THOR: RAGNAROK Written by Eric Pearson and Craig Kyle & Christopher L. Yost 1 OMITTED 1 A2 OMITTED A2 A3 THE MARVEL LOGO. SMOLDERING, BEGINNING TO TURN ORANGE IN THE A3 HEAT AS WE TILT UP TO SEE- -FIRE. NOTHING BUT FIRE. 2 INT. TIGHT SPACE - INDETERMINATE TIME 2 Dark and cramped. The soft red light of fire seeps through iron slats. Inside this cage is a man, bound by chains. It's THOR. His beard is long and his clothes are worn. That rough, grizzled look of a man who's spent years on the road. He awakens with a JOLT. Looks around. THOR Now I know what you're thinking. Oh no! Thor's in a cage. How did this happen? (then:) Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of somebody. It's a long story but basically I'm a bit of a hero. See, I spent some time on earth, fought some robots, saved the planet a couple of times. Then I went searching through the cosmos for some magic, colorful Infinity Stone things... didn't find any. That's when I came across a path of death and destruction which led me all the way here into this cage... where I met you. Reveal that he's talking to a weird alien skeleton in chains. THOR (CONT'D) How much longer do you think we'll be here? NOISE. Sounds of metal gears TURNING. Suddenly the bottom DROPS OUT! Thor PLUMMETS until - SHLINK! Chains CINCH and abruptly halt his descent. Thor dangles six feet off the ground. Pull back to reveal we are in- BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 2. 3 INT. SURTUR'S LAIR - CONTINUOUS 3 A cavernous space. The walls, floors, and ceilings are molten rock, which has creepy glimmers of fire within it. Stationed in the center is a volcanic rock throne, and sitting in that throne is a charred demonic skeleton. SURTUR (O.S.) Thor, Son of Odin. Thor's chain turns to reveal- -SURTUR on his throne. Eighteen-feet-tall, flesh made of fire, and demonic spiked horns on his skull. THOR Surtur. Son of a're still alive! I thought my father killed you, like, half a million years ago. SURTUR I cannot die. Not until I fulfill my destiny and lay waste to your home. THOR You know, it's funny you should mention that because I've been having these terrible dreams of late. Asgard up in flames, falling to ruins, and you Surtur are at the center of all of them. SURTUR Then you have seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard. The great prophecy-- THOR (O.S.) Hang on. Hang on. Reveal that Thor's chain is turning VERY SLOWLY. THOR (CONT'D) I'll be back around shortly. I really feel like we were connecting there. After a beat, Thor rotates around to face Surtur. THOR (CONT'D) Okay, so, Ragnarok. Tell me about that. Walk me through it. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 3. SURTUR My time has come. When my crown is reunited with the Eternal Flame, I shall be restored to my full might. I will tower over the mountains and bury my sword deep in Asgard's-- THOR Oh, hang on. Give it a second. Once again, Thor is turning VERY SLOWLY. THOR (CONT'D) I swear I'm not even moving, it's just doing this on its own. I'm really sorry. (then:) Okay, let me get this straight. You're going to put your crown into the Eternal Flame, and then you'll suddenly grow as big as a house-- SURTUR A mountain! THOR The Eternal Flame that Odin keeps locked away on Asgard? Surtur grins, evil. SURTUR Odin is not on Asgard. And your absence has left the throne defenseless. That elicits a concerned look from Thor. THOR Okay, so where is it? This crown? SURTUR This is my Crown, the source of my power. Surtur points at the V-shaped horns on his head.. THOR Oh, that's a crown? I thought it was a big eyebrow. SURTUR It's a crown. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 4. THOR Anyway, it sounds like all I have to do to stop Ragnarok is rip that thing off your head. Surtur stands up and approaches Thor, DRAGGING his sword. SURTUR But Ragnarok has already begun. You cannot stop it. I am Asgard's doom, and so are you. All will suffer, all will burn. Surtur steps forward and GRABS the chain above Thor's feet, holding it so he and Thor are face to face. THOR That's intense. To be honest, seeing you grow really big and set fire to a planet would be quite the spectacle. But it looks like I'm going to have to go with option B where I bust out of these chains, knock that tiara off your head, and stash it away in Asgard's vault. SURTUR You cannot stop Ragnarok. Why fight it? Behind his back, Thor opens his hand. Sending out the SOS. THOR Because that's what heroes do. Nothing happens. Thor appears annoyed at himself. THOR (CONT'D) Wait, sorry. I didn't time that right. (pause) And, now! BOOM! Thor's hammer Mjolnir CRASHES through the wall! Thor BREAKS FREE from his chains, GRABS Mjolnir, spins, and flies a distance away. He FLINGS Mjolnir back at Surtur, smashing the giant in the face. Mjolnir returns. SURTUR You have made a grave mistake, Odinson. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 5. THE WALLS COME ALIVE! A seemingly infinite swarm of FIRE DEMONS rally to Surtur's aid. THOR I make grave mistakes all the time. Everything seems to work out. In the shadows, a massive FIRE DRAGON ROARS. The fire demons SURGE FORWARD. Thor backs up, HAMMERING AWAY. He then leaps back, SPRINGBOARDS off the wall, and- -LANDS HARD, SLAMMING Mjolnir down. The resulting shockwave KNOCKS BACK THE LEGION OF FIRE DEMONS. The Fire Dragon STRAINS against a chain leash. Thor is now facing off with Surtur. Surtur thrusts his hands at Thor, generating a humongous PROJECTILE WALL OF FIRE! Thor SPINS Mjolnir so fast that it creates a kind of SHIELD. The God of Thunder and the Fire Giant engage in ferocious hand-to-hand combat. Each landing power shots, sending sparks of both fire and electricity into the air. Thor SLIPS behind Surtur and TAKES OUT his knees. Thor then LAUNCHES HIGH into the air and summons a HUGE LIGHTNING BOLT. Descending hard, he uses all his power to- -LOP SURTUR'S HEAD OFF OF HIS BODY! Surtur's body DEFLATES and COLLAPSES into a heap of charred bones. Thor straps the crowned skull to his back. He turns to find- -the army of Fire Demons regrouping as reinforcements flood in, filling the space to capacity. Recognizing the threat, Thor thrusts Mjolnir above his head. THOR (CONT'D) Heimdall. I know it's been a while, but I could use a fast exit! Nothing. Thor just stands there as the Fire Demons advance. THOR (CONT'D) ...Heimdall? 4 INT. THE OBSERVATORY - SAME 4 Heimdall is nowhere to be found. Instead, we meet SKURGE. He's bald, strong, mean looking, a little eager to be liked. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 6. At the moment, Skurge is entertaining two ASGARDIAN WOMEN. SKURGE Heimdall was an idiot. This job should have made him rich. Now, the job ain't easy, but it does have its benefits. The Bi-Frost gives me access to everything the Nine Realms have to offer. I mean it's all mine for the taking. (beat) stuff. Skurge has drawn their attention to a pile of weapons and treasures he has stashed off to the side. He hefts up two M-16 assault rifles, trying to play it cool. SKURGE (CONT'D) I'm particularly fond of these. I pulled `em out of a place on Midgard called Texas. I even named them. Des and Troy. You see, when you put them together...they destroy. 5 INT. SURTUR'S LAIR - CONTINUOUS 5 Having expected to have been Bi-Frosted out of there, Thor is OVERRUN BY THE GIANT WAVE OF FIRE DEMONS! The Fire Dragon BREAKS FREE of its chain. Realizing he's in trouble, Thor TAKES OFF, rocketing up to- 6 EXT. MUSPELHEIM - CONTINUOUS 6 Thor CRASHES out of the ground and LANDS on a craggy surface. Disoriented and singed from the fire demon onslaught. Thor's cloak is on fire, and he frantically PATS OUT the flames. He picks up Mjolnir, holds it up once more. Nothing. THOR Heimdall, come on. THE GROUND SHAKES! Like an earthquake. Thor backs up as the ground begins to give way all around him. And then- -THE FEARSOME FIRE DRAGON BURSTS OUT OF THE GROUND! The dragon opens its tremendous jaws for an ear-splitting roar... BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 7. ...but Thor STUFFS Mjolnir into its mouth and lets go. THUD! The hammer DROPS, pinning the beast down by its bottom jaw. It THRASHES and GROWLS, trying to break free. THOR (CONT'D) Stay. (looks up to the sky:) I'm running short on-- Thor notices that all around him the ground is CRUMBLING like a field of sinkholes giving way to more snarling Fire Demons! THOR (CONT'D) -options. Thor calls for Mjolnir and TAKES OFF. The dragon SCREECHES! 7 OMITTED 7 8 OMITTED 8 9 INT. THE OBSERVATORY - SAME 9 Skurge continues showing off for the ladies. THOR (O.S.) Heimdall? Behind Skurge the Bi-Frost starts MOVING. One of the women notices the Bi-Frost glowing. ASGARDIAN WOMAN Skurge, is that important? Skurge turns and notices the Bi-Frost activity. SKURGE You girls are in for a treat. Angle on Heimdall's sword, which has been sloppily cast aside in another pile of "stuff." Skurge hastily runs and grabs it. 10 EXT. MUSPELHEIM - CONTINUOUS 10 Thor is FLYING at top speed, but that dragon is right on his heels! The fire demons LAUNCH flaming projectiles from below! Thor looks back, genuinely nervous. The dragon is OPENING its jaws to swallow Thor whole when- -Suddenly Bi-Frost OPENS! The portal surrounds Thor and engulfs the dragon's head! In an instant, they're gone. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 8. MAIN TITLE 11 INT. THE OBSERVATORY - MOMENTS LATER 11 Skurge has plunged Heimdall's sword into Bi-Frost. BOOM! Thor EXPLODES out of the portal along with the severed head of the dragon! SPLAT! Blood and guts RAIN DOWN on Skurge and the two women, DRENCHING them with purple gore. The dragon's head SLIDES slowly across the floor, coming to rest right in front of the women who are frozen in shock. The women SHRIEK and rush out of the Observatory. Thor meanwhile is clean and staggering back to his feet. He looks up to Skurge, who is wiping dragon guts off of himself. SKURGE Girls! (beat) Well well, look who decided to pop in. Thanks for scaring away my company and drenching my workplace in brains. THOR Who are you? SKURGE Don't you remember? I'm Skurge. (Thor doesn't) We fought together on Vanaheim. THOR Right. Where's Heimdall? SKURGE That traitor. No one knows, he's a fugitive of the throne. THOR Traitor? SKURGE Yeah, you see, Odin charged Heimdall with negligence of duty, but he disappeared before the trial. Hard to catch a guy who can see everything in the Universe. Thor starts to say something, but then gives up. Instead he starts towards the exit... but Skurge stands in his way. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 9. THOR Sure. SKURGE Hold on. I'm supposed to announce your arrival. Thor SPINS UP Mjolnir and takes off in a blur. Skurge starts the loooong run down the Rainbow Bridge. 12 OMITTED 12 A13 EXT. THEATER ENTRANCE - DAY A13 THOR arrives with Surtur's skull. There's a small crowd making its way through a threshold over which stands a monumental statue of Loki, arms out-stretched in the `savior' pose. Confused, Thor turns to a theater patron. THOR What the hell is that? 13 EXT. ASGARD - ROYAL TERRACE - PATIO - MOMENTS LATER 13 LOKI falls into frame, GASPING FOR BREATH... although it's not Loki. This is ACTOR LOKI and we're watching a STAGE PLAY. In the background, a single musician plays the haunting score from THOR: THE DARK WORLD on a pan flute. Suddenly, ACTOR THOR leans into shot, holding Actor Loki. ACTOR LOKI Oh, brother. This is it. I take my leave. ACTOR THOR You fool, you didn't listen! ACTOR LOKI I'm sorry. ACTOR THOR Lady Sif! Get help! "Sif" awkwardly runs off. The "Warriors Three" watch sadly. A small choir JOINS IN as the music builds to a CRESCENDO. ACTOR SIF Somebody help! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 10. In the middle of the audience we reveal ODIN, sitting upon a chaise lounge, sipping wine and thoroughly enjoying the show. Unseen, Thor arrives behind the audience and watches. ACTOR LOKI Sorry for all I've done. ACTOR THOR It's all right. Hold on. ACTOR LOKI I'm sorry I tried to rule Earth. ACTOR THOR They'd be lucky to have you. ACTOR LOKI I'm sorry about that thing with the Tesseract. I just couldn't help myself. ACTOR THOR I know. ACTOR LOKI I'm a trickster. ACTOR THOR So mischievous. ACTOR LOKI Sorry about that time I turned you into a frog. ACTOR THOR It was a wonderful joke. ODIN (to no-one in particular) Twas indeed hilarious. ACTOR THOR You are the savior of Asgard. ACTOR LOKI Tell my story. ACTOR THOR I will. ACTOR LOKI Build a statue for me. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 11. ACTOR THOR We will build a big statue for you. ACTOR LOKI With my helmet on, with the big bendy horns. ACTOR THOR I will tell Father what you did here today. Odin mouths Actor Loki's final line along with him. ACTOR LOKI I didn't do it for him. Actor Loki then "dies". ACTOR THOR Noooooo!!! The brothers freeze in a TABLEAU as ACTOR ODIN steps forward. ACTOR ODIN And so Loki died of his wounds, giving his life for ours. He fought back those disgusting dark elves. He brought peace to the realm. He takes a 4-YEAR-OLD BOY, PAINTED BLUE, into his arms. ACTOR ODIN (CONT'D) Loki, my boy...`Twas many moons ago I found you on a frost-bitten battlefield. Thor watches, incredulous. He then notices that a woman next to him is openly SOBBING at the play. ACTOR ODIN (CONT'D) On that day, I did not yet see in you Asgard's savior. No. You were merely a little blue baby icicle... that melted this old fool's heart. The crowd erupts in rapturous applause. The players bow. Odin stands up, leading the crowd in this STANDING OVATION. ODIN Bravo! Bravo! Well done. Bravo. THOR Father. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 12. Odin sees Thor taking a knee. Curses under his breath: ODIN Oh, shit. (then, announcing) My son! Thor has returned! Greetings my boy. Odin goes through a weird internal transformation. His fluidity is replaced by a rigid and regal posture. He bats away his maiden and turns to Thor, who stands up. THOR It's an interesting play. What's it called? ODIN The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard. The people wanted to commemorate him. THOR Indeed they should. (provoking) I like that statue. A lot better looking than he was when he was alive, though. A little less weasely. Less greasy maybe. Odin sours, masking his agitation. Thor holds up the skull. THOR (CONT'D) You know what this is? ODIN (ADR) The skull of Surtur? That's a formidable weapon. Thor approaches an E-Guard and hands it over. THOR Do me a favor. Lock this in a vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet. ODIN So it's back to Midgard for you, is it? Thor starts YO-YOing Mjolnir, turns back to Odin. THOR Nope. I've been having this reocurring dream lately. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 13. THOR (CONT'D) Every night I see Asgard fall into ruins... ODIN That's just a silly dream... Signs of an overactive imagination. THOR Possibly... but then I decide to go out there and investigate. And what do I find, but the Nine Realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you, Odin, the protector of those Nine Realms, are sitting here in your bathrobe, eating grapes. ODIN Well, it is best to respect our neighbors' freedom. THOR Of course, the freedom to be massacred. ODIN Yes, besides, I have been rather busy myself. THOR Watching theatre. ODIN Board meetings, and security council meetings... THOR You really going to make me do it? ODIN Do what? Thor SPINS Mjolnir and then HURLS it off into the distance, GRABS Odin by the back of the neck. Odin's royal attendants GASP in shock. The Einherjar bodyguards rush Thor, but he KICKS them away. THOR You know that nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand. Mjolnir stops mid-air and starts ROCKETING BACK. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 14. THOR (CONT'D) Not even your face. ODIN You've gone quite mad. You'll be executed for this! Mjolnir approaches at a terrifying speed as Odin struggles. THOR Then I'll see you on the other The jig is up. A shimmering illusion dissipates, revealing: LOKI Alright, I yield! Thor DROPS Loki to the ground and catches Mjolnir. Loki looks to Thor, hands up defensively. Skurge arrives on the scene, a little late to warn Loki. SKURGE Behold! Thor..Odinson. LOKI You had one job! Just the one. THOR Where's Odin? LOKI You just couldn't stay away, could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering (gestures to the crowd) You've ruined everything. Ask them. Those who aren't freaked out are becoming gradually angrier. Thor advances on Loki, who backs up onto the chaise lounge. THOR Where's father? Did you kill him? LOKI You had what you wanted, you had the independence you asked for! Thor PRESSES Mjolnir onto Loki's chest. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 15. LOKI (CONT'D) Ow-ow-ow! Alright! I know exactly where he is. 14 OMITTED 14 15 OMITTED 15 16 OMITTED 16 17 EXT. SHADY ACRES NURSING HOME - MANHATTAN - DAY 17 A NURSING HOME sign on a brick wall. Suddenly the wall crumbles out of shot, revealing a demolition site. Reveal Thor and Loki wearing street clothes. Thor carries an umbrella, Loki is dressed in a weird avant-garde suit. LOKI I swear, I left him right here. THOR Right here on the sidewalk? Or right there, where the building that's being demolished? Great planning. LOKI How was I supposed to know? Can't see into the future. I'm not a witch. THOR Then why do you dress like one? LOKI Hey. THOR I can't believe you're alive. I saw you die. I mourned you, I cried for you. LOKI I'm honored. COLLEGE GIRL 2 Ask him. COLLEGE GIRL 1 Hi. Would you mind taking a picture with us? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 16. THOR Sure. (to Loki:) Start figuring out where he is. COLLEGE GIRL 1 Oh, my god. COLLEGE GIRL 2 Sorry to hear that Jane dumped you. THOR She didn't dump me, you know. I dumped her. It was a mutual dumping. Thor notices something going on around Loki. THOR (CONT'D) What's this, what are you doing!? Loki looks down to see that the sidewalk has started to GLOW BENEATH HIM! A circle of ancient symbols. LOKI This... isn't me. WHOOMPF! Loki DROPS out of sight, vanishing through solid concrete! Thor sees a CARD on the sidewalk where Loki was. Thor pokes the business card. THOR Loki? He picks up the card. It reads: 177A Bleecker Street Thor picks up the card and - WHOOSH! 18 EXT. SANCTUM SANTORUM - DAY 18 Thor approaches 177A Bleecker Street. He knocks ONCE, TWICE, and then WHOOSH! 19 INT. SANCTUM SANCTORUM UPSTAIRS PARLOR - CONTINUOUS 19 Thor is suddenly inside Doctor Strange's lair! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 17. STRANGE (O.S.) Thor Odinson. From a dark corner we glimpse a shape - DOCTOR STRANGE. Levitating, he drifts towards Thor. STRANGE (CONT'D) God of Thunder. Thor holds up the ratty umbrella, ready to defend himself. STRANGE (CONT'D) You can put down the umbrella. Thor gives Strange a sideways look but then sets his umbrella down. When he looks back up, the environment is furnished. THOR So earth has wizards now? STRANGE The preferred term is "Master of the Mystic Arts." THOR Alright wizard, who are you? Why should I care? STRANGE My name is Doctor Stephen Strange and I have some questions for you. Take a seat. Thor and Strange are now sitting in high-backed chairs. STRANGE (CONT'D) Tea? Thor now has a cup of tea in his hand. THOR I don't drink tea. STRANGE What do you drink? THOR Not tea. Thor now has a stein of beer in his hand. He drinks it throughout the scene, but it always stays full. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 18. STRANGE So I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother Loki is one of these beings. THOR He's a worthy inclusion. STRANGE Then why bring him here? THOR We're looking for my father. STRANGE So. If you were to tell you where Odin was, all parties concerned would promptly return to Asgard? THOR Promptly. DR. STRANGE Great. Then I'll help you. THOR If you knew where he was, why didn't you call me? DR. STRANGE I have to tell you, he was adamant that he not be disturbed. Your father said he had chosen to remain in exile. (beat) And you don't have a phone. THOR No, I don't have a phone, but you could have sent an electronic letter. It's called an email. STRANGE Yeah, do you have a computer? THOR No. What for? (beat) Anyway, my father is no longer in exile. So if you could tell me where he is, I can take him home. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 19. DR. STRANGE Gladly. He's in Norway. Strange stands up and suddenly they are standing by a book- case. Strange takes down an ancient book, flips through it. STRANGE I'm just seeing whether this incantation requires any Asgardian modifications. Thor reaches out to the bookcase to steady himself. STRANGE (CONT'D) Nope. Suddenly they are both across the room at Strange's work station. Because Thor was touching the bookcase, he has magically brought it across the room as well. STRANGE (CONT'D) Oh, we don't need that. Suddenly Thor is back across the room. Books fall off the shelf and Thor's beer spills. He is queasy and unsteady from the teleporting. THOR Will you stop doing that? STRANGE I need just one strand of your hair. THOR Let me explain something, my hair is not to be meddled wi-! Strange is behind Thor, he plucks a strand of hair. Strange extends the hair, infuses it with magic, does a few gestures that create a BRIGHT LIGHT and suddenly- A20 INT. SANCTUM SANCTORUM - FRONT STAIRCASE - CONTINUOUS A20 Bottom of the stairs. Strange is standing. Thor is rolling down the stairs. A magic portal leading into a peaceful meadow has opened beside Strange. THOR We could have just walked. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 20. DR. STRANGE (re: the portal) He's waiting for you. THOR All right. STRANGE Don't forget your umbrella. THOR Yes. Thor extends his arm and holds out his hand. Crashing noises are heard. Lots of crashing noises. THOR (CONT'D) Sorry Finally the umbrella flies into his hand. THOR (CONT'D) I suppose I'll need my brother back. DR. STRANGE Yeah, right. Suddenly we hear SCREAMING. From above, LOKI drops out of a portal. He LANDS HARD on the floor and then STAGGERS to his feet. On edge, confused. LOKI ...I have been falling...for thirty minutes! DR. STRANGE (to Thor:) You can handle him from here. THOR Yeah of course. (they shake hands) Thank you very much for your help. STRANGE Good luck. LOKI Handle me? Who are you? THOR Loki. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 21. Loki DRAWS a dagger, ready to attack Strange. LOKI think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second-rate... DR. STRANGE Bye-bye. Strange GESTURES with both hands and- -WHOOSH! PULLS the magic portal over them. Just like that, Thor and Loki are gone. 20 OMITTED 20 21 EXT. CLIFFS - DAY 21 Beautiful, undisturbed nature. We hear the ocean nearby. LOKI lands on the ground, portal closes behind them. THOR Father? A lone figure stands at the other side of the meadow at the cliff's edge, waves CRASHING below. It is ODIN. He's dressed plainly in humble human clothes. The boys approach him quickly. ODIN Look at this place. It's beautiful. THOR Father, it's us. ODIN My sons. I've been waiting for you. Loki is surprised to hear Odin call him his son. THOR I know. We've come to take you home. ODIN Home, yes. Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it? Thor fires a look at Loki, who holds up his hands in defense. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 22. THOR Loki, lift your magic. Odin turns to Loki, who stiffens. But Odin smiles. ODIN Took me quite a while to break free from your spell. Frigga would have been proud. Loki is moved by this gesture. He looks over to see Thor staring at him, anger building. Odin puts a hand on Thor's shoulder, calming him. ODIN (CONT'D) Come and sit with me. I don't have much time. Odin sits, out of breath, weak. His sons sit beside him. THOR I know that we failed you, but we can make this right. ODIN I failed you. (beat) It is upon us...Ragnarok. THOR No, I've stopped Ragnarok. I put an end to Surtur. ODIN No. It has already begun. She's coming. My life was all that held her back, but my time has come. I cannot keep her away any longer. THOR Father, who are you talking about? ODIN The Goddess of Death. Hela. My first born. (faces Thor) Your sister. That hits Thor hard. Loki can't believe what he's hearing. THOR ...what? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 23. ODIN Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her. Locked her away. She draws her strength from Asgard...and once she gets there, her powers will be limitless. THOR Whatever she is, we can stop her. We can face her together. ODIN (takes Thor's hand) No we won't. I'm on a different path now. This you must face alone. Odin looks into Thor's eyes, struggling to breathe. ODIN (CONT'D) I love you my sons. For the briefest of instances, father and sons share a quiet moment together. Tears well in Thor's eyes. ODIN (CONT'D) Look at that. Ethereal sun-rays stream down upon the ocean. ODIN (CONT'D) Remember this place. Home. A warm glow washes over Thor's face and he turns to see that- -ODIN IS DISSIPATING INTO STARDUST. THE ALLFATHER HAS DIED. A moment as the brothers separately mourn for Odin. The sky above DARKENS and THE WIND PICKS UP. Thor stands and turns toward Loki, his eyes burning with rage. Loki takes a step back. LOKI Brother. Thor faces Loki. Electricity CRACKLES at Thor's hands. THOR This was your doing. CRACK! Behind them a black portal SPLITS OPEN! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 24. Thor SLAMS DOWN his umbrella, transforming into his Asgardian armor (with Mjolnir). Loki changes into his armor as well. A piercing scream cuts the air as a figure is hurtled out of the portal, crashing out of this dimensional rift is HELA. Hela takes a second to consider her surroundings. Then: HELA So he's gone? (beat) That's a shame. I would've liked to have seen that. A tense moment as they stare each other down. THOR You must be Hela. I'm Thor, son of Odin. HELA Really, you don't look like him. LOKI Perhaps we can reach an arrangement. HELA You sound like him. Loki shifts nervously. Thor's grip tightens on Mjolnir. HELA (CONT'D) Kneel. LOKI Beg your pardon? Hela MANIFESTS a pitch black blade. HELA Kneel...before your Queen. THOR I don't think so. Thor winds up and HURLS Mjolnir at Hela... - THUD - the mighty hammer comes to a cold stop, against Hela's hand. Thor is shocked. He stretches out his hands, trying to call Mjolnir back to him. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 25. The hammer trembles in Hela's hand, like a mini game of tug-o- war. But ultimately Hela keeps possession. THOR (CONT'D) It's not possible. HELA Darling, you have no idea what's possible. HELA SHATTERS THOR'S HAMMER. The blast of Mjolnir's destruction sends a wave of energy through Thor and Loki who brace themselves against the impact. Thor is stupefied. In shock. He looks up to see Hela is running her hands back over her head to create the terrifying battle headdress. Loki's reaction is more panic. He stands and calls up: LOKI Bring us back! THOR No!! Hela CHARGES Thor and Loki as- -WHOOSH! The Bi-Frost envelopes all of them. 22 INT. BI-FROST - CONTINUOUS 22 Thor and Loki ZOOM UPWARDS, held inside this celestial beam warping them towards Asgard. Loki and Thor look down to see... Hela is in the Bi-Frost, behind them and CATCHING UP. Loki turns and throws TWO DAGGERS at her. They find their mark, stalling her for a second. But she PLOWS RIGHT THROUGH Loki, KNOCKING HIM OUT OF THE BI-FROST. Gone in an instant. THOR Loki! Hela projects a jet black grappling hook and GRABS HOLD of Thor. Drawing him to her, preparing to finish him off. Thor pulls up his legs, and KICKS Hela with both feet. This effectively dislodges him from her grasp but also... ...KNOCKS THOR OUT OF THE BI-FROST! Now both he and Loki are gone. If they aren't dead, then God knows where they went. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 26. 23 INT. THE OBSERVATORY - CONTINUOUS 23 VOLSTAGG has a grip on Heimdall's sword, manning Bi-Frost's controls. Behind him FANDRAL is overseeing Skurge, who is mopping up the dragon guts. BOOM! Hela emerges with thunderous impact. Fandral and Volstagg draw their weapons, preparing to engage. VOLSTAGG Who are you!? What have you done with Thor? Hela fires TWO BLACK DAGGERS, each one dropping its target to the ground. Hela then walks forward and- HELA I'm Hela. -BRUTALLY KILLS FANDRAL AND VOLSTAGG! Hela sees Skurge. Approaches calmly, a vision of death. With Hela only a few feet from him, Skurge cowers. Pause. SKURGE I'm just a janitor. Skurge ever-so-slightly peers up at her. HELA You look like a smart boy with good survival instincts. How would you like a job? Hela looks out upon Asgard as Skurge rises behind her. 24 EXT. ASGARD - THE MOUNTAINS - SAME 24 A mysterious HOODED FIGURE watches Hela's arrival at the Observatory and begins a steady descent towards the city. 25 EXT. SAKAAR - THE WASTELAND SHORE - DAY 25 SUPER WIDE: A sky full of WORMHOLES. Thor, only a spec at this distance, SHOOTS out of one of these wormholes. He HITS the surface, causing a CLOUD of dust. Find Thor on his back surrounded by strange colorful space wreckage. Looking up, Thor sees a large metal object falling from a different wormhole! He rolls out of the way. THUD! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 27. Thor runs up a dune to get away from the shower of debris. Thor reaches the top of the dune and finds himself looking down on A BEACH in a strange WASTELAND. Camera scans a filthy dune littered with SPACE JUNK. Out across the OCEAN he notices A NIGHTMARE WORMHOLE - a giant open cylinder of whirling smoke and lightning storms. A loud noise draws Thor's attention to a HUGE RECTANGULAR "SCRAPPER" SHIP hauling a crashed SPACE VESSEL out of the water. Beneath the ship are various SCRAPPERS, masked humanoids. The ship is BLASTING WEIRD ALIEN MUSIC. A Scrapper notices Thor, then signals to his crew. LEAD SCRAPPER Are you a fighter or are you food? THOR I'm just passing through. LEAD SCRAPPER It is food. On your knees. Thor reaches out to summon Mjolnir. A reflex. Nothing. The LEAD SCRAPPER levels a MAGNO-RIFLE at Thor and WHAP! A solid metal projectile KNOCKS Thor flat on his back. More Scrappers attack, throwing nets and firing more projectiles. Thor tries to swat them away but they keep coming. The rest of the scrappers move in with iron bats and clubs. WHOOSH! A second ship arrives, landing nearby. It's cool, sleek, and dangerous, deserving of its name: WARSONG. It is also BLASTING DIFFERENT WEIRD ALIEN MUSIC. The FRONT of Warsong FLIPS OPEN and a GANGPLANK extends down to the ground. The scrappers stop and stare as we TRACK IN to a HERO REVEAL of SCRAPPER #142 (S142 for short) - a beautiful and ruthless asskicker. S142 lifts a half-empty bottle to her lips and CHUGS it. She finishes the bottle and smashes it on the side of her ship. SCRAPPER #142 He's MINE. She walks down the gangplank... before veering off course and FALLING straight off into a pile of TRASH. She's PLASTERED. The Scrappers shrug and start hauling Thor away. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 28. SCRAPPER #142 (CONT'D) Wait! S142 staggers to her feet, takes a deep breath. She holds on to a piece of junk as support - some dead beast. Thor continues to struggle with his captors, tangled in nets. SCRAPPER #142 (CONT'D) Wait! He's mine. So if you want him, you go through me. The Scrappers start brandishing their weapons. SCRAPPER But we've already got him. S142 CLANGS her metal gauntlets together which activate. SCRAPPER #142 Alright then I guess I go through you. LEAD SCRAPPER More food. She holds out her fists as if she's operating machinery... ...Warsong WHIRS to life. S142 clenches her fists and we hear a horrible SCREECHING NOISE as Warsong OPENS FIRE. She sweeps her arms out in an arc, the spray of gunfire lasting THREE SECONDS. She bangs her fists again, sending the ship into IDLE MODE. The Scrappers are now little more than tiny pieces of litter covering the beach. Thor is fixated on this beautiful murderer approaching. One final HUGE Scrapper comes at her with a bat. S142 casually GRABS this Scrapper and HURLS him up into the air behind her. THOR Thank you. From her belt S142 FLICKS a small glowing disc which LODGES into Thor's NECK. Far in the background, the Scrapper she threw finally HITS the ground with a loud THUD. She holds up a fob device and presses the button - the disc blinks and Thor is filled with the pain of a thousand screaming squirrels. He hits the ground, stunned. S142 DRAGS Thor towards her ship. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 29. 30 INT. WARSONG SHIP - DAY 30 Thor's face SMUSHED up against glass. His eyes are open. Thor's POV - THE CAPITAL - an eclectic city composed of salvaged items from all over the universe. Thor is lying in a sort of small GLASS HOLDING CELL beneath Warsong's COCKPIT. He looks up to see S142 piloting the ship. Thor's eyes lock in on her belt, specifically the fob device she used to activate the Obedience Disk/debilitate him. SCRAPPER #142 This is Scrapper 142. I need clearance and an audience with the boss. I've got something special. THOR Hey! Where are you taking me? S142 ignores him, takes a swig from the bottle, and then nonchalantly UNCLIPS the fob from her belt. THOR (CONT'D) Answer me! Hey! I am Thor, son of Odin. I need to get back to Asgard. SCRAPPER #142 Many apologies, your majesty. S142 ZAPS him and guides her ship towards a COLOSSAL TOWER. 26 EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF ASGARD - DAY 26 CLOSE ON: Hela, headdress retracted, hair down, her beautiful face fully visible. We do not see who she is talking to. HELA It's come to my attention that you don't know who I am. REVEAL THE ARMIES OF ASGARD FACING DOWN HELA. Standing in front is HOGUN, sword and shield out. HELA (CONT'D) I am Hela, Odin's first born, Commander of the legions of Asgard, the rightful heir to the throne, and the Goddess of Death. (pause for effect) (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 30. HELA (CONT'D) My father is dead. As are the princes. You're welcome. (then:) We were once the seat of absolute power in the Cosmos. Our supremacy was unchallenged, yet Odin stopped at Nine Realms. Our destiny is to rule over all others. And I am here to restore that power. Kneel before me...and rise into the ranks of my great conquest. THE E-GUARDS GET INTO ATTACK FORMATION. HOGUN Whoever you are... whatever you've done, surrender now! Or we will show you know mercy. HELA Whoever I am? Did you listen to a word I said? HOGUN This is your last warning! HELA I thought you'd be happy to see me. Hela forms her headdress. HELA (CONT'D) Fine. The Asgardian archers LOOSE DOZENS OF ARROWS, but- -Hela advances confidently, DESTROYS the SHIPS and SOARS INTO THE EINHERJAR! In a symphony of spectacular terror, Hela proceeds to DECIMATE the entire regiment. A tornado of carnage, a legendary massacre. 27 EXT. BELOW THE RAINBOW BRIDGE - SAME 27 While Hela slaughters up above, we tilt up from a boat, moored at the base of the Observatory, to see the mysterious figure from earlier is now SCALING the rocks towards the top. 28 INT. THE OBSERVATORY - CONTINUOUS 28 Now silhouetted in the entrance way, the figure scans the Observatory. His gaze falls on- BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 31. -Bi-Frost's controls. Specifically Heimdall's sword. 29 EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF ASGARD - CONTINUOUS 29 It's eerily quiet. CLOSE on Hela scanning the battlefield. 100+ slain Einherjar at her feet. ANGLE on Skurge as he steps forward - awe, admiration, fear. HELA Oh, I've missed this. Still, it's a shame. Good soldiers dying for nothing...all because they couldn't see the future. Sad. (then she sees:) Oh! Look, still alive. Reveal Hogun, severely injured but staggering to his feet, resilient. HELA (CONT'D) Change of heart? Hogun draws a dagger as a last ditch attack. HOGUN Go back to whatever cave you crept out of you evil demoness! Hela IMPALES Hogun on a spike. She turns to Skurge. HELA Let's go see my palace. Skurge stares at Hogun before following Hela towards the palace. 31 OMITTED 31 A32 INT. DARK TUNNEL - DAY A32 THOR, strapped to the chair, suddenly finds himself slowly moving forward. After a beat- -the walls LIGHT UP and a SOOTHING VOICE speaks to him. SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) Fear not, for you are found. You are home, and there is no going back. No one leaves this place. Thor STRUGGLES against his restraints. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 32. SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) But what is this place? The answer in Sakaar. The tunnel walls show images of Sakaar's place in the Cosmos. SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) Surrounded by cosmic gateways, Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and unknown. Images of the wormholes that cover Sakaar's atmosphere. SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) It is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. Like you. But here on Sakaar, you are significant. You are valuable. Here, you are loved. THOR What...the hell? SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) And no one loves you more than the Grandmaster. Images of the Grandmaster, in silhouette, arriving on Sakaar. SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) He is the original. The first lost, and the first found. The creator of Sakaar and the father of the Contest of Champions. Images of the arena where aliens battle to the death. SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) Where once you were nothing, now you are something. You are the property of the Grandmaster. (then:) Congratulations! You will meet the Grandmaster in five seconds. Images around the tunnel begin speeding up. Chaos, violence, and confusion mixed in with Grandmaster's face. Thor, already bewildered, looks on the verge of panic. SOOTHING VOICE (V.O.) Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself. You are now meeting the Grandmaster. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 33. Thor SCREAMS! 32 INT. GRANDMASTER'S CHAMBERS - CONTINUOUS 32 Suddenly Thor is somewhere else, surrounded weirdos and insanely dressed palace guards. His scream dies down self-consciously. A musical beat PLAYS in the background. THE GRANDMASTER, a tall mysterious man in golden robes. He is looking right at us. He doesn't know what to make of us. He's curious, thrilled, revolted, and titillated. Pulling back we see TOPAZ, his trusty guard, at his side. Two GOLDEN LADIES loiter off to the side. Other strange guests can be seen in the background. Grandmaster just stares. S142 stands beside Grandmaster. Finally: GRANDMASTER He's wonderful. (then:) It is a he? Reveal S142 standing beside Thor. SCRAPPER #142 It's a he. GRANDMASTER Yeah. I love when you come to visit 142, you bring me the best stuff. (to Topaz:) Whenever we get to talking, Topaz, about Scrapper 142...what do I always say? "She is the..." and it starts with a B. TOPAZ Trash. GRANDMASTER No, not trash. Were you waiting just to call her that? It doesn't start with a "B." TOPAZ Booze hag. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 34. GRANDMASTER I'm so sorry. No, "best." I was thinking about "best." (to S142:) Because I always say you're the best. She brought me my precious beloved Champion, you know. TOPAZ You say that every time she's here. GRANDMASTER What have you brought today? Tell me. SCRAPPER #142 A contender. THOR A what? GRANDMASTER I need to go closer. I want a closer look at this. Can you take us closer? Thank you. Grandmaster advances on Thor. Examining him closely and strangely. Then: GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) Pay this lady. THOR Just wait a damn minute. I'm not for sale. Using all his might, Thor breaks out of his shackles, but- -S142 ZAPS him again. Paralyzed by superheated veins. GRANDMASTER Man. He is a fighter. SCRAPPER #142 I'd take 10 million. TOPAZ Tell her she's dreaming. GRANDMASTER For heaven's sake, transfer the units. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 35. Topaz transfers S142 the units. Without sympathy or ceremony, S142 exits. THOR You'll pay for this! SCRAPPER #142 No, I got paid for this. Thor claws at the obedience disk, trying to RIP IT OUT. He gets some separation from his skin, but the disk is causing him even more pain. Thor eventually has to let go. Grandmaster holds up HIS OWN fob device and uses it like a wand to guide Thor's HOVER CHAIR, which follows Grandmaster around as he speaks. GRANDMASTER Here's what I wanna know. Who are you? THOR I am the God of THUNDER!!! Thor THRUSTS his arms into the air but only a tiny bit of static electricity POPS within Thor's hands. GRANDMASTER Wow. I didn't hear any thunder, but out of your fingers, was that like...sparkles? TOPAZ We located your cousin. GRANDMASTER Oh good! (to Thor:) Yeah, come on. I think you're gonna like this. Grandmaster moves Thor's chair to another section where- -COUSIN CARLO is waiting. He's strapped to a chair like Thor, and he is terrified. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) There he is. Hey, cuz. We almost couldn't find you. What, have you been hiding? Cousin Carlo looks at Thor, cowering in fear. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 36. THOR Hi. Carlo only further weeps. GRANDMASTER So... COUSIN CARLO Please. I'm sorry. GRANDMASTER Carlo... I pardon you. COUSIN CARLO Thank you. Thank you. GRANDMASTER You're officially pardoned...from life. Grandmaster casually takes Topaz's Sakaarian Guard staff and JABS it into his cousin's mid-section- -CAUSING ALL OF HIS FLESH TO MELT OFF HIS SKELETON! Carlo SHRIEKS IN PAIN before his vocal cords melt. Thor looks on, in shock. THOR Oh, my god! Liquid Carlo spreads towards Grandmaster. GRANDMASTER I'm stepping in it. I'm stepping in it. Look out! THOR (repulsed) Oh, the smell. GRANDMASTER What does it smell like? TOPAZ Burnt toast. GRANDMASTER What happened to my manners? I haven't properly introduced myself. Come on. Follow me. Grandmaster gives Topaz back her staff. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 37. Grandmaster and Thor arrive at a space where A GROUP OF MUSICIANS PLAY STRANGE INSTRUMENTS (the source of the music thus far). Grandmaster joins them, still speaking to Thor. Grandmaster begins PLAYING a strange piano-like contraption, riffing a melody over the existing music. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) My name is Grandmaster. I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that? THOR We're not friends, and I don't give a shit about your games! I'm going back to Asgard! GRANDMASTER (amused) Ass-gard? (then:) One, two, three, four. Grandmaster really gets into his PLAYING. Grandmaster's guards and VIP guests start MOVING TO THE MUSIC. Thor takes a moment to look around at this bizarre spectacle unfolding around him. In doing so, he zeroes in on one particular group of VIPS, specifically... ...LOKI! He's lounging and dressed in Sakaarian garb. LOKI There was a wormhole in space and time beneath me. At that moment, I let go. THOR Loki!? Loki! Over here! Loki notices Thor. Blanches a little. Sidles closer so as to speak to Thor without looking like he's speaking to Thor. LOKI Excuse me one second. THOR Loki! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 38. Loki hustles over to Thor, SHUSHING him. LOKI What? You're alive? THOR Yes, of course I'm alive. LOKI What are you doing here? THOR What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where's your chair? LOKI I didn't get a chair. THOR Get me out of this one. LOKI I can't. THOR What? LOKI I've made friends with this man. He's called the Grandmaster. THOR Oh, he's crazy! LOKI I've gained his favor.. The Bi- Frost brought me out here weeks ago. THOR Weeks ago? I just got here. Suddenly Grandmaster is right next to them. GRANDMASTER What are you whispering about? Both Thor and Loki react, startled. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) Time works real different around these parts. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 39. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) On any other world, I'd be like, millions of years old. But here on Sakaar... Grandmaster beholds himself. Then turns to Loki. A truly uncomfortable silence. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) In any case, you know this... You call yourself Lord of Thunder? THOR God of Thunder. Tell him. LOKI I've never met this man in my life. THOR He's my brother. LOKI Adopted. GRANDMASTER Is he any kind of a fighter? Loki shrugs, gives the universal gesture for "so-so." THOR You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you. GRANDMASTER Now listen to that. He's threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal. If you wanna get back to Ass-place, Assberg... THOR Asgard. GRANDMASTER Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win. THOR Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick. GRANDMASTER That's what I call, contender! Direction would be this way, Lord. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 40. THOR Loki! Guards arrive. They haul Thor up and escort him out. 33 OMITTED 33 34 INT. THE ARENA - GLADIATOR CELLS - NIGHT 34 Thor is shoved into a spacious cell where other alien prisoners are lurking in the back. The thick cell door SLAMS SHUT behind Thor. Thor gets up and immediately begins THROWING his shoulder into the door. The door doesn't budge, not even a little. Behind him, KORG, a hulking Kronan rock alien, speaks up. KORG Hey! Take it easy man! (Thor looks back) Over here. The pile of rocks waving at you. Yeah I'm actually a thing, I'm a being. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Korg. I'm kind of like the leader in here. I'm made of rocks, as you can see, but don't let that intimidate you. You don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors. (GIGGLES to himself) Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you. This is my very good friend over here, Miek. He's an insect and has knives for hands. MIEK, a slug alien inside a robot exoskeleton, says hello by doing some karate moves. THOR You're a Kronan, aren't you? KORG That I am. THOR How'd you end up in here? KORG Well, I tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets, so hardly anyone turned up. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 41. KORG (CONT'D) Except for my mom and her boyfriiend, who I hate. As punishment, I was forced to be in here and become a gladiator. Bit of a promotional disaster. (secretive) But I'm actually organizing another revolution. I don't know if you'd be interested in something like that. Do you reckon you'd be interested? Thor tries to run ahead down the circle and loops back around behind Korg. THOR How did you... KORG Yeah, no. This whole thing is a circle. But not a real circle, more like a freaky circle. THOR This doesn't make any sense. KORG No, nothing makes sense here. The only thing that does make sense, is that nothing makes sense. THOR Has anyone here fought the Grandmaster's Champion? KORG Doug has. Doug! (realizes) Oh, right, Doug's dead. That's right. Everyone who fights the Grandmaster's champion perishes. THOR What about you? You're made of rocks. KORG Perishable rocks. (a pebble FALLS OFF) There you go. Another one gone. Yeah, no, I just do the smaller fights, warm up the crowd and whatnot. Wait. You're not gonna face him, are you? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 42. THOR Yes I am. Fight him, win, and get the hell out of this place. KORG That's exactly what Doug used to say. See you later, new Doug. Korg walks away and approaches Miek. A35 EXT. ASGARD - STREETS - SUNSET A35 The streets of Asgard are cold and silent, save for the occasional distant sounds and screams of a city under siege. 35 OMITTED 35 A36 INT. THRONE ROOM - CONTINUOUS A36 Moving down the throne room corridor we see- -SEVERAL DEAD EINHERJAR GUARDS. One guy is still alive, desperately trying to crawl away. SHLNK! A black blade finishes him off. Reveal HELA and SKURGE looking down at the carnage. Hela directs her attention to FRESCOS ON THE CEILING. Like the Sistine Chapel, except these depict Asgard's shining influence on the Nine Realms. Bountiful harvests, shepherds with full flocks, common folk throwing parades for Asgard's army, etc. HELA Does no one remember me? (awaiting an answer) Has no one been taught our history? Look at these lies. Goblets and garden parties? Peace treaties? Hela leads them towards the throne. HELA (CONT'D) Odin... proud to have it... ashamed of how he got it. Hela FIRES SPIKES into the ceiling, RIPPING DOWN plaster. Beneath the surface are older Frescos. These ones are far more dark and sinister. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 43. Soldiers in battle. Blood. A giant war wolf. Young Odin and young Hela. Slaves building the palace. Skurge is at least somewhat disturbed by this. HELA (CONT'D) We were unstoppable. I was his weapon in the conquest that built Asgard's empire. One by one, the realms became ours. Hela turns from the murals to address Skurge. HELA (CONT'D) But then, simply because my ambition outgrew his...he banished me, caged me, locked me away like an animal. Before that, Asgard's warriors were honored, their bodies buried as heroes beneath this very place. Hela beckons Skurge to follow her. B36 INT. ODIN'S VAULT - CONTINUOUS B36 Hela enters the vault and descends the stairs towards the magical items. SKURGE Odin's treasures. SKURGE follows her. Hela walks towards the Infinity Gauntlet. HELA Fake. Hela KNOCKS the gauntlet off its pedestal. HELA (CONT'D) Most of the stuff in here is fake. Next: The Casket of Ancient Winter. HELA (CONT'D) Or weak. Next: Surtur's skull. HELA (CONT'D) Smaller than I thought it would be. Next: The Tesseract. She hesitates: BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 44. HELA (CONT'D) That's not bad? (notices:) But this... The Eternal Flame. THE ETERNAL FLAME flickers in its chalice. Hela DIGS HER HAND INTO THE ETERNAL FLAME. She pulls her hand out now cupping GREEN FIRE, like a torch. Hela approaches a large circular RUNE ETCHING on the floor. Hela manifests a huge CLAW HAMMER. She SMASHES THROUGH THE RUNES ON THE FLOOR, creating a gaping chasm. She looks at Skurge. HELA (CONT'D) Want to see what true power looks like? Hela looks down into the darkness below. With her hand aflame, Hela JUMPS down into the chasm! C36 INT. HIDDEN ASGARDIAN CATACOMBS - DAY C36 Hela LANDS like a bad ass. Dust settles. The light of Hela's hand torch reveals a stone crypt. An ornate burial place for the heroes of Old Asgard. We can see countless rotted skeletons in badass ancient Asgardian armor. Hela's regiment. Among them, A MASSIVE WOLF'S SKELETON. TERRIFYING AND MONSTROUS, COLOSSAL CHAINS AROUND THE BONES OF ITS PAWS. FENRIS. Hela approaches Fenris' skeleton. HELA Fenris. My darling, what have they done to you? She lifts her flaming hand above her head. She slams her hand into the ground. HELA (CONT'D) With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn! The fire spreads out, covering Fenris and Hela's old army. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 45. As the fire covers the skeletons, they SHUDDER TO LIFE. HELA (CONT'D) I've missed you. I've missed you all. HELA'S BUTCHERS, rise up before their commander. ABOVE: Skurge looks down, worried. BELOW: A sinister light returns to Fenris's eyes as he stands proudly before his master, allowing her to pet the fur of his terrifying face. C36A INT. THE ARENA - GLADIATOR CELLS - NIGHT C36A Thor sits against the wall. Quietly praying. THOR Odin, I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla... (then:) Where the brave shall live forever. Nor shall we mourn but rejoice- THOR (CONT'D) LOKI (O.S.) -for those that have died the -for those that have died the glorious death. glorious death. Reveal Loki standing across the cell. Thor gives him a hard look. LOKI (CONT'D) It hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to. Being told you're one thing and then learning it's all a fiction. Thor picks up some stones that have fallen from Korg's leg and casually starts throwing them through Loki's illusion. LOKI (CONT'D) You didn't think I'd really come and see you, did you? This place is disgusting. Thor throws another stone through Loki. LOKI (CONT'D) Does this mean you don't want my help? Thor throws another stone through Loki. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 46. LOKI (CONT'D) Look, I couldn't jeopardize my position with Grandmaster, it took me time to win his trust. He's a lunatic, but he can be amenable. Thor throws another stone through Loki. Disinterested. LOKI (CONT'D) What I'm telling you is, you could join me at the Grandmaster's side. Perhaps, in time, an accident befalls the Grandmaster, and then... Loki gestures: "we take over." Thor throws another stone through Loki. Bored. LOKI (CONT'D) You're not seriously thinking of going back, are you? Our sister destroyed your hammer like a piece of glass. She's stronger than both of us. She's stronger than you. You don't stand a chance. Do you understand what I'm saying to you? Thor just scowls. LOKI (CONT'D) Fine. I guess I'll just have to go it alone. Like I've always done. (Thor smirks) Would you say something? Now out of stones, Thor looks around the floor for more. LOKI (CONT'D) Say something! Thor finally looks right at Loki, speaks fast and curt: THOR What would you like me to say? You faked your own death, you stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power, stranded him on Earth... (on Loki:) -to die, releasing the Goddess of Death. (back to Thor:) (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 47. THOR (CONT'D) Have I said enough, or do you do you want me to go further back than the past two days? Loki's eyes burn. Thor stares coldly at him. Loki tries to compose himself. LOKI You know, I haven't seen this Beloved Champion he talks of, but I've heard he's astonishingly savage. I've placed a large wager against you tomorrow. Don't let me down. Loki SHIMMERS, and his illusion vanishes. Korg runs in to try to kick him. KORG Piss off, ghost! (then:) He's freaking gone. 40 INT. THE ARENA - RECEIVING AREA 40 Thor, Korg, and a gaggle of other prisoners/fighters have been led from their cells to a PRE-FIGHT HOLDING AREA. Korg and Thor are by the weapons rack. KORG Yuck! There's Still someone's hair and blood all over this. Guys, can you clean up the weapons once you finish your fight? Disgusting slobs. (then:) Thor...wanna use a big wooden fork? THOR No. KORG Yeah, not really useful unless you're fighting off three vampires that were huddled together. THOR I really wish I had my hammer. KORG Hammer? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 48. THOR Quite unique. It was made from this special metal from the heart of a dying star. And when I spun it really, really fast it gave me the ability to fly. KORG You rode a hammer? THOR No, I didn't ride the hammer. KORG The hammer rode you on your back? THOR No. I used to spin it really fast, and it would pull me off the... KORG Oh my God. The hammer pulled you off? THOR The ground. It would pull me off the ground, up into the air, and I would fly. Every time I threw it, it would always come back to me. KORG Sounds like you had a pretty special and intimate relationship wiht this hammer and that losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one. THOR That's a nice way of putting it. Thor spots S142 dealing at the bar. He's once again eyeing the fob device clipped to her belt. Scowls. SCRAPPER #142 I said they're mine. THOR See her, the one that put me in here. KORG Yeah, Scrapper 142. She's strong. And she drinks a lot. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 49. KORG (CONT'D) Gotta watch out for those Asgardians, man. They are hard to perish. THOR Asgardian? Thor breaks away from the line and runs to S142. THOR (CONT'D) Hey! Hey! S142 holds up the fob. THOR (CONT'D) Do not zap me with that thing. I just wanna talk. Asgard is in danger. Thor then notices a series of PATTERNED SCARS, or BRANDS, on her forearms. It's a moment of recognition and disbelief. THOR (CONT'D) My God, you're a Valkyrie. I used to wanna be a Valkyrie when I was younger...until I found out that you were all women. There's nothing wrong with women, of course. I love women. Sometimes a little too much. Not in a creepy way, just more of a respectful appreciation. I think it's great that there is an elite force of women warriors. It's about time. SCRAPPER #142 Are you done? WARDEN (O.S.) Lord of Thunder, you're up. THOR Please, help me. I need your help. SCRAPPER #142 Bye. THOR Fine, then you must be a traitor or a coward because the Valkyrie are sworn to protect the throne. S142 finally turns her attention to Thor, intense. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 50. SCRAPPER #142 Listen closely, your majesty. This is Sakaar, not Asgard. And I'm a scrapper, not a Valkyrie. Guards swarm Thor, dragging him back WARDEN (O.S.) Bring him in for processing! VALKYRIE And no one escapes this place. So you're gonna die anyway. Despite her denial, Thor has clearly hit a nerve. And from now on we will refer to Scrapper #142 as VALKYRIE. Valkyrie takes her booze and walks away. Thor is dragged away, passing Korg and the other prisoners. 40A INT. PROCESSING ROOM - DAY 40A Thor is strapped to a chair. Reveal a weird alien BARBER (Stan Lee cameo) holding up some rusty shears. STAN LEE Now, don't you move. My hands ain't as steady as they used to be. THOR By Odin's beard, you shall not cut my hair... lest you feel the wrath of the might Thor. Barber activates a menacing CUTTING TOOL. Thor freaks out. THOR (CONT'D) Please. Please, kind sir, do not cut my hair! No! 40B INT. THE ARENA - NIGHT 40B Hundreds of thousands of spectators packed into the stadium seats. Dozens of starships are parked above the arena. Find THE GRANDMASTER'S LUXURY SUITE, a VIP box attached to the fighting area. The Golden Ladies are in attendance. Loki lounges in the suite, taking wagers on the fight card. Grandmaster walks out into the center of the arena. Suddenly- BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 51. -THE GRANDMASTER GROWS TO 60-FEET TALL! This enlarged projection of Grandmaster addresses the audience. GRANDMASTER Wow! Look at all of you. What a show, WHAT-A-NIGHT! Who's having fun? Please, I'm your host. Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors... who died so gruesomely. Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for and so have I. (applause) And now, without further ado... it's main event time!! (INSANE APPLAUSE) Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen... (LAUGHTER from the crowd) I give to you...Lord of Thunder! Enter Thor. Gladiator Thor. Shaved head, trimmed beard, minimalist armor, covered in weapons. Two swords on his back, giant mace in one hand, spiked shield in the other. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks. Thor looks up at the throngs of SCREAMING FANS. And then... ...puts on his helmet. A badass gladiator variation of his classic winged helm. Thor is ready to rumble. ABOVE: Find Valkyrie in her Warsong ship, parked amongst the other tailgaters. She POPS open a bottle of booze. Drinks. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him. Suddenly the floor beneath Thor's feet LOWERS. A slow, tension-building GRIND as he sees- -A DOOR across the arena. Bigger and bigger. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 52. The entire crowd is on its feet. Palpable anticipation. The spotlights change to bright stadium lights. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) He's undefeated. HE'S THE REIGNING...HE'S THE DEFENDING... Ladies and gentlemen... I give you... KA-BOOM! EXPLODING through a door is the Champion... ...THE INCREDIBLE HULK! He wears an armored shoulder guard and a Spartan helmet. He carries a warhammer in one hand and a battleaxe in the other. Hulk POUNDS his chest and ROARS, further energizing an already frenzied crowd. Meanwhile, the sight of Hulk makes Thor's arms drop to his sides along with his jaw dropping to the ground. And then- -Thor LAUGHS his ass off. Like, "that's my buddy over there!" THOR Yes! IN THE VIP BOX: Loki goes ghost white. Traumatic memories of being Hulk-smashed flood his brain. Gone is all his joy. LOKI I have to get off this planet. Loki tries to exit, but the Grandmaster stops him. GRANDMASTER Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going? Grandmaster plops Loki down in the front row, right against the glass. Loki casually tries to hide his face in his hand. IN THE ARENA: THOR Hey! We know each other. He's a friend from work. (to Hulk:) Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead. So much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer. Like, yesterday, so that's still pretty fresh. (then:) Loki! Loki's alive. Can you believe it? He's up there. (waves to Loki:) Loki! Look who it is! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 53. Loki is petrified. THOR (CONT'D) Banner, I never thought I would say this, but I'm happy to see you. IN THE ARENA: Hulk is still eyeballing Thor while the capacity crowd CHANTS insanely for "HULK! HULK! HULK!" THOR (CONT'D) Banner. Hey, Banner! Hulk's face grimaces and contorts, suppressing puny Banner. HULK NO BANNER! ONLY HULK! Hulk CHARGES at Thor. Insanely fast. THOR What are you doing? It's me. Thor DODGES the first few attacks, but then Hulk SHATTERS his shield and sends Thor FLYING. Thor draws a sword and STABS it into the ground to slow his momentum. Draws the other sword and faces off against Hulk. THOR (CONT'D) Banner, we're friends. This is crazy. I don't want to hurt you! They engage again. Hulk KICKS Thor, sending him SLAMMING into the wall. GRANDMASTER Here we go. Thor jumps down just in time to avoid Hulk's warhammer, which HITS so hard that it remains lodged in the wall. With Hulk charging again, Thor RIPS the warhammer out of the wall and WALLOPS Hulk with it. Hulk goes CRASHING alongside the arena. He ends up sprawled out in a pile of rubble, slightly dazed. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) What? ABOVE: Val is watching through a set of high-tech binoculars. She reacts to Thor, reluctantly impressed. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 54. Thor advances on Hulk with all the swagger. He takes off his helmet and CALLS OUT to Hulk, provoking him. THOR Hey, big guy. The sun's getting real low. Hulk takes off his helmet. Scowling. Teeth GRINDING. THOR (CONT'D) That's it. The sun's going down. I won't hurt you anymore. No one will. WHOOSH! Thor is suddenly dragged out of frame. Hulk has Thor by the leg and is WHIPPING him against the arena floor. Over and over and over again. IN THE VIP BOX: Loki's whole mood shifts. The joy returns to his face, like "everything will be alright!" Loki LAUGHS. LOKI Yes! That's how it feels! (to Grandmaster:) I'm just a huge fan of the sport. Thor is SMASHED into the floor face first. Hulk ROARS and RUSHES Thor with his axe. THOR All right. Screw it. CLANG! The giant weapons CLASH! Now Thor and Hulk are fighting warhammer versus battleaxe... ...and Thor is winning! He's getting the better of these exchanges, using Hulk's aggression against him. Thor continually KNOCKS and/or TRIPS Hulk off his feet while evading all of Hulk's best attacks. THOR (CONT'D) I know you're in there, Banner. I'll get you out! One particular vicious blow DISARMS Hulk, and Thor BREAKS Hulk's axe with the warhammer. Thor then BASHES Hulk in the chest, KNOCKING him to the ground. THOR (CONT'D) What's the matter with you? You're embarrassing me! I told them we were friends! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 55. GROWLING, Hulk stands up and HITS Thor with a straight jab that sends Thor TUMBLING across the arena. Hulk immediately LEAPS after him and LANDS ON Thor! Hulk is now on top of Thor as they slide across the arena, just PUMMELING him with punches. Left-right-left-right. Thor's head snaps back and forth. In the carnage, Thor sees VISIONS OF ODIN. Then- -his eyes GLOW WHITE WITH ELECTRICITY. Like an instinctual defense mechanism, Thor suddenly KNOCKS HULK BACK WITH A BURST OF LIGHTNING! Seething with electricity, Thor springs to his feet and then BLASTS HULK WITH A MASSIVE LIGHTNING PUNCH! Hulk is LAUNCHED BACKWARDS and Thor hits the ground HARD. CROWD Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! KORG Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! The crowd gets hushed. They've never seen this before. IN THE VIP BOX: Grandmaster is pissed. Loki is amazed. Hulk and Thor stagger to their feet. Thor looks at himself, a little surprised. There are still small charges of lightning CRACKLING through his veins. Meanwhile, Hulk RUMBLES towards Thor and they're at it again, close-quarters boxing. Thor is winning the exchanges, landing BRUTAL PUNCHES to Hulk's body. And then suddenly- -BZZZ! The Grandmaster ZAPS him with the Obedience Disk fob! Thor drops, totally caught off guard! Hulk plants his feet and JUMPS! He ZOOMS UP, rocketing out of the arena, up-up-up into the sky! At the apex of his jump Hulk clenches his fist and begins a missile-like descent. Val sees this from her ship and decides to take off, like "This fight is over, time to beat traffic." KORG (CONT'D) Another day, another Doug. Down below, Thor groggily turns over. He does so just in time to see Hulk coming at him like an atom bomb! No time to avoid it. KA-BOOM!!! Right before impact Thor's eyes go lightning white. Hulk HITS Thor like a meteor. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 56. The impact knocks Thor unconscious and we CUT TO BLACK. Linger on darkness for a few beats...and then: 36 INT. THRONE ROOM - SUNSET 36 Hela sits on the throne trying to get comfortable, headdress & cowl off. Skurge stands at the foot of the throne. HELA What is that noise? SKURGE The common folk aren't exactly falling in line. There's a resistance trying to knock down the front gates. Hela sends her BUTCHER TROOPS to deal with it. HELA Tell me about yourself, Skurge. SKURGE Well, me dad was a stonemason, me mum was- HELA (interrupts) I'll just stop you there. What I meant was what is your ambition? SKURGE I just want a chance to prove myself. HELA Recognition. (then:) When I was young every great King had an executioner. Not just to execute people, but also to execute their vision. But mainly to execute people. Still a great honor. (beat) I was Odin's executioner. Hela holds out her hand and uses her powers to FORM A DOUBLE- SIDED OBSIDIAN AXE, which she offers to Skurge. HELA (CONT'D) And you will be my executioner. Let's begin our conquest. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 57. 37 OMITTED 37 41 OMITTED 41 42 OMITTED 42 44 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - DAY 44 Hela and Skurge arrive at the Observatory, army in tow. HELA Skurge, where's the sword? Reveal that the Bi-Frost sword is missing. HELA (CONT'D) That sword is the key to opening the Bi-Frost. Hela thinks, seething. HELA (CONT'D) These people you mentioned, the ones who aren't falling into line. Round them up. 45 OMITTED 45 AA46 OMITTED AA46 AB46 OMITTED AB46 46 EXT. ASGARD - MOUNTAIN CREEK - DAY 46 A46 OMITTED A46 SPLASH! Boots running across the shallow water. We meet a family of refugees from the city. FATHER, MOTHER, SON (14), and young daughter (8). They're RUNNING FOR THEIR LIVES. Hot on their heels are a pair of Hela's sinister Butchers, hunting like a pack of wolves. After scrambling through a grove of trees the family make their way through a narrow pass. The Butchers are hot on their heels, their growls getting louder behind them when - BAM! The son runs right into a tall, immovable object... BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 58. HEIMDALL! No regal armor, no golden helm. This Heimdall has a thick beard and is wrapped in a cloak. The rest of the family arrive, desperation. HEIMDALL Excuse me. In one swift motion Heimdall draws the BI-FROST SWORD, steps forward and SLASHES through the Butchers, ending them. He then turns to the family, gestures for them to follow him. HEIMDALL (CONT'D) Sorry about that. These bloody things are everywhere. Come on. 47 OMITTED 47 48 EXT. ASGARD - MOUNTAIN RAVINE - DAY 48 Heimdall approaches the steep face of the mountain. Carved into the rock is YGGDRASIL, the world tree. Heimdall kneels, whispers a few words under his breath, and... A HUGE SECTION OF THE MOUNTAIN FACE VANISHES IN A SHIMMERING ILLUSION! 49 INT. STRONGHOLD - DAY 49 It's busy with activity - hundreds of Asgardians who fled the city after Hela's invasion are living here. Men, women, and children. Strong and weak, young and old. Heimdall turns to the family, even manages a smile. HEIMDALL You'll be safe here. They enter the stronghold. As the doors SHUT we go to- 50 OMITTED 50 A51 OMITTED A51 51 INT. HULK'S WARRIOR SUITE - DAY 51 Thor's eyes POP OPEN. He's lying in a heap on the ground, still dirty, bruised, and beat up. Thor is being tended to by TWO SAKAARIAN GLADIATOR NURSES who are swabbing his wounds. This freaks him out, which results in startled thrashing. That freaks out the two Gladiator nurses, which results in them RUNNING AWAY. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 59. Thor starts to get up, but then winces. He moves slowly. He's in a GIANT ROOM with stark graphic patterns on the walls. With a few achy grimaces, Thor stands up and wanders around. There's furniture, large cushions, and a sleeping area enclosed by the SKULL of a giant beast. NOISE behind him. Thor follows the noise to find- Hulk having eased himself into a large steaming JACUZZI. Thor looks at him quizzically. Hulk isn't angry. He's RELAXED, but he's not turning into Banner. THOR Are we cool? Hulk grunts. I guess so. THOR (CONT'D) It's Hulk in a hot tub. (then:) How long have you been like that? HULK Like what? THOR Like this. Big, green, ...stupid. HULK Hulk always Hulk. Thor takes this in, and then walks over to a window that looks out across the city. Does some spatial math, realizes: Thor looks back out the window. He sees a ramshackle SPACESHIP taking off and ROCKETING skyward. Higher and higher, it's going for a wormhole when- -BOOM! One of Grandmaster's Palace Patrol ships, more modern and heavy duty, BLOWS it out of the sky. On Thor, wheels turning. He turns to Hulk. THOR How'd you get here? HULK Winning. THOR You mean cheating? (re: Obedience Disk) (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 60. THOR (CONT'D) Were they wearing one of these when you won? How'd you arrive here? HULK Quinjet. Hulk mimes a plane landing in the water. THOR Yes. Where is the Quinjet now? Hulk stands up, and exits the hot tub, naked. THOR (CONT'D) That's naked. He's very naked. It's in my brain now. Hulk points out the window. HULK Quinjet. Thor sees the Quinjet in a massive alien junkyard. THOR Yes! I'm getting us out of here. This is a terrible, awful place. You're gonna love Asgard. It's big. It's golden. Shiny. Hulk sits on his bed, eating a pumpkin. HULK Hulk stay. THOR No, no, no. My people need me to get back to Asgard. We must prevent Ragnarok. HULK Rag-na-ruh? THOR The prophesied death of my home world, the end of days, it's the end of- (Hulk's blank stare) If you help me get back to Asgard, I can help you get back to Earth. HULK Earth hate Hulk. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 61. THOR Earth loves Hulk. They love you. You're of the Avengers. One of the team, one of our friends. This is what friends do. They support each other. HULK You're Banner's friend. THOR I'm not Banner's friend. I prefer you. HULK Banner's friend. THOR I don't even like Banner. (bad impersonation) "I'm into numbers and science and stuff." HULK Thor go. Hulk Stay. THOR Fine. Stay here. Stupid place. It's hideous, by the way. The red, the white. Just pick a color. Thor heads for the exit, a wide open door. HULK Smash you. THOR You didn't smash anything. I won that fight HULK I smashed you. THOR Yeah, sure, sure. HULK Baby Arms. THOR What? HULK Baby. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 62. THOR Moron! You big child. Thor heads to the open entrance. Hulk smiles, anticipating. HULK Thor go! THOR I am going. ZAP! Thor's jolted back by the obedience disk. There are perimeter sensors in the doorway. Hulk CHUCKLES at Thor as he hits the floor. Points. HULK Thor go again! (then:) Thor home. TIME CUT: Thor slumps against the wall, head sagging. Hulk grabs his giant battleaxe. He's armored up. HULK (CONT'D) Hulk trains. THOR That's great. Have fun. Hulk exits. Thor watches him go. Then, at the end of the hallway Hulk meets up with Valkyrie! They begin play- fighting, a clearly friendly rapport. Thor can't believe it. He runs to the entrance, but by the time he reaches the perimeter sensors they are gone. Thor sighs. Walks over to the window. Looks up through a wormhole, stars twinkling on the other end of it. THOR (CONT'D) A57 Heimdall, I know you can see me. A57 Thor continues his plea at the window. THOR (CONT'D) I need you to help me. Help me see. Pause. Then Thor's eyes go golden like Heimdall's! The stars in the wormhole begin to WARP OVER THOR AND- BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 63. AA57 INT. STREETS OF ASGARD - SAME AA57 Thor suddenly finds himself in Asgard. Disoriented at first, Thor turns to see Heimdall hiding in the shadows. Heimdall harshly SHUSHES Thor and gestures for him to get up against the wall. Thor complies. Sees the refugees. After a beat a roving patrol of Hela's Butchers creep by through the street. They don't spot our heroes. Pause. Heimdall turns to Thor, speaks only in hushed whispers. HEIMDALL I see you. But you are far away. THOR What's going on here? HEIMDALL Come see for yourself. Without warning, Heimdall leads the family out of the alley and DASHES down the street. Thor follows... ...but then stops. Looks around to see THE OCCUPIED CITY OF ASGARD, emitting a smoky aura of chaos. A chilling sight. Down the street, Heimdall gestures for the family to slow down. He sees something. Ushers them into an alcove. Thor joins them just in time to avoid being seen by another roving patrol of Hela's Butchers. Heimdall again motions for Thor to "shh" until the threat has passed. Then: HEIMDALL (CONT'D) I'm providing refuge in a stronghold build by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will is Bi-Frost. THOR You're talking about evacuating Asgard? HEIMDALL We won't last long if we stay. Thor LOOKS OUT on a ravaged Asgard, heartsick. Hold on the devastated Realm as: BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 64. HEIMDALL (O.S.) (CONT'D) She draws her power from Asgard and grows stronger everyday. Back to Thor and Heimdall. HEIMDALL (CONT'D) Come on. As Heimdall quickly leads refugees down a safe pathway: HEIMDALL (V.O.) (CONT'D) Hela is ravenous. If I let her leave, she'll consume the Nine Realms and all the cosmos. Turns back to Thor, approaches him. HEIMDALL (CONT'D) We need you. THOR I'm working on it, but I don't even really know where the hell I am. Two packs of Butchers arrive simultaneously. Spot Heimdall. HEIMDALL You're on a planet surrounded by doorways. Go through one. THOR Which one? Heimdall RIPS into the attacking Butchers, CUTTING them down. HEIMDALL The big one! WHOOSH! SUDDENLY THOR'S GONE! BLACK. After slashing through the Butchers, Heimdall moves towards the house where he hid the family... and then abruptly stops. Heimdall turns slightly. He sees something. BINOCULARS POV: Heimdall looking right at us, the Bi-Frost sword visible in his hand. Reveal Skurge on a palace tower balcony, surveilling the city with Asgardian E-noculars. Skurge lowers the E-noculars. There is conflict on his face. He knows that he should report this to Hela immediately...yet he doesn't spring into action. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 65. 57 INT. HULK'S WARRIOR SUITE - NIGHT 57 Thor absentmindedly fidgets with his Obedience Disk. THUD! THUD! THUD! ...resonates around the room. Hulk steps up to Thor, looking inquisitively down at him. HULK Thor sad. THOR Shut up. Hulk HITS Thor, bullying him into opening up. HULK THOR SAD!!! Thor hops up, YELLS in Hulk's face. Paces around. THOR I'm not sad, you idiot. I'm pissed off! Angry. I lost my father. I lost my hammer. THUD! THUD! He turns to see Hulk punching his pillow. Hulk stops. Stares. HULK Whining and crying. Cry like baby. THOR You're not even listening. Thor KICKS a random helmet. HULK Don't kick stuff. THOR You're being a really bad friend. HULK You bad friend! THOR You know what we call you? HULK No. THOR We call you the stupid Avenger. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 66. HULK You're tiny Avenger! Hulk throws a shield that nearly decapitates Thor. THOR What, are you crazy? HULK Yes. THOR You know what? Earth does hate you. Hulk gets sad. Wanders over to his bed to mope. Thor realizes he went to far. Joins Hulk on the bed. HULK No. THOR I'm sorry I said those things. You're not the stupid Avenger. Nobody calls you the stupid Avenger. HULK It's okay. THOR You just can't go around throwing shields at people. Could have killed me. HULK I know. I'm sorry. I just get so angry all the time. Hulk always, always angry. THOR I know. We're the same, you and I. We're just a couple of hot-headed fools. HULK Yeah, same. Hulk like fire, Thor like water. THOR We're kind of both like fire. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 67. HULK But Hulk like real fire. Hulk like raging fire. Thor like smoldering fire. THOR Hulk, I need you to do something for me. TIME CUT: Morning. BA-BOOM! BA-BOOM! BA-BOOM! We follow Two Palace Guards as they enter Hulk's Suite. Hulk is throwing a LARGE BALL against the far wall. It's so hard it makes dents in the wall. Hulk stops and turns. Reveal that the guards are escorting Valkyrie. They leave... Valkyrie and Hulk face off. HULK Angry girl! Val bounds forward and gives The Incredible Hulk a big hug. Hulk laughs and then begins playfully roughhousing with Val. VALKYRIE What's going on? What do you...? Hulk steps away, allowing Valkyrie to see Thor. Her smile disappears. She stares at Hulk, so annoyed. Hulk mopes a little. Like, "I done bad." Turns back to Thor: VALKYRIE (CONT'D) You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone? THOR We need to talk. VALKYRIE No, you want to talk to me. Valkyrie turns to leave. THOR (to Hulk:) I need her to stay. Valkyrie is at the exit when the UPPER JAWBONE of Hulk's massive skull bed CRASHES into frame, BLOCKING the doorway. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 68. Val shoots an annoyed sneer at Hulk. Hulk SNORTS back. HULK Stay! Please? Valkyrie looks him up and down. Obedience Disks to the max. Hulk begins BOUNCING his ball against the wall again. Valkyrie walks over to Hulk's bar, picks up an UNOPENED BOTTLE of liquor. Hulk snorts, disapprovingly. Val puts it down and finds something cheaper, she pops the cork. VALKYRIE All right. Here's the deal. I'll listen to you till this is empty. She TIPS BACK the bottle and starts CHUGGING. THOR Asgard is in danger and people are dying. We need to get back there. I need your VALKYRIE Finished. Bye. She has indeed finished. She goes to leave. THOR Odin is dead. Valkyrie stops short (the BALL BANGING noise continues). Her silence speaks volumes. Thor has a realization. THOR (CONT'D) Hela, the Goddess of Death has invaded Asgard. VALKYRIE If Hela's back then Asgard is already lost. THOR I'm going to stop her. VALKYRIE Alone? THOR Nope. I'm putting together a team. It's me, you, and the big guy. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 69. HULK No team. Only Hulk. THOR It's me and you. VALKYRIE I think it's only you. THOR Wait. Just listen. The Valkyrie are legend, elite warriors of Asgard. You are sworn to defend the throne. VALKYRIE I'm not getting dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles. THOR What's that supposed to mean? VALKYRIE Your sister. Her power comes from Asgard, same as yours. Hulk's ball rolls into frame. An off screen GRUNT. Val picks it up and tosses it back to Hulk. VALKYRIE (CONT'D) When it grew beyond Odin's control, she massacred everyone in the palace and tried to seize the throne. When she tried to escape her banishment, he sent the Valkyrie in to fight her back. I only survived because... (trails off, brooding) Look, I already faced her once back when I believed in the throne, and it cost me everything. THAT'S what's wrong with Asgard. The throne, the secrets, the whole golden sham. Pause. Thor moves towards Valkyrie, goes to put a comforting hand on her shoulder. THOR I agree. Val SNATCHES his hand. They are close, face to face. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 70. VALKYRIE Don't get familiar. THOR I agree. That's why I turned down the throne. But this isn't about the crown. This is about the people. They're dying and they're you're people, too. Val SHOVES him away. Thor stumbles back. VALKYRIE Forget it. I have. THOR (nods, understanding) Okay. VALKYRIE Okay. THOR Good. Great. VALKYRIE Great. THOR Thank you. VALKYRIE For what? THOR For this. Reveal that Thor has lifted the fob device off Val's belt! THOR (CONT'D) Didn't see that did you? Thor presses the button and ALL THE OBEDIENCE DISKS EMBEDDED IN HIS NECK AND BELT POWER DOWN! Confident smirk. THOR (CONT'D) There... that's better. You know, go ahead. Stay here and get drunk and enslave people for that lunatic. Keep drinking. Keep hiding. (beat) But me... BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 71. Thor gestures for Hulk to toss him the ball. Hulk does. THOR (CONT'D) I choose to run toward my problems and not away from them. Because that's what... Thor HURLS IT at the MAIN WINDOW - It bounces off, hitting Thor in the face. He stands, facing Valkyrie. THOR (CONT'D) Because that's what heroes do. Thor then SMASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW! Hulk STANDS... HULK Friend Stay! 60 EXT. GRANDMASTER'S PALACE - DAY 60 Thor is sliding down the SIDE of the GRANDMASTER'S TOWER. He LAUNCHES HIMSELF OFF THE BUILDING and hurtles downward, LANDING casually on the street below. Finally free. 61 EXT. THE STREETS OF SAKAAR - CONTINUOUS 61 Thor is HAULING ASS. Never slowing down, Thor keeps the top of the arena in sight. A few blocks back: Hulk is in pursuit. He's BUMPING people, SWATTING vehicles out of the way, just being a menace. On Sakaar, the citizens APPLAUD for him! Even when Hulk DEMOLISHES a man's food cart, the man CHEERS Hulk on! 62 EXT. MASSIVE ALIEN JUNKYARD - CONTINUOUS 62 Thor SPRINTS in. Looks around. Man, this place is big. He RUNS down aisles of crushed and stripped spacecrafts, a giant smelter, and then into what looks like a used car lot. And then he sees it. The Quinjet! 63 INT. QUINJET - CONTINUOUS 63 Thor enters and rushes to the controls. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 72. THOR All right. Come on. He is pressing buttons and flipping switches. After a beat- -the flight deck POWERS UP! Thor places his hand on a pad which SCANS his handprint. Lights up green. QUINJET (V.O.) Voice verification required. THOR Thor. QUINJET (V.O.) Access denied. THOR Thor, son of Odin. QUINJET (V.O.) Access denied. THOR God of Thunder. QUINJET (V.O.) Access denied. THOR Strongest Avenger. QUINJET (V.O.) Access denied. THOR Strongest Avenger! QUINJET (V.O.) Access denied. THOR Damn you, Stark. (rolls his eyes) Point Break. QUINJET (V.O.) Welcome, Point Break. CAH-RUNCH! Hulk BARGES IN through the Quinjet door! The Hulk approaches, scowling. Any metal that stands in his way PEELS BACK. Frantic, Thor turns to the Quinjet's console. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 73. HULK Friend stay! THOR No, no, no! As Hulk enters, he DESTROYS the hull of the Quinjet. HULK Stay! THOR Stop! Stop breaking everything! HULK Don't go! Thor triggers a message on the flight console. NATASHA (V.O.) Nice work, big guy. We don't know where Ultron's headed, but you're going very high, very fast. Hulk stops short. His whole demeanor changes. Thor steps out of the way so that Hulk can see a recorded message from NATASHA ROMANOFF on the console. NATASHA (V.O.) ...So, I need you to turn this bird around, okay? We can't track you in stealth mode... Hulk is now right up against the console screen. NATASHA (V.O.) ...So I need you to help me out. Okay? I need you to... HULK No! No, Banner! Hulk CONVULSES. Drops to his hands and knees. His whole body warping. Hulk ROARS and GRABS at his face, SHAKING his head, trying to fight this back. But he can't help it... ...HE'S TRANSFORMING BACK INTO BRUCE BANNER! The transition is rough and chaotic, it's as if Banner is fighting to get out of the Hulk. Throughout the process, Hulk SMASHES back and forth, further WRECKING the Quinjet. And then, calm. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 74. Thor rushes to Banner's side to help ease the transition. THOR Banner. Hey, hey, hey. You all right, Banner? Sun's going down. Sun's going down. That's it, breathe. I won't hurt you. Sun's going down. BANNER ...Thor? THOR Yeah. Banner is groggy, disoriented. Thoughts, memories, and observations begin to flood his brain randomly. BANNER What happened to your hair? THOR Some creepy old man cut it off. BANNER It looks good. THOR Thanks. BANNER Where are we? How's Nat? THOR Nat is good, I'm sure. BANNER And what about Sokovia? THOR Sokovia? BANNER The city, Sokovia. Did we save it? THOR Banner, listen. BANNER What? THOR Sokovia. Ultron. That was two years ago. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 75. BANNER What are you saying? I've been Hulk for two years? THOR I'm afraid so. Banner's eyes BULGE. Trying to process this information. BANNER What the hell happened? Banner rushes to his feet. Thor follows. THOR Banner, there's something you should know... Banner goes to the flight console. QUINJET (V.O.) Voice Activation required. BANNER Banner. QUINJET (V.O.) Welccome, Strongest Avenger. THOR (puzzled) What? BANNER Ship's log... THE SHIP'S LOG POPS UP ON SCREEN. FROM BEHIND THE DISPLAY (within the monitor looking out) we see fragmented images of the Hulk's trip through deep space. We see the angry green giant thrash around in zero gravity. We see Hulk closer to the camera now, looking stressed and car sick. THROW FOCUS to see Banner's face watching the video, Hulk's freaked out face is super-imposed over Banner's freaked out face. BANNER (CONT'D) Thor, where are we? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 76. THOR Yeah, about that. Banner hears: GRANDMASTER (O.S.) It's bad news, bad news today. Banner rushes over to the windshield. Through it he sees- -Grandmaster, his hologram projection towering over the city. GRANDMASTER (CONT'D) Sakaar, hear ye. Attention please. I have some bad news. My beloved, exalted Champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets. Celebrate my champion. BANNER Who's that? THOR He kind of runs the place. You actually lived in his house. Back to Banner. A distant, confused stare. BANNER I did? THOR Yeah. Quite a lot's happened. You and I had a fight recently. BANNER Did I win? THOR No, I won. Easily. BANNER Doesn't sound right. THOR Well, it's true. GRANDMASTER It seems that that criminally seductive Lord of Thunder has stolen him away. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 77. THOR Seductive GOD of Thunder. We need to move. BANNER Oh, no. This is bad. This is really, really bad. Thor, I think I'm freaking out. THOR No, no, no. Don't freak out. You're okay. Put these on. Thor tosses Banner some clothes. Banner looks at them. BANNER These are Tony's clothes. THOR I know, come on. BANNER Is he here? THOR No, he's not here. But listen. Just stay calm, okay? The sun's going down. The sun's getting really low. Sun's going down. 67 INT. GRANDMASTER'S CHAMBERS - DAY 67 Loki and Valkyrie are brought before Grandmaster, who has at least tripled the amount of bodyguards around him. GRANDMASTER I'm upset! I'm very upset. You know what I like about being upset? Blame. Right now, that's the mindset that I'm in. And you know who I'm blaming? LOKI Grandmaster, I- GRANDMASTER Hey! Don't interrupt me! Topaz hands the melt stick to the grandmaster. TOPAZ Here you go. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 78. GRANDMASTER Why are you handing me the melt stick? He was interrupting. That's not a capital violation. (refocuses) My precious champion has come up missing and its all because of that Lord of Thunder. It's all because of him. (to Loki) YOUR brother. Whatever the story is. Adopted, or complicated. I'm sure there's a big history. (to Valkyrie) And YOUR contender. LOKI My dear friend, if you were to give me twelve hours I could bring them both back to you. VALKYRIE I can do it in two. LOKI I could do it in one. GRANDMASTER You know what? I woke up this morning thinking about a public execution. But for now, I'll settle for this sweet little "who's gonna get him first?" So you're on the clock. 64 INT. GRANDMASTER'S PALACE - DAY 64 Valkyrie exits in a hurry. Loki follows her. LOKI What have you done!? Val reverses position, putting Loki up against the wall. VALKYRIE I don't answer to you, lackey. LOKI It's Loki. And you will answer to the Grandmaster. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 79. Loki moves to reverse position again, but Val BREAKS AWAY, drawing her TWO BLADES. In response, Loki UNSHEATHES two long Sakaarian daggers. They eye each other, and then- -FIGHT! A fast-paced and deadly battle of knives. After a few exchanges, Val connects a BIG SHOT that SLAMS Loki into the wall. He scowls. LOKI (CONT'D) Why would you help my brother escape with that green fool? VALKYRIE I don't help anyone. Loki trails off. He sees her wrist markings. A realization. LOKI You're a Valkyrie. I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths? Now Val ATTACKS Loki! She gets him up against the wall, her blade against his throat. She looks ready to kill him. VALKYRIE Choose your next words wisely. LOKI Terribly sorry. Must be a very painful memory... Quick as a rattlesnake, Loki GRABS Val's head and CASTS an illusion. Val's eyes CLOUD OVER with darkness as we go to: 65 EXT. HELA'S DIMENSION - FLASHBACK 65 A barren black void of death. The VALKYRIE, in old school Asgardian armor, charge through the DIMENSIONAL RIFT, an open portal to Asgard and the Nine Realms. Val witnesses these events as moments frozen in time. - Reveal Hela in all her glory, black lightning everywhere. - Dozens of Valkyrie falling through the dark space. - The Valkyrie's winged horses lay dead on the battlefield. - Through the open portal we can see the throne of Asgard. - Hela advancing on the final few Valkyrie - one is Val, frozen in fear, shell-shocked. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 80. - Hela FIRING black weapons at Val... - One of Val's sisters DIVING IN at the last second, SHOVING VAL back through the PORTAL and taking the fatal hit! - Val lands hard in the Throne room. - Val scrambling to her feet and trying to re-enter the rift but it's too late. It closes, the last image she sees is Hela dealing the final killer blow to her doomed Valkyrie sisters. 66 EXT. GRANDMASTER'S PALACE - CONTINUOUS 66 We find Val on her knees in front of Loki, trembling from this visceral memory that she's tried so hard to suppress. She turns on Loki, raging, and knocks him out. 69 EXT. SAKAAR - STOOP - DAY 69 BANNER sits, groaning, head in his hands. THOR is beside him, rubbing his back and on the lookout for threats. THOR The sun's going down. It's getting really low. The sun's going down. It's getting real low. BANNER Would you stop saying that!? THOR I just need you to stay calm. BANNER Calm!? I'm on an alien planet! THOR It's just a planet. You've been on a planet before. BANNER Yeah! One! THOR Now you've been on two. That's a good thing. It's a new experience. BANNER My neurons, they're firing faster than my brain can handle the information. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 81. BANNER (CONT'D) The whole thing is totally different this time. (beat) In the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel, but this time it's like he had the keys and I was locked in the trunk. THOR Alright, well, you're back now, that's all that matters. BANNER No, it's not what matters. What I'm trying to tell you, is that if I turn into the Hulk again, Banner may never come back. And we're stranded on a planet that is designed to stress me out. THOR We're not stranded, I'm gonna figure out a way to get us home. BANNER Thank you. THOR Not your home, though. Asgard. BANNER What? THOR Listen, my people are in great danger. You and I, we have to fight this really powerful being who also happens to be my sister. BANNER Okay, that is so wrong on so many... I don't wanna fight your sister. That's a family issue. THOR No, she's an evil being. BANNER I don't care what she is. I'm not fighting any more beings. I'm sick of it. I just told you. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 82. BANNER (CONT'D) If I turn into the Hulk, I am never gonna come back again. And you don't care. THOR No, no. I'm putting together the team. The Hulk is the fire. BANNER Wait, you're just using me to get to the Hulk. THOR What? No! BANNER It's gross. You don't care about me. You're not my friend. THOR No! I don't even like the Hulk. He's all like... "smash, smash, smash." I prefer you. BANNER Thanks. THOR But if I'm being honest, when it comes to fighting evil beings, he is very powerful and useful. BANNER Yeah, Banner's powerful and useful, too. THOR Is he though? BANNER How many PhDs does Hulk have? Zero. How many PhDs does Banner have? Seven. THOR Fine, you don't have to fight anyone. But we're in danger here, so we have to move. Thor grabs a towel from the ground next to him. He puts the towel over his head. BANNER What are you doing with that? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 83. THOR I need a disguise. I'm a fugitive. BANNER I need a disguise. THOR You are the disguise. Banner finds a pair of Stark's sunglasses in his jacket. BANNER I'll be Tony Stark. THOR What? BANNER Yeah. Tony and the gypsy. THOR No, no you're not Tony. You're Bruce Banner. BANNER Then why did you dress me up like Tony? THOR Because you were naked. BANNER Okay, I'll give you that. They stand up. Banner adjusts his crotch. THOR What are you doing? Stop doing that! BANNER Tony wears his pants super tight! THOR Why are you being so weird? BANNER I don't know. Maybe the fact that I was trapped for two years inside of a monster made me a little weird. Banner flashes green. Thor calms him down. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 84. THOR Hey. It's okay. You're good. Calm down. Come on. Listen, we're gonna go to Asgard and you're not gonna have to think about the Hulk ever again. All right? BANNER All right. WHAP! Banner gets nailed in the face with green paint. Caught off guard, Thor and Banner are swept off into- 69A EXT. PARADE OF VICTORS - CONTINUOUS 69A It's a massive street festival where revelers dance and cheer while throwing powdered paint at each other... in celebration of Hulk! Green EVERYWHERE! Inside the parade it is total chaos. Thor searches for Banner as he's PELTED with green powder. Pandemonium. In the crowd Thor sees a pack of SCRAPPERS on the hunt for the reward. Thor spots Banner. He surges forward, GRABS Banner, and pulls him into another alley, but sees- -Valkyrie is approaching from down the alley! THOR This is bad. Banner! Banner! Thor pulls Banner back into the crowd. Thor briefly turns to see that he is no longer holding Banner's - it's the arm of a SMALL ALIEN who squeals in fright. Thor sees Banner across the crowd. Thor MUSCLES his way through the madness, knocking rowdy fans aside. He reaches Banner and holds him protectively, awkwardly trying to rub his shoulders. One of the aliens Thor knocked aside turns out to be a MASSIVE SCRAPPER. He rears up, turning on Thor and Banner. WHAM! From out of nowhere, Valkyrie CLOCKS this Scrapper with a brass knuckle right cross. The Scrapper DROPS. Thor looks at Val while clutching Banner like a child. THOR (CONT'D) Hi. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 85. VALKYRIE Hi. THOR I was gonna do that. VALKYRIE Yeah, well, I did it first. THOR That's good. What are you doing here? VALKYRIE What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving. THOR I got sidetracked. VALKYRIE What's with the... THOR It's my disguise. VALKYRIE But I can see your face. THOR (covers his face) Not when I do this, you can't. (then:) Your hair looks nice. I like what you did with it. Change it? Washed it maybe? Valkyrie just rolls her eyes, takes Thor by the arm. BANNER (to Thor:) What are those things on her eyes? Are those the people that she's killed? She's so beautiful and strong... 69B EXT. SAKAARIAN STREET - MOMENTS LATER 69B Valkyrie escorts Thor and Banner through the street. VALKYRIE Who is this guy? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 86. THOR He's a friend. BANNER Who? Me? I'm Bruce. As Val leads them into Sakaarian apartment building. VALKYRIE I feel like I know you. BANNER I feel like I know you too. A72 OMITTED A72 72 OMITTED 72 A73 INT. SAKAARIAN BUILDING - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS A73 Continue down the hallway. VALKYRIE Look, I've spent years in a haze trying to forget my past. Sakaaar seemed like the best place to drink and forget and to die one day. THOR I was thinking that you drink too much, and that probably was going to kill you. VALKYRIE I don't plan to stop drinking, but I don't want to forget. I can't turn away anymore. So, if I'm donna to die, well... it may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag. THOR Good. They arrive at a door. Before they enter: VALKYRIE Yeah. So I'm saying that I wanna be on the team. Has it got a name? THOR Yeah, it's called the Revengers. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 87. VALKYRIE Revengers? THOR Because I'm getting revenge. You're getting revenge. (to Banner:) Do you want revenge? BANNER I'm undecided. THOR Okay. VALKYRIE Also, I've got a peace offering. 73 INT. VALKYRIE'S APARTMENT - DAY 73 Valkyrie opens the front door, revealing- -Loki! He is as restrained as anyone could be, sitting in the middle of the apartment with a dozen chains around him. LOKIE Surprise. Thor TOSSES a bottle. It BOUNCES off of Loki's head. LOKI OW! THOR Just had to be sure. LOKI Hello, Bruce. BANNER So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days? LOKI It varies from moment to moment. Val's apartment is a shithole. Bottles everywhere, blood- spattered clothes in the corner, a knife in the wall, etc. Banner gives Thor a look like "she might be crazy." Thor responds with a "No, she's cool" gesture. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 88. Val lays something on the bed. Unwraps it to reveal AN OLD ASGARDIAN SWORD. Thor's eyes go wide as she sharpens it. THOR Is that... a Dragonfang? VALKYRIE It is. THOR My God. This is the famed sword of the Valkyrie. VALKYRIE Sakaar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet is a wormhole just outside the city limits. A nice clean wormhole outside the city. VALKYRIE (CONT'D) Refuel on Xandar and be back in Asgard in around 18 months. THOR Nope. We're going through that one. Thor points at the nightmare tornado wormhole over the ocean. VALKYRIE The Devil's Anus? BANNER Wait, whose anus are we going through? THOR For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it. BANNER That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside of an Einstein- Rosen Bridge. VALKYRIE We need another ship. That would tear mine to pieces. THOR She's right. We need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 89. Banner gives Thor a quizzical look. BANNER And has an offline power steering system that could also function without the on-board computer. VALKYRIE And we need one with cup holders, because we're gonna die. So, drinks! BANNER Do I know you? I feel like I know you. VALKYRIE I feel like I know you, too. It's weird. THOR (to Banner:) What do you say, doctor? Uncharted metagalactic travel through a volatile cosmic gateway. Talk about an adventure. Thor and Banner high five as Val stares at them blankly. BANNER THOR (CONT'D) We need a ship. Need a ship. VALKYRIE There are one or two ships, absolute top-of-the-line models-- LOKI I don't mean to impose, but the Grandmaster has a great many ships. I may eve have stolen the access codes to his security system. All eyes turn to Loki. Valkyrie throws her bottle at him. It smashes above his head. VALKYRIE And suddenly you're overcome with an urge to do the right thing. LOKI Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 90. LOKI (CONT'D) And in exchange for codes and access to a ship I'm asking for safe passage...through the anus. THOR You're telling us you can get us access into the garage without setting off any alarms? LOKI Yes, brother. I can. BANNER Okay, can I just... A quick FYI, I was just talking to him just a couple minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us. VALKYRIE He did try to kill me. THOR Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "Yeah, it's me!" And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time. Loki suppresses a smile. VALKYRIE If we're boosting a ship, we're gonna need to draw some guards away from the palace. LOKI Why not set the beast loose? THOR Shut up. VALKYRIE You guys have a beast? THOR No, there's no beast. He's just being stupid. We're going to start a revolution. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 91. BANNER Revolution? THOR I'll explain later. VALKYRIE Who's this guy again? THOR I'll explain later. 74 OMITTED 74 75 INT. THE ARENA - GLADIATOR CELLS - MOMENTS LATER 75 Korg sits with his cell mates. He's talking to Miek. KORG Is that some sort of protoplasm, all the stuff that's coming out of you? Or are they eggs? Looks like eggs. Suddenly his Obedience Disk POWERS DOWN. No longer glowing. As Korg stands up, Valkyrie appears at the door to his cell. VALKYRIE I'm looking for Korg. KORG Who's asking? I know you're asking. Is anyone else asking, or is it just you? Valkyrie tosses him a high-tech rifle. VALKYRIE The Lord of Thunder sends his best. KORG My revolution has begun... 76 INT. GRANDMASTER'S CHAMBERS - DAY 76 Grandmaster speaks with Topaz who now wears battle armor. GRANDMASTER Revolution? How did this happen? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 92. TOPAZ Don't know. But the Arena's mainframe for the Obedience Disks have been deactivated and the slaves have armed themselves. GRANDMASTER Oh! I don't like that word! TOPAZ Mainframe? GRANDMASTER No. Why would I not like "mainframe?" No, the "S" word. TOPAZ Sorry, the "prisoners with jobs" have armed themselves. GRANDMASTER Okay, that's better. CHA-CHNK! SOUNDS OF MACHINERY as the whole space starts moving. A different angle reveals that we are in- A77 EXT. THE STATESMAN - CONTINUOUS A77 Grandmaster's chambers are actually the oversized cockpit of a A HUGE RIOT CONTROL SHIP (The Statesman) that can dock itself indefinitely within the palace! The Statesman has DISLODGED from the palace and is now flanked by six smaller Sakaarian peace-keeping ships, all headed towards the city where RIOTING can be heard. 77 INT. GRANDMASTER'S PALACE - GROUND LEVEL - CONTINUOUS 77 Thor waits as Loki enters codes to a door's security panel. THOR Hey, so listen, we should talk. LOKI I disagree. Open communication was never our family's forte. THOR You have no idea. I've had quite the revelation since we spoke last. The door opens, revealing a bunch of guards. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 93. Thor and Loki heft up two Sakaarian guns. THOR (CONT'D) Hello! LOKI Hi! Thor and Loki BLAST all the guards, moving to another door. LOKI (CONT'D) Odin brought us together, it's almost poetic that his death should split us apart. We might as well be strangers now. "Two sons of the crown" set adrift. A guard tries to ambush Loki through the door. Thor TAKES OUT the guard. THOR Thought you didn't want to talk about it? 79 INT. GRANDMASTER'S PALACE - ELEVATOR - CONTINUOUS 79 Thor and Loki are going up. LOKI Here's the thing. I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar. THOR That's exactly what I was thinking. LOKI ...Did you just agree with me? THOR This place is perfect for you. It's savage, chaotic, lawless. Brother, you're going to do GREAT here. LOKI Do you truly think so little of me? Thor pauses, considers his brother. Then: THOR Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But, at the end of the day, you're you, I'm me... (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 94. THOR (CONT'D) I don't know, maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago. Loki is wounded by Thor's willingness to discard him. Masks his feelings with: LOKI It's probably for the best that we never see one another again. Beat. Thor pats Loki affectionately on the shoulder. Hold on Loki. Did Thor just get through to him? THOR That's what you always wanted. Beat. Then: THOR (CONT'D) Hey, let's do "Get Help." LOKI What? THOR "Get Help." LOKI No. THOR Come on, you love it. LOKI I hate it. THOR It's great. IT works every time. LOKI It's humiliating. THOR Do you have a better plan? LOKI No. THOR We're doing it. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 95. LOKI We are not doing "Get Help." 80 OMITTED 80 82 INT. GRANDMASTER'S PRIVATE GARAGE - CONTINUOUS 82 Multi-tiered platforms with dozens of cool spaceships. The elevator doors open. Thor supports Loki's weight with Loki faking a fatal injury. THOR Get help! Please! My brother, he's dying. A small group of Sakaarian guards turn toward Thor and Loki. One guard aims his gun at them. THOR (CONT'D) Get help! Help him! Thor picked up Loki and flings him at the guards, knocking them down like bowling pins. Loki stands up and Thor steps to Loki's side. THOR (CONT'D) Classic. LOKI I still hate it. It's humiliating. THOR Not for me, it's not. THOR (CONT'D) Which one's the ship she told us to get? LOKI (points) The Commodore. The COMMODORE starship. Brand new, solidly built, sleek. As they walk towards it a DUPLICATE LOKI FORMS and LAGS BEHIND. The Loki walking with Thor is an illusion. LOKI (CONT'D) Though I feel it won't make much of a difference... BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 96. We follow the real Loki as he slinks away towards the security system panel. He activates the panel and brings up a screen that will set off all the alarms palace-wide! THOR (O.S.) Oh, Loki. Loki turns to see Thor looking not at all surprised. LOKI I know I've betrayed you many times before, but this time it's truly nothing personal. The reward for your capture will set me up nicely. He triggers the alarm. 82B INT. GRANDMASTER'S PRIVATE GARAGE - CONTINUOUS 82B THOR Never one for sentiment, were you? LOKI Easier to let it burn. But then Loki sees Thor holding up a fob device. Loki realizes that Thor affixed an Obedience Disk on him in that heart-to-heart moment. THOR I agree. BZZZT! Thor ZAPS Loki and HOLDS DOWN the button. Loki HITS the ground, WRITHING in pain. Thor approaches. Pause. THOR (CONT'D) Oh brother, you're becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go. Thor continues to "think about it" for a beat while Loki convulses in agony on the floor. Finally, Thor kneels down: THOR (CONT'D) See, Loki, life is about, it's about growth. It's about change. But you seem to just wanna stay the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the God of Mischief, but you could be more. I'll just put this over here for you. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 97. Thor places the fob on top of the security panel, so close but so far from Loki's paralyzed reach. THOR (CONT'D) Anyway, I got places to be so good luck. 82C INT. COMMODORE SHIP - MOMENTS LATER 82C Thor is seen in the cockpit. THOR All right, I can figure this out. It's just another spaceship. 83 EXT. GRANDMASTER'S PALACE - MOMENTS LATER 83 The massive garage doors OPEN. This sets off BLARING ALARMS to alert the palace of this unauthorized departure. The Commodore ship LIFTS OFF from the garage. In the cockpit Thor pushes forward on the throttle. The ship ZOOMS ahead. GRANDMASTER Loyal Sakaarians, Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and my favorite champion. Sakaarians, take to the skies. Bring him down. Do not let him leave this planet. BELOW: Pilots hastily RUSH to their Palace Patrol ships so as to pursue the Commodore. The first two ships out of the garage SWOOP AROUND behind Thor. The Patrol ships are LOCKING weapons on Thor when- -BOOM-BOOM! They are both blown out of the sky by- 84 INT. WARSONG SHIP - SAME 84 Val is all focus, flying and FIRING. Banner sits shotgun. BANNER Good shot! 85 EXT. SAKAAR - DAY 85 Thor's ship and Val's ship now ZIP through the city in tandem. On the horizon we can see- BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 98. -the Statesman, the enlarged Grandmaster, and his Riot Control team raining down hell on the revolting prisoners. 86 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 86 Thor in the pilot's seat. Val comes in over the radio. VALKYRIE (V.O.) Open the doors. Thor looks over the console. FLIPS a switch. 87 INT. WARSONG SHIP - CONTINUOUS 87 Valkyrie STEERS down, dropping altitude. Her whole ship spins upside down, yet her cockpit is still right-side up. VALKYRIE I hope that you're tougher than you look. BANNER Why? Val MAXES OUT the throttle. The ship ACCELERATES. When she's under Thor's ship, Val presses- -THE EJECT BUTTON! Banner is LAUNCHED OUT OF THE SHIP! 88 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 88 Thor at the controls. We hear an incoming scream of increasing volume. "aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" THUNK! Banner is SHOT UP into the ship. ROUGH LANDING. Banner casually lifts his arm up and gives a THUMBS UP. CLUNK! CLUNK! CLUNK! CLUNK! The ship is being fired upon by another pursuit vehicle. Banner joins Thor. BANNER Shouldn't we be shooting back or something? THOR Yes, we should. (into the radio:) Where are the guns on this ship? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 99. VALKYRIE (V.O.) There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel. THOR / BANNER WHAT?! VALKYRIE Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff. Thor and Banner look around. The CEILING has MIRRORS ON IT and the floor is covered in a Sakaarian PERSIAN RUG. BANNER Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies? THOR Yeah. Don't touch anything. CLUNK! CLUNK! CLUNK! More fire from behind. A89 INT. WARSONG SHIP - THE SAME A89 Val's ship is hit. She rotates the cockpit to face BACKWARDS and opens fire, taking out the attacking chase-ship. But now in Val's cockpit... Sparks. Smoke. Alarms. In the distance Val clocks the Grandmaster's Riot Ship raining terror down on the masses. A look of determination as she pops the HATCH above - her ship is now a convertible. 89 EXT. SAKAAR - CONTINUOUS 89 Meanwhile, Warsong ZOOMS out from under Thor's ship, still ACCELERATING. Val has turned her ship into a missile, and its trajectory is the Grandmaster's Riot Control Ship! Grandmaster is still taunting his former captives below when- -KA-BOOM! Warsong SLAMS into the Statesman, specifically the Grandmaster's projection! Enlarged Grandmaster stumbles, struggling to maintain his balance. Warsong EXPLODES while the Statesman is knocked off kilter and goes down for a hard landing in the market! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 100. 90 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 90 Thor and Banner witness the fiery explosion of Val's kamikaze flight path! THOR No! Thor experiences a brief instant of heartbreak/devastation... ...but then notices a spec coming out of the explosion. THWACK! Val hits the ship's windshield and grabs hold! Residual smoke wafting off of her. 91 OMITTED 91 92 EXT. SAKAAR - THE WASTELANDS - CONTINUOUS 92 Thor pilots the ship out of the city into the Wastelands as six Sakaarian fighter ships race after them in formation. The following dogfight will proceed across the Wastelands and then out over the Sakaarian Ocean. 93 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 93 Val is still on the windshield. GUNFIRE! One of the pursuing ships WINGS the Commodore, causing it to LURCH. THOR Get inside! VALKYRIE In a minute! Val pulls herself up and then RUNS DOWN THE ROOF OF THE SHIP! Thor and Banner follow the THUMPING of her footsteps. 94 EXT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 94 In full sprint, Val LEAPS OFF and- -LANDS HARD on the lead Sakaarian ship! Val begins TEARING into the enemy ship with her bare hands! 95 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 95 Thor and Banner exchange a look. Pause. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 101. THOR I should probably go and help. Thor abruptly exits, leaving Banner at the ship's controls. THOR (CONT'D) Here, take the wheel. BANNER No. I don't know how to fly one of these. THOR You're a scientist. Use one of your PhDs. BANNER None of them are for flying alien spaceships! 96 EXT. THE SAKAARIAN OCEAN - CONTINUOUS 96 Thor LEAPS into the middle of this high-speed dogfight! These two superhuman Asgardians begin jumping between their pursuer's ships, taking out guns, engines, and pilots with their bare hands. It's spectacular and epic. Thor RIPS out an engine block and uses it to crush a pilot. Val DRAGS her blades down the entire underbelly of a ship before BACKFLIPPING to another. Back and forth they go, even passing each other mid-flight a few times. One by one the Sakaarian ships GO DOWN. A97 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - SAME A97 Banner is frantically STEERING the ship, doing his best to dodge all the incoming fire. He peels away and is followed by Topaz, who is in her own chase-ship. Banner notices a button with a little explosion icon. BANNER Okay, come on. There's gotta be a gun on this thing. That looks like a gun. Banner PRESSES the button. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 102. The ship's lighting changes, like a disco effect. Weird dance music BLASTS over the PA, followed by Grandmaster's voice. GRANDMASTER (V.O.) It's MY BIRTHDAY! It's MY BIRTHDAY! It's MY BIRTHDAY. Banner is so confused. Then we hear FIREWORKS. B97 EXT. THE SAKAARIAN OCEAN - CONTINUOUS B97 MASSIVE PLUMES of powder paint SHOOT OUT of the ship followed by a huge colorful fireworks display. And then a rainforest's worth of confetti is dumped from the hull! Topaz is suddenly in the middle of a party smoke screen! She tries to fly her way through all the fireworks and streamers, but ultimately she hits a HARD CRASH LANDING in the ocean. BANNER Yeah! Meanwhile, Thor and Val land together on the one remaining Sakaarian ship. Val leaks a smile to Thor. Thor YANKS OFF the cockpit cover, Val TOSSES the pilot, and together they PUSH FORWARD on the throttle. The ship SPEEDS FORWARD. Just then Banner pulls the Commodore back on the scene, hovering above them. They LEAP UP towards the Commodore's open doors as the ship CRASHES and EXPLODES behind them! 97B INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 97B Thor and Valkyrie join Banner in the cockpit. VALKYRIE Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus! 97F INT. GRANDMASTER'S GARAGE - DAY 97F KORG and MIEK enter, leading a group of gladiator rebels. Korg sees and then points to the SUPERCRUISER. KORG There she is. Our ticket out of here. Hey, what's this? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 103. The OBEDIENCE DISK FOB on the ground. He picks it up. Korg then notices LOKI, TWITCHING and CONVULSING on the ground. He's barely made any progress towards the fob. Loki locks eyes with Korg, a desperate and furious plea. Korg looks at Loki, then at the fob, then back to Loki. Loki gives Korg a maniacal, pleading look. Korg gets it. He deactivates the obedience disk. Loki stands, dusts himself off. LOKI Thank you. KORG Hey man, we're about to jump on that ginormous spaceship. You wanna come? LOKI You do seem like you're in desperate need of leadership. KORG Why thank you. A98 OMITTED A98 B98 OMITTED B98 98 EXT. THE DEVIL'S ANUS WORMHOLE - CONTINUOUS 98 VALKYRIE Here we go! The Commodore ship is swallowed up by the towering nightmare that is the Devil's Anus wormhole. The ship's onboard computer SHORTS OUT. Darkness in the cabin. All around them the hull CREAKS. Under strain. The commodore heads toward the end of the wormhole. Debris flies past the camera. Thor, Val, and Banner all look like they are in extreme pain, as there's great concern the ship could be torn apart. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 104. 98A EXT. ASGARD - PLAZA - DAY 98A SKURGE ADDRESSES A CROWD OF ASGARDIANS. HELA BEHIND HIM leaning against FENRIS, her GIANT WOLF. SKURGE Asgardians, some misguided soul has stolen the Bifrost sword. Tell us where it is, or there will be consequences. Bad ones. We are now in the smoking ruins of Asgard. 100+ Asgardians have been forced to line in a large piazza, all exhausted, all scared. Patrolling the perimeter are Hela's Butchers. SKURGE (CONT'D) Well? Hela points to an Asgardian woman off camera. HELA You. Hela's butchers approach the crowd and find the Asgardian woman. Skurge closes his eyes and looks downward. ASGARDIAN CITIZENS No! Stop! Hela's butchers pull the Asgardian woman to the steps. They shove her and she falls tot he floor. The woman is on her hands and knees as Skurge turns to her. She trembles as Skurge holds his battle axe with both hands. HELA Well? Executioner? ASGARDIAN MAN Wait! I know where the sword is. 99 EXT. THE DEVIL'S ANUS WORMHOLE - DAY 99 The Commodore nears the end of the wormhole and is- -SPIT OUT into the calmness of outer space. 100 OMITTED 100 BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 105. 101 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS 101 Banner, Thor, and Valkyrie are all unconscious. Banner wakes up and looks outside, the stars reflected in the windshield. Thor and Valkyrie wake up. Outside they see- -THE REALM OF ASGARD, a flat city in the middle of an island floating in space. VALKYRIE (mixed emotions) I never thought I'd be back here. The ship descends into the clouds above Asgard. BANNER I thought it'd be nicer. I mean, not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire. THE SHIP CLEARS THE CLOUDS TO REVEAL- -ASGARD IN RUINS. A DEVASTATED GHOST TOWN. FIRES, WRECKED BUILDINGS, DEAD SOLDIERS. IT LOOKS LIKE ALL HOPE IS LOST. VALKYRIE Here, up here in the mountains. A projected map on the console shows the mountain where the stronghold is located. There is a red dot in the mountain, indicating where the Asgardian citizens are. VALKYRIE (CONT'D) Heat signatures. People clustered together. Hela's coming for them. THOR Okay, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away. VALKYRIE And get yourself killed? THOR The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you two to help get everyone off Asgard. BANNER How the hell are we supposed to do that? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 106. THOR I have a man on the ground. 101A INT. ASGARD/STRONGHOLD - DAY 101A Heimdall looks to the Asgardian Citizens. HEIMDALL Asgard. She's here. 109 EXT. PALACE - PLAZA - DAY 109 Valkyrie is helping Thor load a MASSIVE ASGARDIAN BLASTER into the side of the Commodore. THOR Now the ship has guns. VALKYRIE I'll take it from here. Thor produces a bundle of FABRIC WITH GOLD AND WHITE PLATING. THOR I found this in the armory. Val immediately recognizes its significance. She doesn't want to be affected by this gesture, but can't help it. They share a look as the Commodore lifts off into the air. Before she's out of earshot, Val calls down: VALKYRIE "Your majesty." Don't die. You know what I mean. The Commodore flies away, leaving Thor on the balcony. 109A INT. THRONE ROOM - CONTINUOUS 109A Thor's footsteps ECHO through the empty space. He sees the items from the vault scattered beside the throne. Thor sees a chunk of plaster from the dismantled fresco. He picks it up and sees that this piece of fresco bears a portion of his own face. Thor then looks up, off camera. His eyes go wide. He looks up at the ceiling where his painting used to be and finds the original which depicts Odin and Hela conquering the nine realms, with Hela's butchers all around them. Hela holds Mjolnir. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 107. 106 OMITTED 106 107 EXT. ASGARD - MOUNTAIN RAVINE - DAY 107 Hela, cowl & headdress on, stands with Skurge outside of the mountain stronghold where Heimdall is hiding the refugees. Hela raises her arms and FIRES LONG THIN BLACK LANCES, which BURROW into crevices on the mountainside. From here, we TILT UP, looking straight at the sky. With the lances in place, Hela bears down. Summoning all her focus and energy, she begins to VIBRATE this manifestation of her powers, PUNCTURING crevices and splitting rock apart. The whole mountain begins to RUMBLE. 108 OMITTED 108 110 EXT. ASGARD - MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD - SAME 110 CRACK! Hela RIPS OPEN THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN! There is an avalanche of rock and debris. The mountain around the doors completely destroyed, the doors fall across the ravine, creating a bridge for Hela and Skurge. Hela waits patiently for the dust to settle and sees- -an empty stronghold. No sign of Heimdall or the refugees. 111 EXT. SECRET MOUNTAIN PATH - SAME 111 Heimdall leads the migration of refugees out the other side of the mountain onto a secluded mountain path. HEIMDALL We must keep moving! Go to the Bifrost! 112 INT. COMMODORE - DUSK 112 Banner flies the Commodore out across the city. Val puts on her gloves, cuff on her forearm, boots, and breastplate. She grabs her dragonfang sword and puts it at her side. Val mans the Blaster, and we see that she's changed into the CLASSIC WHITE & GOLD VALKYRIE ARMOR (Thor's gift). Bad ass. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 108. 113 EXT. MOUNTAIN STRONGHOLD - DUSK 113 Hela is about to throttle Skurge when- -A LOUD GONG SOUND. It's coming from far away, but the deep note resonates across the land. GONG-GONG-GONG-GONG! Hela looks to the Palace, her eyes narrowing with rage. 114 INT. THRONE ROOM - CONTINUOUS 114 Find Thor on the throne holding GUNGNIR - THE KING'S SPEAR, Odin's signature spear. SLAMMING the butt of it on the ground. GONG...GONG... Hela steps into the throne room. Headdress & cowl off. Thor stops the GONGING when he sees Hela. THOR Sister. Smiling, Hela gradually crosses the huge space towards Thor. HELA You're still alive. THOR I love what you've done with the place. Redecorating, I see. HELA It seems our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up. THOR Or to cast it out. (then:) He told you you were worthy. He said the same thing to me. Angle on Hela in the frescos, fighting with Mjolnir. HELA You see, you never knew him, not at his best. (nostalgic sigh) Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from? And then one day he decided to become a benevolent king. (MORE) BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 109. HELA (CONT'D) To foster peace, to protect life. (with teeth) To have you. THOR I understand why you're angry. And you are my sister, and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just...the worst. Hela puts on her headdress. HELA Okay, get up. You're in my seat. THOR (standing up) You know, Father once told me that a wise king never seeks out war. HELA But must always be ready for it. They CHARGE each other. 115 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - SAME 115 Heimdall leads the refugees out onto the bridge. But then he stops. Sensing something. At the far end of the bridge is FENRIS! The massive war wolf is guarding the observatory! HEIMDALL Go back! The refugees turn to retreat. Fenris CHARGES! GUNFIRE FROM ABOVE! The Commodore swoops onto the scene, Valkyrie manning the blaster and FIRING on Fenris, who stops his charge. As the refugees retreat, they come to a stop because... ...SKURGE IS LEADING AN ARMY OF BUTCHERS BEHIND THEM! Heimdall and the refugees are now trapped on the bridge between Fenris and Skurge! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 110. 116 INT. THRONE ROOM - CONTINUOUS 116 Hela and Thor fight, Hela wielding twin black blades. They CLASH and Thor BLOCKS an attack with Gungnir. They are face to face, Hela glaring at Thor. HELA To be honest, I expected more. Hela DISARMS him, sending Gungnir CLATTERING across the room. Hela strikes out sending Thor FLYING hard into a wall. 117 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - SAME 117 Hela's butchers stand behind Skurge. SKURGE Heimdall! The sword! The Butcher army CHARGES Val and Banner hold the remaining Butchers off with GUNFIRE. Heimdall is looking toward the palace, concern for Thor. But his attention soon goes back to protecting the mass of humanity behind him. He looks out to the Observatory HEIMDALL We must cross now! To Bi-Frost! Heimdall leads the refugees out onto the bridge. 118 INT. THRONE ROOM - CONTINUOUS 118 Hela PINS thor against the wall. HELA Here's the difference between us. I'm Odin's firstborn, the rightful heir, the savior of Asgard. (beat) And you're nothing. Hela PROJECTS a large spiked lance, Thor barely rolls out of the way before it PUNCTURES the wall. Thor HEADBUTTS Hela. It does nothing. Hela responds with her own HEADBUTT. It does a lot. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 111. HELA (CONT'D) So simple. Even a blind man could see it. Hela RAKES a black-clawed hand across Thor's face. In doing so, she RIPS OUT ONE OF HIS EYES! HELA (CONT'D) Now you remind me of Dad. 119 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - SAME 119 Asgardians CLASH with Hela's Butchers. Valkyrie keeps raining down fire on Fenris, but it is doing no real damage. Just pissing the wolf off. Fenris shakes off the bullets and resumes CHARGING. Heimdall sees Fenris charging and steps out in front of the refugees with his sword, preparing for the worst. 120 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - SAME 120 Valkyrie gives up shooting. VALKYRIE This stupid dog won't die! Banner looks down at the carnage below. Makes a decision. He gets up and heads for the bay doors. BANNER Everything's going to be okay. I got this. You want to know who I am? VALKYRIE What the hell are you talking about? BANNER You'll see. Banner LEAPS out of the ship! BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 112. 121 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS 121 Banner soars through the air. It's an awe-inspiring image as we follow Banner's trajectory downwards. His face is determined, arms churning, ready to Hulk out... ...except it doesn't happen. Worry washes over his face. SPLAT! Banner FACEPLANTS on the bridge, seeming to break every bone in his body. He looks dead. Pause. Fenris SNIFFS him curiously. We notice one vein on Banner's neck PUMPING GREEN. Then- -Banner suddenly EXPLODES UP as THE INCREDIBLE HULK, UPPER- CUTTING Fenris in the jaw! Hulk is now in a wrestling match with a beast four times his size - the two of them go TUMBLING into the water below. 122 EXT. PALACE BALCONY - SAME 122 Hela has Thor by the throat. She lifts him up to look over the balcony's ledge. HELA You see? No one's going anywhere. (then:) I'll get that sword even if I have to kill every single one of them to do it. Thor looks down. Distraught. Heartsick. 123 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS 123 Val pilots the Commodore towards the battle on the city side of the bridge. Skurge's battlion of Butchers surge forward- -BOOM! Val LANDS the Commodore on top of them, SKIDDING across the bridge, CRUSHING the front line of the Butchers, and KNOCKING Skurge aside. The impact triggers the party function, setting off PARTY MUSIC and a FIREWORKS DISPLAY. Val emerges from the ship in full battle mode. Behind her, the Commodore FIREWORKS provide a spectacular HERO BACKDROP. She draws DRAGONFANG and smiles as Butchers begin swarming towards her. She is where she needs to be. Meanwhile, the Asgardians huddle together, packed so tight that some begin to fall off the side of the bridge, loved ones grabbing them and pulling them back up. There's no hope. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 113. Heimdall FIGHTS off Butchers, but gets KNOCKED DOWN. Just as it looks like he's about to take a killing blow- -BAM! The Butcher is BLASTED. Korg steps into frame, holding the blaster! KORG Hey man. I'm Korg. This is Miek. Miek steps into frame, waving. KORG (CONT'D) We're going to jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Want to come? Heimdall is beyond confused, but then... a LOUD NOISE. Hela looks down to see- -EMERGING FROM THE THICK LOW-HANGING FOG IS LOKI! Resplendent in horns, arms spread wide, seeming to float towards the bridge like a mythical angel of mercy. LOKI Your savior is here! The fog dissipates around him, revealing that Loki's standing on THE GRANDMASTER'S SUPERCRUISER! For reasons that will become clear, we will henceforth call this ship THE ARK. And Loki is not alone. He's brought along all the prisoners from the Contest of Champions. Armed with gladiator weapons. The Ark slows to a stop at the middle of bridge. ABOVE: Even with Hela's hand on his throat, Thor can't help but smile at the sight of Loki. Hela however sneers. HELA That little shit. BELOW: Loki and the Sakaarian gladiators JUMP OFF the Ark and onto the bridge, joining the fight against Hela's forces. LOKI Did you miss me? Everybody on that ship, now. The Asgardian refugees begin POURING onto the ark. The only way onto the Ark is a narrow plankway, so there is an immediate bottleneck effect - thousands of frightened people all pushing for a chance at salvation. It's mayhem. Loki walks through the crowd to Heimdall. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 114. HEIMDALL Welcome home. I saw you coming. LOKI Of course you did. Loki joins Heimdall and the gladiators in fending off Hela's encroaching minions. 124 OMITTED 124 125 OMITTED 125 126 EXT. PALACE BALCONY - SAME 126 Hela is perturbed, but not enraged. She turns her gaze back to Thor for a final farewell. HELA A valiant effort, but you never stood a chance. Thor looks up from his friends protecting his people as they frenziedly board to Ark to- -the twilight stars coming out over Asgard. There's a glimmering of stardust in the sky. HELA (CONT'D) You see? I'm not a queen, or a monster. FLASH: PUSH IN ON ODIN AT THE CLIFFS. HELA (CONT'D) I'm the Goddess of Death. FLASH: PUSH IN ON ODIN AT THE CLIFFS. HELA (CONT'D) What were you the God of again? As Hela digs two blades into his chest, Thor SCREAMS... And everything goes SILENT. SKY. We PAN DOWN to- BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 115. 126A EXT. CLIFFS - DAY 126A - where we find Thor (dressed and injured as he was on the balcony), back in the sweeping fields where we met Hela for the first time. ODIN (O.S.) Even when you had two eyes you were only seeing half the picture. Thor turns to see his father, sitting where we last saw him. Thor falls to his knees. THOR She's too strong. Without my hammer I cannot-- ODIN Are you Thor, God of Hammers? Thor looks up, meeting his gaze. ODIN (CONT'D) That hammer helped you control your power, focus it. But it was never the source of your strength. Odin stands, as does Thor. THOR It's too late. She's already taken Asgard. ODIN Asgard is not a place. Never has been. (gestures around him) This could be Asgard. It is wherever our people stand. And right now those people need you. Odin turns to go. THOR I'm not as strong as you. ODIN No. You're stronger. As Odin turns to leave, a SHADOW in the shape of HELA'S HEADDRESS falls across him. He looks up and we are... BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 116. 126B EXT. PALACE BALCONY - CONTINUOUS 126B Thor looks up to the sky. She digs the blades deeper into Thor's chest. He groans in pain. Everything DARKENS as BLACK CLOUDS gather overhead. HELA Tell me brother, what were you the God of again...? CLOSE ON Thor's clenched fist, small arcs of electricity forming. -THE LOUDEST CRACK OF THUNDER YOU'VE EVER HEARD! In an instant, Thor and Hela are ENGULFED in a bolt of lightning!! KA-BOOM! Hela is BLASTED OUT of the lightning and sent CRASHING into the streets of Asgard. Her costume is tattered, the black extensions of her power hanging off her body in some places. She appears to be unconscious! All around Asgard, EVERYONE looks up at this massive strike. 127 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE (OBSERVATORY SIDE) - CONTINUOUS 127 BOOM! Thor LANDS HARD on his feet. Muscles swollen, veins pulsing with electricity. A living storm. Thor DIVES INTO THE FRAY. He moves like a bolt of lightning, SURGING through the army of Butchers in quick SLASHING JOLTS. 128 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE (CITY SIDE) - SAME 128 Valkyrie CHARGES into the ocean of Butchers. Wielding Dragonfang, backlit by the POPS of fireworks. 129 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE (HERO SHOT) - CONTINUOUS 129 Moving across the entire epic battle. On the city side, Valkyrie CUTS A SWATHE through the relentless onslaught of Butchers. Heavy damage. At the middle of the bridge, Heimdall helps load the fleeing Asgardians onto the Ark. Within the melee are Loki, Korg and the Sakaarians. Loki SLASHES through Butchers wielding his two long daggers. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 117. In the water below, Hulk and Fenris WRESTLE in an colossal clash of FISTS, CLAWS, and TEETH. Beyond that, Thor is wielding electrified weapons and BLASTING entire packs of Butchers off the bridge! Lost in the chaos is Skurge, who sees the tides turning. He throws down his axe and blends into the crowd. 130 OMITTED 130 131 OMITTED 131 132 EXT. ASGARD - WATER BELOW - CONTINUOUS 132 Fenris has Hulk in his mouth, underwater. Trying to drown the green goliath! Fenris' teeth PUNCTURE Hulk's skin. He BELLOWS, THRASHING. Hulk winds up and SLAMS Fenris in the snout! Fenris snaps back, revealing that- -THEY'VE REACHED THE REALM'S EDGE! Fenris is knocked off, plummeting off of Asgard into space. Hulk grabs hold of the slippery rocks, desperately trying to climb back as water pours down on him. A133 OMITTED A133 133 EXT. THE ARK - SAME 133 Asgardians continue RUSHING onto the ship. In the crowd we find Skurge! He's thrown a cloak over himself and is sneaking in amongst the refugees. 134 OMITTED 134 135 OMITTED 135 136 OMITTED 136 137 OMITTED 137 138 OMITTED 138 BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 118. 139 OMITTED 139 A140 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS A140 Our heroes have drastically thinned down the herd of Butchers. It's pandemonium. The Ark's engines are deafening, but you can still hear the sound of terrified people SCREAMING. Thor helps Loki to his feet. THOR You're late. LOKI You're missing an eye. Valkyrie finishes off a handful of enemies, but then notices something. She WHISTLES to get the others' attention. VALKYRIE This isn't over. All around the bridge, our heroes look to see- -Hela arriving at the far side of bridge. She is seething with power, a vision of death. Having just come out of this huge battle, they are all weary and nursing injuries. Loki and Val are hurting worse than Thor. Hela walks towards them. Menacing and deliberate. Thor, Loki, and Val step forward to protect the Asgardians. They huddle together. THOR I think we should disband the Revengers. LOKI Hit her with a lightning blast. THOR I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing. VALKYRIE We need to hold her off until everybody's on board. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 119. Thor looks at the people boarding behind him. THOR It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now. VALKYRIE What's our move? LOKI I'm not doing "Get help." Thor sees Hela approaching. He sees the palace behind her. He comes to a realization. THOR Asgard's not a place, it's a people. (then) This was never about stopping was about causing Ragnarok. (to Loki:) Go to the vault. Surtur's crown. It's the only way. LOKI (impressed) Bold move, brother. Even for me. Loki runs off, leaving Thor and Val to deal with Hela. THOR Shall we? VALKYRIE After you. Thor ATTACKS. They CLASH, kicking off this monumental confrontation. Hela manifests pitch black weapons to attack Thor, but Thor is conjuring powerful bolts of electricity with the same speed and ferocity. Just as Thor is surging with newfound lightning powers, Hela's powers seem to be enhanced as well. The battle is relentless and fast-paced. Thor is holding his own against Hela. Maybe they can win this thing. After several fearsome exchanges, Hela PUNCTURES his shoulder and then DARTS past him with startling speed. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 120. Undeterred, Thor RUSHES Hela again. Valkyrie joins in, forcing Hela to fight them both. BB140 EXT. THE ARK - SAME BB140 While the Asgardians still scramble to get on board above- -find the Commodore ship, swooping down below the bridge. BC140 INT. COMMODORE SHIP - CONTINUOUS BC140 Find Loki in the pilot's seat. LOKI This is madness. The ship ACCELERATES towards the palace of Asgard. BD140 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS BD140 Thor continues FIGHTING Hela while Valkyrie BLOCKS Hela's attempts to spear the Asgardians from afar. Hela isn't landing any fatal blows, but she's carving Thor up and making steady progress towards the Ark. However, the Asgardian refugees finally make it aboard. An injured Heimdall, Korg, and Miek are the last to get on. Thor and Heimdall make eye contact. Thor calls out: THOR GO! GO NOW! As the Ark's engines begin to POWER UP- -Hela HARPOONS Thor. He goes down, grimacing in pain. Hela begins to CONJURE AN ENORMOUS MANIFESTATION OF HER POWERS, A GIANT BLACK SPIKE FROM THE BEDROCK OF ASGARD THAT STABS THE ARK AND PREVENTS IT FROM LEAVING! Butchers begin to scramble up onto the Ark! B140 OMITTED B140 BE140 EXT. ARK - CONTINUOUS BE140 The refugees REACT IN TERROR as the Butchers begin CLIMBING from the bridge to the Ark. In the frightened crowd we find- BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 121. -Skurge, still cloaked. He sees innocent Asgardians huddled together, trying to protect their families. He's having a crisis of conscience. An epiphany. C140 OMITTED C140 D140 OMITTED D140 E140 INT. ODIN'S VAULT - SAME E140 LOKI rushes in and picks up Surtur's skull. As he walks towards the Eternal Flame, The Tesseract draws his attention. Tempting him. F140 EXT. THE ARK - CONTINUOUS F140 The first wave of Butchers arrives on board, heading straight for a cowering family. Just as they're about to be killed-- POW! POW! POW! The Butchers fall dead. Everyone turns to see SKURGE, now uncloaked, wielding his two M-16s from Texas. SKURGE For Asgard. Skurge runs forward, LEAPS off the Ark, and LANDS on the bridge right where all the Butchers are coming to life. BLASTING AWAY the Butchers before they can get aboard. Behind Skurge, the Ark begins to LIFT OFF. Skurge keeps FIRING and then- SKURGE (CONT'D) HELA! Hela turns to see Skurge blasting his way through her Butchers, trying to make his way to her. Disappointed, Hela FIRES a blade through Skurge's heart. Skurge has been killed... ...but the Ark now ASCENDS unfettered. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 122. 140 INT. ODIN'S VAULT - SAME 140 LOKI places Surtur's skull in the Eternal Flame. LOKI With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn. As the fire CRACKLES, Surtur's skull begins to GROW. 141 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS 141 Hela has Val in her clutches, but her focus is on the aftermath of Skurge's last stand and the Ark's subsequent escape. She's furious, about to unleash hell when- THOR (O.S.) HELA! Enough! Hela turns to see Thor, having yanked out the harpoon... ...and it looks like he's laying down his sword! THOR (CONT'D) You want Asgard? It's yours. HELA Whatever game you're playing, it won't work. You can't defeat me. THOR No, but he can. KA-BOOM! EXPLODING through the roof of the palace is SURTUR! This is a different Surtur than the opening. He is slowly but steadily GROWING in size, and he carries with him a massive flaming sword, which GROWS as well. Surtur's arrival literally SHAKES the bedrock of Asgard, causing FISSURES to spiderweb all around him, and DISLODGING some of the foundation on the bridge and around the palace. Hela's eyes go wide. She wasn't expecting this. HELA No...NO! A142 OMITTED A142 BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 123. B142 EXT. RAINBOW BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS B142 In the background the Ark continues its ascent, now high up above the city. Hela's attention is on Surtur as the palace COLLAPSES around him. So she is unprepared for- -SHLNK! Mustering up all her remaining strength, Val DRIVES Dragonfang through Hela's chest, effectively PINNING her to the bridge. Refocused on Val, Hela goes to deliver a death blow when- -Thor BOLTS forward! He PULLS Val from Hela's clutches. Thor turns and FIRES LIGHTNING INTO DRAGONFANG, which DISLODGES the section of the bridge that Hela is pinned to! The ground beneath Hela BREAKS FREE and she goes FALLING down into the expanding fissure in Asgard's bedrock. Badly injured, Thor and Valkyrie look up to see- -Surtur INCREASING in size, now towering over the palace. SURTUR Tremble before me Asgard, for I am your reckoning! Surtur swings his sword, destroying an entire city block. THOR and VALKYRIE look up. VALKYRIE The people are safe. That's all that matters. THOR We're fulfilling the prophecy. VALKYRIE I hate this prophecy. THOR So do I, but we have no choice. In the background, Hulk hops up onto the bridge. Looks around, zeroing in on Surtur. SURTUR Surtur destroys Asgard, he destroys Hela so that our people can live. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 124. Hulk CHARGES behind them, still unseen by Thor and Val. THOR We need to let him finish... (finally sees Hulk) No! HULK LEAPS UP AND LANDS ONTO SURTUR'S FACE and begins POUNDING the fire giant with furious punches! THOR (CONT'D) Hulk no! Stop it you moron!! It's not doing much damage, but the shock of it plus Hulk's impact makes Surtur take a destructive step back. Hulk is trying to rip out one of Surtur's horns when Surtur reaches up and GRABS HIM with a giant fiery hand. Surtur HURLS Hulk away from him. Sends him CRASHING DOWN. Hulk stumbles to his feet, dazed and SMOKING. After gathering his bearings, Hulk gets REALLY ANGRY and heads back towards Surtur for round two, but- THOR (CONT'D) Hulk, just for once in your life, don't smash! HULK But...big Monster. VALKYRIE Hulk! Let's go. Hulk stops. Looking between Surtur and Thor & Val. This is a real Sophie's Choice for Hulk. On the one hand, he really wants to kill that thing. On the other hand... HULK Friends. Hulk PICKS UP Thor and Valkyrie. He then squats down, and- -LEAPS WITH ALL HIS MIGHT! The trio SHOOTS UP into the night sky like a rocket blasting off. Their trajectory is heading right at the Ark as it reaches the lower orbit of Asgard. 142 EXT. ARK - PLATFORM - CONTINUOUS 142 Hulk lands gently, as though he were stepping out of bed. He casually DROPS Thor and Val, both exhausted. BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 125. 143 EXT. ASGARD - SAME 143 A bird's eye view shows TOTAL CARNAGE AND MADNESS on Asgard. Surtur has grown to EXTINCTION LEVEL SCALE. SLASHING AWAY at the landscape below, when suddenly- -A MASSIVE BLACK SPIKE EXPLODES FROM THE WATER AND SLAMS INTO SURTUR'S CHEST! From beneath the water, Hela EXPLODES back onto the scene, riding a huge spiked manifestation of her powers. She's going for Surtur. ATTACKING with all her might. Surtur winds up, holding his sword above his head. SURTUR I am Asgard's doom!! True to his word, Surtur fulfills his destiny and- -DRIVES HIS SWORD THROUGH HELA AND INTO THE HEART OF ASGARD! 144 INT. THE ARK - MAIN CABIN - SAME 144 Everyone watches as Surtur drives his sword through Asgard. KORG The damage is not too bad. As long as the foundations are strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all people and aliens of the universe... When the fiery sword touches the crystalline base of Asgard there is a VIOLENT DETONATION OF ENERGY! A CATACLYSMIC EARTHQUAKE! The entire realm is SPLIT IN TWO! In an instant, Thor's home is BLOWN TO PIECES. Asgard is gone. KORG (CONT'D) Nope, those foundations are gone. Sorry. Stay on Thor as he processes the decisions he's made. THOR What have I done? BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 126. Heimdall joins him. HEIMDALL You saved us from extinction. Asgard is not a place, it's a people. 145 EXT. SPACE - INDETERMINATE TIME 145 The Ark cruises among the chaos that once was Asgard. 146 INT. THE ARK - CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS 146 Thor looks at his reflection in a mirror. His wounds are bandaged, including his now missing eye. His armor is clean. Thor takes a beat, as though trying to get used to the sight of the man looking back at him. LOKI (O.S.) It suits you. Thor turns to reveal Loki standing by the door. A smile. THOR Perhaps you're not so bad after all, brother. LOKI Maybe not. THOR Thank you, Loki. Thor picks up a soap dish. THOR (CONT'D) And if you were here, I might even give you a hug. Thor THROWS the dish at Loki. Loki catches it. LOKI Do we have to hug now? Thor smiles. 147 OMITTED 147 148 OMITTED 148 BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 127. A149 EXT. THE ARK - SPACE A149 The giant cruiseliner is gliding through space, the twinkling of stars all around it. 149 INT. THE ARK - MAIN DECK 149 Thor steps out onto the main deck to see an assembly of both Asgardian and Sakaarian refugees awaiting their King. Thor looks over his people and begins to walk through the crowd. His subjects part, allowing him through. It is the antithesis of the opening coronation from the first THOR movie. The people aren't cheering and lauding him, but rather they are smiling. Humbly bowing. Grateful. And Thor isn't acting arrogant. Not trying to show off any swagger. He is stately. A contemplative and dignified king. At the end of the procession, Hulk, Loki, Valkyrie, and Heimdall stand next to the CAPTAIN'S CHAIR. VALKYRIE Your throne. Pause. Reluctant acceptance. Thor sits down. Flanking him on opposite sides are Valkyrie and Heimdall. Behind/towering above them is the Hulk. Loki joins them. HEIMDALL So, King of Asgard. Thor turns around to see THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE staring back, silently awaiting word from their new King. Now feeling the true weight of the crown, Thor takes a moment... and then: HEIMDALL (CONT'D) Where to? THOR I'm not sure. Any suggestions? Miek, what's your home planet? Angle on Korg, who is holding Miek (sans robot exoskeleton). KORG Oh, Miek's dead. I accidentally stepped on him on the bridge, I've just felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day... BLUE DRAFT 05/20/16 128. Miek WRIGGLES to life. Korg lights up. KORG (CONT'D) Miek, you're alive! He's alive everyone! What was your question? Thor looks forward, taking charge of this one. THOR Earth it is. CUT TO BLACK. THE END. TAG INT. THE ARK - DAY TAG THOR and LOKI look out the window. LOKI Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth? THOR Sure! They love me there. LOKI Let me rephrase: Do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to Earth? Thor smiles, getting it. Pats Loki on the shoulder. THOR Probably not. But don't worry, brother...I've got a feeling that everything's going to work out. Then through the window, they see- -THE MASSIVE FORM OF SANCTUARY-2, THANOS' WARSHIP approaching. TAG1 EXT. THE ARK - SAME TAG1 A wider view allows us to see all of Sanctuary-2, dwarfing the Ark in size. END.