label' => '417 Expectation Failed', 'msg' => '417 Expectation Failed' ],
418 => [ 'label' => '418 I\'m a teapot', 'msg' => '418 I\'m a teapot' ],
422 => [ 'label' => '422 Unprocessable Entity', 'msg' => '422 Unprocessable Entity' ],
423 => [ 'label' => '423 Locked', 'msg' => '423 Locked' ],
426 => [ 'label' => '426 Upgrade Required', 'msg' => '426 Upgrade Required' ],
428 => [ 'label' => '428 Precondition Required', 'msg' => '428 Precondition Required' ],
429 => [ 'label' => '429 Too Many Requests', 'msg' => '429 Too Many Requests' ],
431 => [ 'label' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 'msg' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large' ],
//Server Error 5xx
500 => [ 'label' => '500 Internal Server Error', 'msg' => 'Une erreur est survenue' ],
501 => [ 'label' => '501 Not Implemented', 'msg' => '501 Not Implemented' ],
502 => [ 'label' => '502 Bad Gateway', 'msg' => '502 Bad Gateway' ],
503 => [ 'label' => '503 Service Unavailable', 'msg' => '503 Service Unavailable' ],
504 => [ 'label' => '504 Gateway Timeout', 'msg' => '504 Gateway Timeout' ],
505 => [ 'label' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 'msg' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported' ],
506 => [ 'label' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates', 'msg' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates' ],
510 => [ 'label' => '510 Not Extended', 'msg' => '510 Not Extended' ],
511 => [ 'label' => '511 Network Authentication Required', 'msg' => '511 Network Authentication Required' ]
$tabCode = [
//Informational 1xx
100 => [ 'label' => '100 Continue', 'msg' => '100 Continue' ],
101 => [ 'label' => '101 Switching Protocols', 'msg' => '101 Switching Protocols' ],
//Successful 2xx
200 => [ 'label' => '200 OK', 'msg' => '200 OK' ],
201 => [ 'label' => '201 Created', 'msg' => '201 Created' ],
202 => [ 'label' => '202 Accepted', 'msg' => '202 Accepted' ],
203 => [ 'label' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information', 'msg' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information' ],
204 => [ 'label' => '204 No Content', 'msg' => '204 No Content' ],
205 => [ 'label' => '205 Reset Content', 'msg' => '205 Reset Content' ],
206 => [ 'label' => '206 Partial Content', 'msg' => '206 Partial Content' ],
226 => [ 'label' => '226 IM Used', 'msg' => '226 IM Used' ],
//Redirection 3xx
300 => [ 'label' => '300 Multiple Choices', 'msg' => '300 Multiple Choices' ],
301 => [ 'label' => '301 Moved Permanently', 'msg' => '301 Moved Permanently' ],
302 => [ 'label' => '302 Found', 'msg' => '302 Found' ],
303 => [ 'label' => '303 See Other', 'msg' => '303 See Other' ],
304 => [ 'label' => '304 Not Modified', 'msg' => '304 Not Modified' ],
305 => [ 'label' => '305 Use Proxy', 'msg' => '305 Use Proxy' ],
306 => [ 'label' => '306 (Unused)', 'msg' => '306 (Unused)' ],
307 => [ 'label' => '307 Temporary Redirect', 'msg' => '307 Temporary Redirect' ],
//Client Error 4xx
400 => [ 'label' => '400 Bad Request', 'msg' => '400 Bad Request' ],
401 => [ 'label' => '401 Unauthorized', 'msg' => 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page' ],
402 => [ 'label' => '402 Payment Required', 'msg' => '402 Payment Required' ],
403 => [ 'label' => '403 Forbidden', 'msg' => '403 Forbidden' ],
404 => [ 'label' => '404 Not Found', 'msg' => 'Page non trouvée' ],
405 => [ 'label' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'msg' => '405 Method Not Allowed' ],
406 => [ 'label' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'msg' => '406 Not Acceptable' ],
407 => [ 'label' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'msg' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required' ],
408 => [ 'label' => '408 Request Timeout', 'msg' => '408 Request Timeout' ],
409 => [ 'label' => '409 Conflict', 'msg' => '409 Conflict' ],
410 => [ 'label' => '410 Gone', 'msg' => '410 Gone' ],
411 => [ 'label' => '411 Length Required', 'msg' => '411 Length Required' ],
412 => [ 'label' => '412 Precondition Failed', 'msg' => '412 Precondition Failed' ],
413 => [ 'label' => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 'msg' => '413 Request Entity Too Large' ],
414 => [ 'label' => '414 Request-URI Too Long', 'msg' => '414 Request-URI Too Long' ],
415 => [ 'label' => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 'msg' => '415 Unsupported Media Type' ],
416 => [ 'label' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'msg' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable' ],
417 => [ 'label' => '417 Expectation Failed', 'msg' => '417 Expectation Failed' ],
418 => [ 'label' => '418 I\'m a teapot', 'msg' => '418 I\'m a teapot' ],
422 => [ 'label' => '422 Unprocessable Entity', 'msg' => '422 Unprocessable Entity' ],
423 => [ 'label' => '423 Locked', 'msg' => '423 Locked' ],
426 => [ 'label' => '426 Upgrade Required', 'msg' => '426 Upgrade Required' ],
428 => [ 'label' => '428 Precondition Required', 'msg' => '428 Precondition Required' ],
429 => [ 'label' => '429 Too Many Requests', 'msg' => '429 Too Many Requests' ],
431 => [ 'label' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 'msg' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large' ],
//Server Error 5xx
500 => [ 'label' => '500 Internal Server Error', 'msg' => 'Une erreur est survenue' ],
501 => [ 'label' => '501 Not Implemented', 'msg' => '501 Not Implemented' ],
502 => [ 'label' => '502 Bad Gateway', 'msg' => '502 Bad Gateway' ],
503 => [ 'label' => '503 Service Unavailable', 'msg' => '503 Service Unavailable' ],
504 => [ 'label' => '504 Gateway Timeout', 'msg' => '504 Gateway Timeout' ],
505 => [ 'label' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 'msg' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported' ],
506 => [ 'label' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates', 'msg' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates' ],
510 => [ 'label' => '510 Not Extended', 'msg' => '510 Not Extended' ],
511 => [ 'label' => '511 Network Authentication Required', 'msg' => '511 Network Authentication Required' ]
if ( isset( $tabCode[ $ErrCode ] ) ) {
header( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ]['label'] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( $tabCode[ $ErrCode ]['msg'], 'Erreur_' . $ErrCode );
$erreur = $tabCode[ $ErrCode ]['msg'];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
} else {
header( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $tabCode[500]['label'] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( $tabCode[500]['msg'], 'Erreur_500' );
$erreur = $tabCode[500]['msg'];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
if ( isset( $tabCode[ $ErrCode ] ) ) {
header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ][ 'label' ] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( $tabCode[ $ErrCode ][ 'msg' ], 'Erreur_' . $ErrCode );
$erreur = $tabCode[ $ErrCode ][ 'msg' ];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
} else {
header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' ' . $tabCode[ 500 ][ 'label' ] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( $tabCode[ 500 ][ 'msg' ], 'Erreur_500' );
$erreur = $tabCode[ 500 ][ 'msg' ];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
if ( ! empty( $message ) ) {
$this->addData( [ 'message' => $message ] );
if ( !empty( $message ) ) {
$this->addData( [ 'message' => $message ] );

View File

@ -3,25 +3,27 @@
namespace CAUProject3Contact\Controller\Site;
use CAUProject3Contact\Controller\ControllerSite;
use CAUProject3Contact\Model\Contact;
class Index extends ControllerSite {
* Index constructor.
public function __construct() {
* Index constructor.
public function __construct() {
$this->addHead( [
] );
$this->addHead( [] );
$this->addFooter( [
$this->addFooter( [] );
] );
$contacts = Contact::getAllContact();
$this->addData( [] );
$this->addData( [
"contacts" => $contacts
] );

View File

@ -6,101 +6,101 @@ use CAUProject3Contact\Controller\ControllerSite;
class SiteError extends ControllerSite {
* SiteError constructor.
* @param int $ErrCode
* @param string $message
public function __construct( $ErrCode = 500, $message = '' ) {
* SiteError constructor.
* @param int $ErrCode
* @param string $message
public function __construct( $ErrCode = 500, $message = '' ) {
$tabCode = [
//Informational 1xx
100 => [ 'label' => '100 Continue', 'msg' => '100 Continue' ],
101 => [ 'label' => '101 Switching Protocols', 'msg' => '101 Switching Protocols' ],
//Successful 2xx
200 => [ 'label' => '200 OK', 'msg' => '200 OK' ],
201 => [ 'label' => '201 Created', 'msg' => '201 Created' ],
202 => [ 'label' => '202 Accepted', 'msg' => '202 Accepted' ],
203 => [ 'label' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information', 'msg' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information' ],
204 => [ 'label' => '204 No Content', 'msg' => '204 No Content' ],
205 => [ 'label' => '205 Reset Content', 'msg' => '205 Reset Content' ],
206 => [ 'label' => '206 Partial Content', 'msg' => '206 Partial Content' ],
226 => [ 'label' => '226 IM Used', 'msg' => '226 IM Used' ],
//Redirection 3xx
300 => [ 'label' => '300 Multiple Choices', 'msg' => '300 Multiple Choices' ],
301 => [ 'label' => '301 Moved Permanently', 'msg' => '301 Moved Permanently' ],
302 => [ 'label' => '302 Found', 'msg' => '302 Found' ],
303 => [ 'label' => '303 See Other', 'msg' => '303 See Other' ],
304 => [ 'label' => '304 Not Modified', 'msg' => '304 Not Modified' ],
305 => [ 'label' => '305 Use Proxy', 'msg' => '305 Use Proxy' ],
306 => [ 'label' => '306 (Unused)', 'msg' => '306 (Unused)' ],
307 => [ 'label' => '307 Temporary Redirect', 'msg' => '307 Temporary Redirect' ],
//Client Error 4xx
400 => [ 'label' => '400 Bad Request', 'msg' => '400 Bad Request' ],
401 => [ 'label' => '401 Unauthorized', 'msg' => '401 Unauthorized' ],
402 => [ 'label' => '402 Payment Required', 'msg' => '402 Payment Required' ],
403 => [ 'label' => '403 Forbidden', 'msg' => '403 Forbidden' ],
404 => [ 'label' => '404 Not Found', 'msg' => 'Page non trouvée' ],
405 => [ 'label' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'msg' => '405 Method Not Allowed' ],
406 => [ 'label' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'msg' => '406 Not Acceptable' ],
407 => [ 'label' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'msg' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required' ],
408 => [ 'label' => '408 Request Timeout', 'msg' => '408 Request Timeout' ],
409 => [ 'label' => '409 Conflict', 'msg' => '409 Conflict' ],
410 => [ 'label' => '410 Gone', 'msg' => 'Cet artisan n\'est plus plus référencé sur Eldotravo' ],
411 => [ 'label' => '411 Length Required', 'msg' => '411 Length Required' ],
412 => [ 'label' => '412 Precondition Failed', 'msg' => '412 Precondition Failed' ],
413 => [ 'label' => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 'msg' => '413 Request Entity Too Large' ],
414 => [ 'label' => '414 Request-URI Too Long', 'msg' => '414 Request-URI Too Long' ],
415 => [ 'label' => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 'msg' => '415 Unsupported Media Type' ],
416 => [ 'label' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'msg' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable' ],
417 => [ 'label' => '417 Expectation Failed', 'msg' => '417 Expectation Failed' ],
418 => [ 'label' => '418 I\'m a teapot', 'msg' => '418 I\'m a teapot' ],
422 => [ 'label' => '422 Unprocessable Entity', 'msg' => '422 Unprocessable Entity' ],
423 => [ 'label' => '423 Locked', 'msg' => '423 Locked' ],
426 => [ 'label' => '426 Upgrade Required', 'msg' => '426 Upgrade Required' ],
428 => [ 'label' => '428 Precondition Required', 'msg' => '428 Precondition Required' ],
429 => [ 'label' => '429 Too Many Requests', 'msg' => '429 Too Many Requests' ],
431 => [ 'label' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 'msg' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large' ],
//Server Error 5xx
500 => [ 'label' => '500 Internal Server Error', 'msg' => 'Une erreur est survenue' ],
501 => [ 'label' => '501 Not Implemented', 'msg' => '501 Not Implemented' ],
502 => [ 'label' => '502 Bad Gateway', 'msg' => '502 Bad Gateway' ],
503 => [ 'label' => '503 Service Unavailable', 'msg' => '503 Service Unavailable' ],
504 => [ 'label' => '504 Gateway Timeout', 'msg' => '504 Gateway Timeout' ],
505 => [ 'label' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 'msg' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported' ],
506 => [ 'label' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates', 'msg' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates' ],
510 => [ 'label' => '510 Not Extended', 'msg' => '510 Not Extended' ],
511 => [ 'label' => '511 Network Authentication Required', 'msg' => '511 Network Authentication Required' ]
$tabCode = [
//Informational 1xx
100 => [ 'label' => '100 Continue', 'msg' => '100 Continue' ],
101 => [ 'label' => '101 Switching Protocols', 'msg' => '101 Switching Protocols' ],
//Successful 2xx
200 => [ 'label' => '200 OK', 'msg' => '200 OK' ],
201 => [ 'label' => '201 Created', 'msg' => '201 Created' ],
202 => [ 'label' => '202 Accepted', 'msg' => '202 Accepted' ],
203 => [ 'label' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information', 'msg' => '203 Non-Authoritative Information' ],
204 => [ 'label' => '204 No Content', 'msg' => '204 No Content' ],
205 => [ 'label' => '205 Reset Content', 'msg' => '205 Reset Content' ],
206 => [ 'label' => '206 Partial Content', 'msg' => '206 Partial Content' ],
226 => [ 'label' => '226 IM Used', 'msg' => '226 IM Used' ],
//Redirection 3xx
300 => [ 'label' => '300 Multiple Choices', 'msg' => '300 Multiple Choices' ],
301 => [ 'label' => '301 Moved Permanently', 'msg' => '301 Moved Permanently' ],
302 => [ 'label' => '302 Found', 'msg' => '302 Found' ],
303 => [ 'label' => '303 See Other', 'msg' => '303 See Other' ],
304 => [ 'label' => '304 Not Modified', 'msg' => '304 Not Modified' ],
305 => [ 'label' => '305 Use Proxy', 'msg' => '305 Use Proxy' ],
306 => [ 'label' => '306 (Unused)', 'msg' => '306 (Unused)' ],
307 => [ 'label' => '307 Temporary Redirect', 'msg' => '307 Temporary Redirect' ],
//Client Error 4xx
400 => [ 'label' => '400 Bad Request', 'msg' => '400 Bad Request' ],
401 => [ 'label' => '401 Unauthorized', 'msg' => '401 Unauthorized' ],
402 => [ 'label' => '402 Payment Required', 'msg' => '402 Payment Required' ],
403 => [ 'label' => '403 Forbidden', 'msg' => '403 Forbidden' ],
404 => [ 'label' => '404 Not Found', 'msg' => 'Page non trouvée' ],
405 => [ 'label' => '405 Method Not Allowed', 'msg' => '405 Method Not Allowed' ],
406 => [ 'label' => '406 Not Acceptable', 'msg' => '406 Not Acceptable' ],
407 => [ 'label' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required', 'msg' => '407 Proxy Authentication Required' ],
408 => [ 'label' => '408 Request Timeout', 'msg' => '408 Request Timeout' ],
409 => [ 'label' => '409 Conflict', 'msg' => '409 Conflict' ],
410 => [ 'label' => '410 Gone', 'msg' => 'Cet artisan n\'est plus plus référencé sur Eldotravo' ],
411 => [ 'label' => '411 Length Required', 'msg' => '411 Length Required' ],
412 => [ 'label' => '412 Precondition Failed', 'msg' => '412 Precondition Failed' ],
413 => [ 'label' => '413 Request Entity Too Large', 'msg' => '413 Request Entity Too Large' ],
414 => [ 'label' => '414 Request-URI Too Long', 'msg' => '414 Request-URI Too Long' ],
415 => [ 'label' => '415 Unsupported Media Type', 'msg' => '415 Unsupported Media Type' ],
416 => [ 'label' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'msg' => '416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable' ],
417 => [ 'label' => '417 Expectation Failed', 'msg' => '417 Expectation Failed' ],
418 => [ 'label' => '418 I\'m a teapot', 'msg' => '418 I\'m a teapot' ],
422 => [ 'label' => '422 Unprocessable Entity', 'msg' => '422 Unprocessable Entity' ],
423 => [ 'label' => '423 Locked', 'msg' => '423 Locked' ],
426 => [ 'label' => '426 Upgrade Required', 'msg' => '426 Upgrade Required' ],
428 => [ 'label' => '428 Precondition Required', 'msg' => '428 Precondition Required' ],
429 => [ 'label' => '429 Too Many Requests', 'msg' => '429 Too Many Requests' ],
431 => [ 'label' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 'msg' => '431 Request Header Fields Too Large' ],
//Server Error 5xx
500 => [ 'label' => '500 Internal Server Error', 'msg' => 'Une erreur est survenue' ],
501 => [ 'label' => '501 Not Implemented', 'msg' => '501 Not Implemented' ],
502 => [ 'label' => '502 Bad Gateway', 'msg' => '502 Bad Gateway' ],
503 => [ 'label' => '503 Service Unavailable', 'msg' => '503 Service Unavailable' ],
504 => [ 'label' => '504 Gateway Timeout', 'msg' => '504 Gateway Timeout' ],
505 => [ 'label' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 'msg' => '505 HTTP Version Not Supported' ],
506 => [ 'label' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates', 'msg' => '506 Variant Also Negotiates' ],
510 => [ 'label' => '510 Not Extended', 'msg' => '510 Not Extended' ],
511 => [ 'label' => '511 Network Authentication Required', 'msg' => '511 Network Authentication Required' ]
if ( isset( $tabCode[ $ErrCode ] ) ) {
header( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ]['label'] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( 'Erreur ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ]['label'], 'Erreur_' . $ErrCode );
$erreur = $tabCode[ $ErrCode ]['msg'];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
} else {
header( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $tabCode[500]['label'] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( 'Erreur ' . $tabCode[500]['label'], 'Erreur_500' );
$erreur = $tabCode[500]['msg'];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
if ( isset( $tabCode[ $ErrCode ] ) ) {
header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ][ 'label' ] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( 'Erreur ' . $tabCode[ $ErrCode ][ 'label' ], 'Erreur_' . $ErrCode );
$erreur = $tabCode[ $ErrCode ][ 'msg' ];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
} else {
header( $_SERVER[ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' ] . ' ' . $tabCode[ 500 ][ 'label' ] );
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) && strtolower( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] ) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) {
$this->throwError( 'Erreur ' . $tabCode[ 500 ][ 'label' ], 'Erreur_500' );
$erreur = $tabCode[ 500 ][ 'msg' ];
$this->addData( [ 'erreur' => $erreur ] );
if ( ! empty( $message ) ) {
$this->addData( [ 'message' => $message ] );
if ( !empty( $message ) ) {
$this->addData( [ 'message' => $message ] );
$this->addHead( [
'title' => 'Un erreur est survenue',
'description' => 'Oops une erreur est survenue',
'robotNoIndex' => true
] );
$this->addHead( [
'title' => 'Un erreur est survenue',
'description' => 'Oops une erreur est survenue',
'robotNoIndex' => true
] );

View File

@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ namespace CAUProject3Contact\Controller\Site;
class SiteRouter {
* SiteRouter constructor.
* @param $pages
public function __construct( $pages ) {
* SiteRouter constructor.
* @param $pages
public function __construct( $pages ) {
set_error_handler( 'errorHandler' );
set_error_handler( 'errorHandler' );
if ( $pages[0] == '' ) {
new Index();
} else {
new SiteError( 404 );
if ( $pages[ 0 ] == '' ) {
new Index();
} else {
new SiteError( 404 );

View File

@ -6,35 +6,43 @@ use Exception;
use PDO;
class BDD {
const SQL_SERVER = ''; // BDD Server
const SQL_LOGIN = 'why7n0_contact'; // BDD Login
const SQL_PASSWORD = 'fC3c87Gy'; // BDD Password
const SQL_DB = 'why7n0_contact'; // BDD Name
private static $bdd;
// Server BDD
// const SQL_SERVER = ''; // BDD Server
// const SQL_LOGIN = 'why7n0_contact'; // BDD Login
// const SQL_PASSWORD = 'fC3c87Gy'; // BDD Password
// const SQL_DB = 'why7n0_contact'; // BDD Name
public function __construct() {
try {
$pdo_options = [
// Local BDD
const SQL_SERVER = 'localhost'; // BDD Server
const SQL_LOGIN = 'root'; // BDD Login
const SQL_PASSWORD = ''; // BDD Password
const SQL_DB = 'contact'; // BDD Name
self::$bdd = new PDO( 'mysql:host=' . self::SQL_SERVER . ';dbname=' . self::SQL_DB . ';charset=utf8',
self::SQL_LOGIN, self::SQL_PASSWORD, $pdo_options );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
die( 'Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage() );
private static $bdd;
public static function instance() {
return self::$bdd;
public function __construct() {
try {
$pdo_options = [
public static function lastInsertId() {
return self::$bdd->lastInsertId();
self::$bdd = new PDO( 'mysql:host=' . self::SQL_SERVER . ';dbname=' . self::SQL_DB . ';charset=utf8',
self::SQL_LOGIN, self::SQL_PASSWORD, $pdo_options );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
die( 'Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage() );
public static function instance() {
return self::$bdd;
public static function lastInsertId() {
return self::$bdd->lastInsertId();

View File

@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ namespace CAUProject3Contact\Model;
abstract class BDTables {
// const NOM = 'bd_nom'
// Ex : const ABONNEMENT = 'abonnement';
// const NOM = 'bd_nom'
// Ex : const ABONNEMENT = 'abonnement';
const LOGS = "logs";
const LOGS = "logs";
const CONTACT = "contact";

src/Model/Contact.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
namespace CAUProject3Contact\Model;
class Contact {
public $id;
public $firstName;
public $lastName;
public $surname;
public $email;
public $address;
public $phoneNumber;
public $birthday;
// Constructors
public function __construct( int $id = null, string $firstName = null, string $lastName = null,
string $surname = null, string $email = null, string $address = null,
string $phoneNumber = null, string $birthday = null ) {
if ( $id === null || $firstName === null || $lastName === null ) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->firstName = $firstName;
$this->lastName = $lastName;
$this->surname = $surname;
$this->email = $email;
$this->address = $address;
$this->phoneNumber = $phoneNumber;
$this->birthday = $birthday;
public static function getById( int $id ) {
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . BDTables::CONTACT .
" WHERE `id` = :id" );
$req->execute( [ "id" => $id ] );
$d = $req->fetch();
return new Contact( $d[ "id" ], $d[ "first_name" ], $d[ "last_name" ], $d[ "surname" ],
$d[ "email" ], $d[ "address" ], $d[ "phone_number" ], $d[ "birthday" ] );
// Getters
public static function insertNewContact( string $firstName, string $lastName, string $surname = null,
string $email = null,
string $address = null, string $phoneNumber = null,
string $birthday = null ) {
$data = [
"first_name" => $firstName,
"last_name" => $lastName,
if ( $surname !== null && $surname !== "" ) {
$data[ "surname" ] = $surname;
if ( $email !== null && $email !== "" ) {
$data[ "email" ] = $email;
if ( $address !== null && $address !== "" ) {
$data[ "address" ] = $address;
if ( $phoneNumber !== null && $phoneNumber !== "" ) {
$data[ "phone_number" ] = $phoneNumber;
if ( $birthday !== null && $birthday !== "" ) {
$data[ "birthday" ] = date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( $birthday ) );
return Model::insert( BDTables::CONTACT, $data );
public static function deleteContact( int $id ) {
Model::delete( BDTables::CONTACT, [ "id" => $id ] );
public static function getAllContact(): array {
$contacts = [];
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . BDTables::CONTACT );
foreach ( $req->fetchAll() as $c ) {
$contacts[] = new Contact( $c[ "id" ], $c[ "first_name" ], $c[ "last_name" ], $c[ "surname" ],
$c[ "email" ], $c[ "address" ], $c[ "phone_number" ], $c[ "birthday" ] );
return ( count( $contacts ) > 0 ? $contacts : null );
public static function search( string $query ) {
$result = [];
$words = explode( " ", cleanString( $query ) );
$q1 = $q2 = $q3 = $q4 = "SELECT * FROM `" . BDTables::CONTACT . "` WHERE ";
$lastKey = endKey( $words );
foreach ( $words as $key => $word ) {
$normal = self::getQuerySearch( $word, [ "first_name", "last_name", "surname" ] );;
$hard = self::getQuerySearch( $word, [ "email", "address", "phone_number" ] );
$q1 .= $normal;
$q2 .= $normal;
$q3 .= $hard;
$q4 .= $hard;
if ( $key != $lastKey ) {
$q1 .= " AND ";
$q2 .= " OR ";
$q3 .= " AND ";
$q4 .= " OR ";
$req1 = BDD::instance()->prepare( $q1 );
$req2 = BDD::instance()->prepare( $q2 );
$req3 = BDD::instance()->prepare( $q3 );
$req4 = BDD::instance()->prepare( $q4 );
$tmp1 = $req1->fetchAll();
$tmp2 = filterArrays( $tmp1, $req2->fetchAll() );
$tmp3 = filterArrays( $tmp1, filterArrays( $tmp2, $req3->fetchAll() ) );
$tmp4 = filterArrays( $tmp1, filterArrays( $tmp2, filterArrays( $tmp3, $req4->fetchAll() ) ) );
if ( count( $tmp1 ) > 0 || count( $tmp2 ) > 0 || count( $tmp3 ) > 0 || count( $tmp4 ) > 0 ) {
$result[ "1" ] = ( count( $tmp1 ) > 0 ? $tmp1 : null );
$result[ "2" ] = ( count( $tmp2 ) > 0 ? $tmp2 : null );
$result[ "3" ] = ( count( $tmp3 ) > 0 ? $tmp3 : null );
$result[ "4" ] = ( count( $tmp4 ) > 0 ? $tmp4 : null );
return $result;
return null;
private static function getQuerySearch( string $word, array $fields ): string {
$str = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if ( $i === 0 ) {
$str .= "(";
} else {
$str .= " OR ";
$str .= "`" . $field . "` LIKE '%" . $word . "%'";
$str .= ')';
return $str;
* @return string
public function getFirstName(): string {
return $this->firstName;
* @return string
public function getLastName(): string {
return $this->lastName;
* @return string
public function getSurname() {
return $this->surname;
// Method
* @return string
public function getEmail() {
return $this->email;
// Static functions
* @return string
public function getAddress() {
return $this->address;
* @return string
public function getPhoneNumber() {
return $this->phoneNumber;
* @return string
public function getBirthday() {
return $this->birthday;
public function updateContact( array $data ) {
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$this->{$key} = $value;
Model::update( BDTables::CONTACT, $data, "id", $this->getId() );
* @return int
public function getId(): int {
return $this->id;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -6,179 +6,180 @@ use PDO;
class Logs {
const ERROR_LEVEL = [
1 => 'E_ERROR',
2 => 'E_WARNING',
4 => 'E_PARSE',
8 => 'E_NOTICE',
16 => 'E_CORE_ERROR',
256 => 'E_USER_ERROR',
512 => 'E_USER_WARNING',
1024 => 'E_USER_NOTICE',
2048 => 'E_STRICT',
8192 => 'E_DEPRECATED',
32767 => 'E_ALL'
public $id;
public $level;
public $message;
public $file;
public $line;
public $date;
const ERROR_LEVEL = [
1 => 'E_ERROR',
2 => 'E_WARNING',
4 => 'E_PARSE',
8 => 'E_NOTICE',
16 => 'E_CORE_ERROR',
256 => 'E_USER_ERROR',
512 => 'E_USER_WARNING',
1024 => 'E_USER_NOTICE',
2048 => 'E_STRICT',
8192 => 'E_DEPRECATED',
32767 => 'E_ALL'
public $id;
public $level;
public $message;
public $file;
public $line;
public $date;
* Logs constructor.
* @param int|null $id
* @param string|null $level
* @param string|null $message
* @param string|null $file
* @param string|null $line
* @param string|null $date
public function __construct( int $id = null, string $level = null, string $message = null, string $file = null, string $line = null, string $date = null ) {
if ( $id === null ) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->level = $level;
$this->message = $message;
$this->file = $file;
$this->line = $line;
$this->date = $date;
* Logs constructor.
* @param int|null $id
* @param string|null $level
* @param string|null $message
* @param string|null $file
* @param string|null $line
* @param string|null $date
public function __construct( int $id = null, string $level = null, string $message = null, string $file = null,
string $line = null, string $date = null ) {
if ( $id === null ) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->level = $level;
$this->message = $message;
$this->file = $file;
$this->line = $line;
$this->date = $date;
public static function insert( $level, $message, $file, $line, $date ) {
Model::insert( BDTables::LOGS, [
'level' => $level,
'message' => $message,
'file' => $file,
'line' => $line,
'date' => date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( $date ) )
] );
public static function insert( $level, $message, $file, $line, $date ) {
Model::insert( BDTables::LOGS, [
'level' => $level,
'message' => $message,
'file' => $file,
'line' => $line,
'date' => date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( $date ) )
] );
* Retourne un tableau des derniers logs (limite en param)
* @param int $limit
* @return array
public static function getLastLogs( int $limit ) {
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( 'SELECT *
* Retourne un tableau des derniers logs (limite en param)
* @param int $limit
* @return array
public static function getLastLogs( int $limit ) {
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( 'SELECT *
FROM ' . BDTables::LOGS . '
LIMIT :limit' );
$req->bindValue( 'limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT );
$return = [];
$req->bindValue( 'limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT );
$return = [];
foreach ( $req->fetchAll() as $l ) {
$log = new Logs( $l['id'], $l['level'], $l['message'], $l['file'], $l['line'], $l['date'] );
$return[] = $log;
foreach ( $req->fetchAll() as $l ) {
$log = new Logs( $l[ 'id' ], $l[ 'level' ], $l[ 'message' ], $l[ 'file' ], $l[ 'line' ], $l[ 'date' ] );
$return[] = $log;
return $return;
return $return;
* @return int
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* @return int
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* @param int $id
public function setId( $id ) {
$this->id = $id;
* @param int $id
public function setId( $id ) {
$this->id = $id;
* @return string
public function getLevel() {
return $this->level;
* @return string
public function getLevel() {
return $this->level;
* @param string $level
public function setLevel( $level ) {
$this->level = $level;
* @param string $level
public function setLevel( $level ) {
$this->level = $level;
* @return string
public function getMessage() {
return htmlspecialchars( $this->message );
* @return string
public function getMessage() {
return htmlspecialchars( $this->message );
* @param string $message
public function setMessage( $message ) {
$this->message = $message;
* @param string $message
public function setMessage( $message ) {
$this->message = $message;
* @return string
public function getFile() {
return htmlspecialchars( $this->file );
* @return string
public function getFile() {
return htmlspecialchars( $this->file );
* @param string $file
public function setFile( $file ) {
$this->file = $file;
* @param string $file
public function setFile( $file ) {
$this->file = $file;
* @return string
public function getLine() {
return htmlspecialchars( $this->line );
* @return string
public function getLine() {
return htmlspecialchars( $this->line );
* @param string $line
public function setLine( $line ) {
$this->line = $line;
* @param string $line
public function setLine( $line ) {
$this->line = $line;
* @return string
public function getDate() {
return $this->date;
* @return string
public function getDate() {
return $this->date;
* @param string $date
public function setDate( $date ) {
$this->date = $date;
* @param string $date
public function setDate( $date ) {
$this->date = $date;
* Retourne le type d'erreur en string (label)
* @return string
public function getErrorLabel() {
return htmlspecialchars( self::ERROR_LEVEL[ $this->level ] );
* Retourne le type d'erreur en string (label)
* @return string
public function getErrorLabel() {
return htmlspecialchars( self::ERROR_LEVEL[ $this->level ] );

View File

@ -4,47 +4,63 @@ namespace CAUProject3Contact\Model;
class Model {
* Crée une reqette d'insertion en base àpartir du nom de la table et d'un tableau associatif et l'exécute
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $data
* @return int lastInsertId
public static function insert( string $tableName, array $data ) {
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . ' (' . implode( ', ', array_keys( $data ) ) . ')
* Crée une reqette d'insertion en base àpartir du nom de la table et d'un tableau associatif et l'exécute
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $data
* @return int lastInsertId
public static function insert( string $tableName, array $data ) {
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . ' (' . implode( ', ', array_keys( $data ) ) . ')
VALUES (' . ':' . implode( ', :', array_keys( $data ) ) . ')' );
$req->execute( $data );
$req->execute( $data );
return BDD::lastInsertId();
return BDD::lastInsertId();
* Met à jour les données d'une ligne d'un table données
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $data
* @param string $idColumn
* @param int $idValue
public static function update( string $tableName, array $data, string $idColumn, int $idValue ) {
$reqStr = 'UPDATE ' . $tableName . ' SET ';
$lastKey = endKey( $data );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$reqStr .= $key . ' = :' . $key;
if ( $key != $lastKey ) {
$reqStr .= ', ';
$reqStr .= ' WHERE ' . $idColumn . ' = :' . $idColumn;
$data[ $idColumn ] = $idValue;
* Met à jour les données d'une ligne d'un table données
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $data
* @param string $idColumn
* @param int $idValue
public static function update( string $tableName, array $data, string $idColumn, int $idValue ) {
$reqStr = 'UPDATE ' . $tableName . ' SET ';
$lastKey = endKey( $data );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$reqStr .= $key . ' = :' . $key;
if ( $key != $lastKey ) {
$reqStr .= ', ';
$reqStr .= ' WHERE ' . $idColumn . ' = :' . $idColumn;
$data[ $idColumn ] = $idValue;
//echo $reqStr; exit();
//echo $reqStr; exit();
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( $reqStr );
$req->execute( $data );
public static function delete( string $tableName, array $conditions ) {
$reqStr = 'DELETE FROM ' . $tableName . ' WHERE ';
$lastKey = endKey( $conditions );
foreach ( $conditions as $key => $value ) {
$reqStr .= $key . ' = :' . $key;
if ( $key != $lastKey ) {
$reqStr .= ' AND ';
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( $reqStr );
$req->execute( $conditions );
$req = BDD::instance()->prepare( $reqStr );
$req->execute( $data );

View File

@ -1,3 +1,39 @@
Bonjour 2
<div class="section scrollspy">
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12 main-container">
<table class="highlight centered">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<th>Phone Number</th>
foreach ( $contacts as $contact ) {
echo "<tr>";
echo " <td>" . $contact->getFirstName() . "</td>";
echo " <td>" . $contact->getLastName() . "</td>";
echo " <td>" . ( $contact->getSurname() ? $contact->getSurname() : "" ) . "</td>";
echo " <td>" . ( $contact->getEmail() ? $contact->getEmail() : "" ) . "</td>";
echo " <td>" . ( $contact->getAddress() ? $contact->getAddress() : "" ) . "</td>";
echo " <td>" . ( $contact->getPhoneNumber() ? $contact->getPhoneNumber() : "" ) . "</td>";
echo " <td>" . ( $contact->getBirthday() ? date( "Y-m-d", strtotime( $contact->getBirthday() ) ) : "" ) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
let contacts = <?= json_encode( $contacts ) ?>;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
<script src="/js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
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<div class="modal-content">
<h4>Add new contact</h4>
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View File

@ -1,41 +1,66 @@
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View File

@ -12,36 +12,36 @@ include( 'src/lib/mail/PHPMailerAutoload.php' );
function formatURL( string $str, $encoding = 'utf-8' ) {
$str = str_replace( "+", "_plus_", $str );
$str = str_replace( "%", "_pourcent_", $str );
$str = str_replace( "&", "_et_", $str );
$str = str_replace( "+", "_plus_", $str );
$str = str_replace( "%", "_pourcent_", $str );
$str = str_replace( "&", "_et_", $str );
//on remplace les apotrophes et espaces par des underscore
$str = str_replace( array( "'", " ", "," ), "_", $str );
//on remplace les apotrophes et espaces par des underscore
$str = str_replace( array( "'", " ", "," ), "_", $str );
$str = str_replace( "__", "_", $str );
$str = str_replace( "__", "_", $str );
// transformer les caractères accentués en entités HTML
$str = htmlentities( $str, ENT_NOQUOTES, $encoding );
// remplacer les entités HTML pour avoir juste le premier caractères non accentués
// Exemple : "&ecute;" => "e", "&Ecute;" => "E", "Ã " => "a" ...
$str = preg_replace( '#&([A-za-z])(?:acute|grave|cedil|circ|orn|ring|slash|th|tilde|uml);#', '\1', $str );
// transformer les caractères accentués en entités HTML
$str = htmlentities( $str, ENT_NOQUOTES, $encoding );
// remplacer les entités HTML pour avoir juste le premier caractères non accentués
// Exemple : "&ecute;" => "e", "&Ecute;" => "E", "Ã " => "a" ...
$str = preg_replace( '#&([A-za-z])(?:acute|grave|cedil|circ|orn|ring|slash|th|tilde|uml);#', '\1', $str );
// Remplacer les ligatures tel que : Œ, Æ ...
// Exemple "Å“" => "oe"
$str = preg_replace( '#&([A-za-z]{2})(?:lig);#', '\1', $str );
// Supprimer tout le reste
//$str = preg_replace('#&[^;]+;#', '', $str);
$str = str_replace( array( "#", "&", "[", "^", ";", "]" ), '', $str );
// Remplacer les ligatures tel que : Œ, Æ ...
// Exemple "Å“" => "oe"
$str = preg_replace( '#&([A-za-z]{2})(?:lig);#', '\1', $str );
// Supprimer tout le reste
//$str = preg_replace('#&[^;]+;#', '', $str);
$str = str_replace( array( "#", "&", "[", "^", ";", "]" ), '', $str );
//on passe tout en minuscule
$str = strtolower( $str );
//on passe tout en minuscule
$str = strtolower( $str );
if ( substr( $str, - 1 ) == '_' ) {
$str = substr( $str, 0, - 1 );
if ( substr( $str, -1 ) == '_' ) {
$str = substr( $str, 0, -1 );
return $str;
return $str;
@ -57,55 +57,55 @@ function formatURL( string $str, $encoding = 'utf-8' ) {
function darkroom( $img, $to, $width = 0, $height = 0, $quality = 100, $useGD = true ) {
$dimensions = getimagesize( $img );
$ratio = $dimensions[0] / $dimensions[1];
$dimensions = getimagesize( $img );
$ratio = $dimensions[ 0 ] / $dimensions[ 1 ];
// Calcul des dimensions si 0 passé en paramètre
if ( $width == 0 && $height == 0 ) {
$width = $dimensions[0];
$height = $dimensions[1];
} else if ( $height == 0 ) {
$height = round( $width / $ratio );
} else if ( $width == 0 ) {
$width = round( $height * $ratio );
// Calcul des dimensions si 0 passé en paramètre
if ( $width == 0 && $height == 0 ) {
$width = $dimensions[ 0 ];
$height = $dimensions[ 1 ];
} else if ( $height == 0 ) {
$height = round( $width / $ratio );
} else if ( $width == 0 ) {
$width = round( $height * $ratio );
if ( $dimensions[0] > ( $width / $height ) * $dimensions[1] ) {
$dimY = $height;
$dimX = round( $height * $dimensions[0] / $dimensions[1] );
if ( $dimensions[0] < ( $width / $height ) * $dimensions[1] ) {
$dimX = $width;
$dimY = round( $width * $dimensions[1] / $dimensions[0] );
if ( $dimensions[0] == ( $width / $height ) * $dimensions[1] ) {
$dimX = $width;
$dimY = $height;
if ( $dimensions[ 0 ] > ( $width / $height ) * $dimensions[ 1 ] ) {
$dimY = $height;
$dimX = round( $height * $dimensions[ 0 ] / $dimensions[ 1 ] );
if ( $dimensions[ 0 ] < ( $width / $height ) * $dimensions[ 1 ] ) {
$dimX = $width;
$dimY = round( $width * $dimensions[ 1 ] / $dimensions[ 0 ] );
if ( $dimensions[ 0 ] == ( $width / $height ) * $dimensions[ 1 ] ) {
$dimX = $width;
$dimY = $height;
// Création de l'image avec la librairie GD
if ( $useGD ) {
$pattern = imagecreatetruecolor( $width, $height );
$type = mime_content_type( $img );
switch ( substr( $type, 6 ) ) {
case 'jpeg':
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $img );
case 'gif':
$image = imagecreatefromgif( $img );
case 'png':
$image = imagecreatefrompng( $img );
imagecopyresampled( $pattern, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dimX, $dimY, $dimensions[0], $dimensions[1] );
imagedestroy( $image );
imagejpeg( $pattern, $to, $quality );
// Création de l'image avec la librairie GD
if ( $useGD ) {
$pattern = imagecreatetruecolor( $width, $height );
$type = mime_content_type( $img );
switch ( substr( $type, 6 ) ) {
case 'jpeg':
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $img );
case 'gif':
$image = imagecreatefromgif( $img );
case 'png':
$image = imagecreatefrompng( $img );
imagecopyresampled( $pattern, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dimX, $dimY, $dimensions[ 0 ], $dimensions[ 1 ] );
imagedestroy( $image );
imagejpeg( $pattern, $to, $quality );
return true;
return true;
return true;
return true;
@ -119,20 +119,20 @@ function darkroom( $img, $to, $width = 0, $height = 0, $quality = 100, $useGD =
* @return bool|void
function errorHandler( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {
if ( ! ( error_reporting() & $errno ) ) {
// Ce code d'erreur n'est pas inclus dans error_reporting()
if ( !( error_reporting() & $errno ) ) {
// Ce code d'erreur n'est pas inclus dans error_reporting()
// Insertion des logs
\CAUProject3Contact\Model\Logs::insert( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
// Insertion des logs
\CAUProject3Contact\Model\Logs::insert( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
new \CAUProject3Contact\Controller\Site\SiteError( 500 );
new \CAUProject3Contact\Controller\Site\SiteError( 500 );
/* Ne pas exécuter le gestionnaire interne de PHP */
/* Ne pas exécuter le gestionnaire interne de PHP */
@ -141,87 +141,87 @@ function errorHandler( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {
function getBrowser() {
$u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$bname = 'Unknown';
$platform = 'Unknown';
$ub = "";
$u_agent = $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ];
$bname = 'Unknown';
$platform = 'Unknown';
$ub = "";
//First get the platform?
if ( preg_match( '/android/i', $u_agent ) || preg_match( '/Android/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'android';
} else if ( preg_match( '/linux/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'linux';
} else if ( preg_match( '/macintosh|mac os x/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'mac';
} else if ( preg_match( '/windows|win32/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'windows';
//First get the platform?
if ( preg_match( '/android/i', $u_agent ) || preg_match( '/Android/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'android';
} else if ( preg_match( '/linux/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'linux';
} else if ( preg_match( '/macintosh|mac os x/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'mac';
} else if ( preg_match( '/windows|win32/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$platform = 'windows';
if ( strstr( $u_agent, 'mobile' ) || strstr( $u_agent, 'Mobile' ) ) {
$platform .= ' mobile';
if ( strstr( $u_agent, 'mobile' ) || strstr( $u_agent, 'Mobile' ) ) {
$platform .= ' mobile';
// Next get the name of the useragent yes seperately and for good reason
if ( preg_match( '/MSIE/i', $u_agent ) && ! preg_match( '/Opera/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Internet Explorer';
$ub = "MSIE";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Edge/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Microsoft Edge';
$ub = "Edge";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Trident/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Internet Explorer';
$ub = "rv";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Firefox/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Mozilla Firefox';
$ub = "Firefox";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Chrome/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Google Chrome';
$ub = "Chrome";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Safari/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Apple Safari';
$ub = "Safari";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Opera/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Opera';
$ub = "Opera";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Netscape/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Netscape';
$ub = "Netscape";
// Next get the name of the useragent yes seperately and for good reason
if ( preg_match( '/MSIE/i', $u_agent ) && !preg_match( '/Opera/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Internet Explorer';
$ub = "MSIE";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Edge/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Microsoft Edge';
$ub = "Edge";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Trident/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Internet Explorer';
$ub = "rv";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Firefox/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Mozilla Firefox';
$ub = "Firefox";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Chrome/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Google Chrome';
$ub = "Chrome";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Safari/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Apple Safari';
$ub = "Safari";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Opera/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Opera';
$ub = "Opera";
} else if ( preg_match( '/Netscape/i', $u_agent ) ) {
$bname = 'Netscape';
$ub = "Netscape";
// finally get the correct version number
// Added "|:"
$known = array( 'Version', $ub, 'other' );
$pattern = '#(?<browser>' . join( '|', $known ) . ')[/|: ]+(?<version>[0-9.|a-zA-Z.]*)#';
if ( ! preg_match_all( $pattern, $u_agent, $matches ) ) {
// we have no matching number just continue
// finally get the correct version number
// Added "|:"
$known = array( 'Version', $ub, 'other' );
$pattern = '#(?<browser>' . join( '|', $known ) . ')[/|: ]+(?<version>[0-9.|a-zA-Z.]*)#';
if ( !preg_match_all( $pattern, $u_agent, $matches ) ) {
// we have no matching number just continue
// see how many we have
$i = count( $matches['browser'] );
if ( $i != 1 ) {
//we will have two since we are not using 'other' argument yet
//see if version is before or after the name
if ( strripos( $u_agent, "Version" ) < strripos( $u_agent, $ub ) ) {
$version = $matches['version'][0];
} else {
$version = $matches['version'][1];
} else {
$version = $matches['version'][0];
// see how many we have
$i = count( $matches[ 'browser' ] );
if ( $i != 1 ) {
//we will have two since we are not using 'other' argument yet
//see if version is before or after the name
if ( strripos( $u_agent, "Version" ) < strripos( $u_agent, $ub ) ) {
$version = $matches[ 'version' ][ 0 ];
} else {
$version = $matches[ 'version' ][ 1 ];
} else {
$version = $matches[ 'version' ][ 0 ];
// check if we have a number
if ( $version == null || $version == "" ) {
$version = "?";
// check if we have a number
if ( $version == null || $version == "" ) {
$version = "?";
return array(
'userAgent' => $u_agent,
'platform' => $platform,
'version' => $version,
'pattern' => $pattern,
'name' => $bname
return array(
'userAgent' => $u_agent,
'platform' => $platform,
'version' => $version,
'pattern' => $pattern,
'name' => $bname
@ -231,15 +231,15 @@ function getBrowser() {
* @return int
function getLimitWord( $string, $limit ) {
$i = $limit;
if ( ! isset( $string ) || empty( $string ) ) {
return 0;
while ( $i > 0 && $string[ $i ] != ' ' ) {
$i --;
$i = $limit;
if ( !isset( $string ) || empty( $string ) ) {
return 0;
while ( $i > 0 && $string[ $i ] != ' ' ) {
return $i;
return $i;
@ -329,38 +329,38 @@ function email(array $destinataires, string $subject, string $body, string $aute
* @return bool
function rotateImage( string $file, int $angle, string $newName ) {
// Initialisation variable pou test futur
$image = null;
$type = mime_content_type( $file );
// Création ressources en fonction de l'image
switch ( substr( $type, 6 ) ) {
case 'jpeg':
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $file );
case 'png':
$image = imagecreatefrompng( $file );
// Si format image non prit en charge
if ( $image == null ) {
return false;
// Rotation de l'image
$rotate = imagerotate( $image, $angle, 0 );
// On recrée l'image au format de base
switch ( substr( $type, 6 ) ) {
case 'jpeg':
imagejpeg( $rotate, $file );
case 'png':
imagepng( $rotate, $file );
imagedestroy( $image );
imagedestroy( $rotate );
rename( $file, $newName );
// Initialisation variable pou test futur
$image = null;
$type = mime_content_type( $file );
// Création ressources en fonction de l'image
switch ( substr( $type, 6 ) ) {
case 'jpeg':
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $file );
case 'png':
$image = imagecreatefrompng( $file );
// Si format image non prit en charge
if ( $image == null ) {
return false;
// Rotation de l'image
$rotate = imagerotate( $image, $angle, 0 );
// On recrée l'image au format de base
switch ( substr( $type, 6 ) ) {
case 'jpeg':
imagejpeg( $rotate, $file );
case 'png':
imagepng( $rotate, $file );
imagedestroy( $image );
imagedestroy( $rotate );
rename( $file, $newName );
return true;
return true;
@ -369,34 +369,38 @@ function rotateImage( string $file, int $angle, string $newName ) {
* @return array
* Clean toutes les strings dans array en récursif, et filtre pour n'avoir qu'un espaces entre chaque mot
function cleanArray( array $data ) {
if ( ! empty( $data ) ) {
foreach ( $data as $key => $donnée ) {
switch ( gettype( $donnée ) ) {
case 'string':
if ( ! empty( $donnée ) ) {
$new_string = '';
foreach ( explode( ' ', trim( $donnée ) ) as $str ) {
if ( ! empty( $str ) ) {
if ( $new_string != '' ) {
$new_string .= ' ';
$new_string .= $str;
$data[ $key ] = $new_string;
case 'array':
if ( ! empty( $donnée ) ) {
$data[ $key ] = cleanArray( $donnée );
function cleanArray( array $data ): array {
if ( !empty( $data ) ) {
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
switch ( gettype( $value ) ) {
case 'string':
if ( !empty( $str ) ) {
$data[ $key ] = cleanString( $value );
case 'array':
if ( !empty( $value ) ) {
$data[ $key ] = cleanArray( $value );
return $data;
return $data;
function cleanString( string $str ): string {
$newStr = '';
foreach ( explode( ' ', trim( $str ) ) as $word ) {
if ( !empty( $word ) && $word != '' ) {
if ( $newStr != '' ) {
$newStr .= ' ';
$newStr .= $word;
return $newStr;
@ -405,9 +409,27 @@ function cleanArray( array $data ) {
* @return mixed
function endKey( $array ) {
end( $array );
end( $array );
return key( $array );
return key( $array );
function filterArrays( $array1, $array2 ): array {
$newArray = [];
foreach ( $array2 as $item2 ) {
$add = true;
foreach ( $array1 as $item1 ) {
if ( $item2[ "id" ] == $item1[ "id" ] ) {
$add = false;
if ( $add ) {
$newArray[] = $item2;
return $newArray;

View File

@ -23,27 +23,27 @@
* @param string $classname The name of the class to load
function PHPMailerAutoload( $classname ) {
//Can't use __DIR__ as it's only in PHP 5.3+
$filename = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class.' . strtolower( $classname ) . '.php';
if ( is_readable( $filename ) ) {
require $filename;
//Can't use __DIR__ as it's only in PHP 5.3+
$filename = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class.' . strtolower( $classname ) . '.php';
if ( is_readable( $filename ) ) {
require $filename;
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', '>=' ) ) {
//SPL autoloading was introduced in PHP 5.1.2
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=' ) ) {
spl_autoload_register( 'PHPMailerAutoload', true, true );
} else {
spl_autoload_register( 'PHPMailerAutoload' );
//SPL autoloading was introduced in PHP 5.1.2
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=' ) ) {
spl_autoload_register( 'PHPMailerAutoload', true, true );
} else {
spl_autoload_register( 'PHPMailerAutoload' );
} else {
* Fall back to traditional autoload for old PHP versions
* @param string $classname The name of the class to load
function __autoload( $classname ) {
PHPMailerAutoload( $classname );
* Fall back to traditional autoload for old PHP versions
* @param string $classname The name of the class to load
function __autoload( $classname ) {
PHPMailerAutoload( $classname );

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//FR" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<body class="body" style="background-color: whitesmoke !important;padding: 40px 0;line-height: 22px;width: 100%;">
<div class="contain"

static/css/materialize.min.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,55 +1,37 @@
html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td,
article, aside, canvas, details, embed,
figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,
menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary,
time, mark, audio, video {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
font-size: 100%;
font: inherit;
vertical-align: baseline;
main {
background: #F1F1F1;
/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure,
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
display: block;
.nav-add {
padding-top: 12px;
height: 64px;
body {
line-height: 1;
img.add-contacts {
height: 40px;
cursor: pointer;
ol, ul {
list-style: none;
.row .col.s12.main-container {
background: #FFF;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
blockquote, q {
quotes: none;
#search {
background: white;
border: none;
border-radius: 7px;
height: 40px;
width: 200px;
transition: all 0.3s;
padding-left: 10px;
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
content: '';
content: none;
#search:hover {
width: 350px;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
#search:focus {
width: 500px;

static/img/add-contacts.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.2 KiB

static/img/favicon.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB

static/img/logo.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.6 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
let working = false;
let lastQuery = null;
let displayContacts = (contacts) => {
let tbody = $("table tbody");
for (let contact of contacts) {
<td>${(contact["first_name"] ? contact["first_name"] : (contact["firstName"] ? contact["firstName"] : ""))}</td>
<td>${(contact["last_name"] ? contact["last_name"] : (contact["lastName"] ? contact["lastName"] : ""))}</td>
<td>${(contact["surname"] ? contact["surname"] : "")}</td>
<td>${(contact["email"] ? contact["email"] : "")}</td>
<td>${(contact["address"] ? contact["address"] : "")}</td>
<td>${(contact["phone_number"] ? contact["phone_number"] : (contact["phoneNumber"] ? contact["phoneNumber"] : ""))}</td>
<td>${(contact["birthday"] ? new Date(contact["birthday"]).toLocaleDateString() : "")}</td>
$(document).ready(() => {
let modal = $('.modal');
let search = (query) => {
if (query.length >= 3) {
working = true;
url: "/api/contact/search",
method: "POST",
data: {
query: query
success: function (data) {
$("table tbody").empty();
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (data && data.result && data.result[i.toString()] && data.result[i.toString()].length > 0) {
working = false;
error: function (e) {
working = false;
} else {
$("table tbody").empty();
$(document).on("input", "#search", () => {
let query = $("#search").val();
if (!working) {
} else {
lastQuery = query;
$(document).on("click", ".add-contacts", () => {;

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static/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long